Volume - 1 // Chapter - 18

2160 Words
~Warning: Incoming attacks nearby. A soft noise gently popping out inside Levi's head, a few seconds earlier than the actual attack launched by the Dungeon boss. It was a predictive move made by the System notification itself. Levi Furiman, who already stumbled and remained calm even in his tight situations, didn't bother the approaching stone ax smashing towards his very position. On top of that, he seemed happy while grinning and slowly opened his eyes, glaring into the eyes of the dungeon boss with a vicious, terrifying glare that can easily intimidate the enemies in a short period. At that moment; Everything that moving towards their surroundings had suddenly gone slow, like the time itself began slower and slower until it stopped completely. The only thing that can be moving around; Was the Eye of the Supreme Awakening. Constantly moving and scouting around inside its surroundings, while the possessor's body and mind remained unconscious. By that time frame, It only lasted at least 2 seconds after the time stopped all of a sudden. Not knowing the fact that the purpose of activating that kind of terrifying ability, was to made the Possessor much aware of his surroundings through the Eye of the Supreme Awakening, also the reason why he vigorously evading all kinds of attacks made by the Orc monsters while taking a counter-attack towards the nearest enemies nearby. But then, Levi's mind was already fixed. Began shouting towards the Dungeon boss' very existence, thinking that it might be stopping from its insanity against him. "Are you a.....?" Stone ax closely attaching towards his head. "DEMI-BEING?" Demi-Being --- One of the 8 Strongest Races the Balancer of Race entrusted the most. The Dungeon boss heard it, loud and clear. Not only the fact that he has a keen sense of hearing, but also the fact that hearing the name of its race that where they originated was very distinguished into his big, pointy ears. He immediately stopped his attack while it is in the middle of charging. Unfortunately, it was already too late for him to stop on his own, due to its weight that seemingly a quarter as heavy as himself (Weighs up to 280Kg.) Levi noticed it, as he saw the grip of the Dungeon boss that holds into the stone ax was slowly weakened, yet the impact was still strong enough to broke his inner limbs in an instant. To avoid that kind of terrible situation, he instantly deflecting it to stop the momentum and grabbing the wrist of the Dungeon boss to fly back towards where he came from. In just a mere second; Both of them stopped their movements for a while, with a bit slice of frustration on their face. Pista Rambutan saw everything from behind, couldn't be made to close his mouth due to excitement and terrified at the same moment. As he saw the Unknown Adventurer completely blocking the attack against the so-called dungeon boss without being pressured and surprised. "This kid.... I've never seen such strong guts and will on fighting like the one I saw just recently.." "This kid will be the one who became the strongest Adventurer in the world... Not today, but someday..." A clear prediction was made by Pista Rambutan, betting on himself against time and the future for the fate of Levi Furiman. . A moment later; The dungeon boss started to talk humanely. Trying to have a conversation with the lone, exceptional Adventurer. For starters, he begins introducing himself. "My name is Gwaco... I'm an Orc... I'm the leader of this dungeon." He tried to speak with patience. "My name is Levi Furiman... An Adventurer... Nice meeting you Gwaco!" He tried to speak with patience as well. The two completely paused once again after they finishing up their introduction, knowing that both of them had a 'Communication Disorder'. Pista Rambutan, on the other hand, had started eavesdropping after the two stopped fighting. Finally realized the name of the Adventurer who kept intriguing him all the time. "Levi..... Furi...man? what a lame name for the Strongest Adventurer... But anyway, I'll never forget his name..." ! Creak! ! Rumbling! /Stone and rocks slowly falling through the ground./ /Magic stones and its ground started to crumble./ /Land Quakes and intensities are slowly getting stronger./ As the two completely stopping from their actual doings, Gwaco finally started to say something to Levi Furiman for the second time, with a pale smile on his face and his eyes started returning into their normal state. From a vicious, monstrous glare to a tame-looking gesture. "Kill...Me... Levi Furiman." A soft gentle voice begging for being killed towards the lone Adventurer. Levi was surprised and began startled out as what he heard completely on Gwaco. With a huge regret and lack of experience of interacting with other people nor other beings. He starts to scold Gwaco as he thinks he was crazy enough to decide such gruesome things. "Are you kidding me? .... We only came to destroy the nest that you bastard made... That's all, nothing else." He scolded. "And besides, you guys are the ones attacking my comrades... We don't have any choice but to protect ourselves against your might and armies.... which are standing still right at the back of yours." He added while having a second thought of resisting. Gwaco completely understands the situations they are held in. It was quite opposite for both sides. Knowing the fact that both of their principles of living are different. ! Creak! ! Rumbling! /Land quake inside the dungeon began stronger over time./ Gwaco started to beg for killing him mercifully to Levi Furiman. Levi strongly disagreed with it. Although the fact of taking the path of becoming an Adventurer was to deal with the Quest and defeating the monsters and magic creatures rather in the inside or outside the dungeon. Not only that; Killing the enemies is absolute. Whether you killed, or be killed. Everything is possible. And the fact that both Gwaco and Levi Furiman knew that they only lived once, made their lives very essential towards their existence that death was never an option on putting their lives on the line. However; "Let me die in your own hands, Levi Furiman..." A loud grieving beg was made by Gwaco. Gwaco already made himself a decision to put an end to his life. Levi on the other hand was already done with his whinings. ! Bang! /loud thunderous noise clapping through the ground./ /Strong bone-breaking impact heard throughout the surroundings./ He quickly makes his move by kicking in towards Gwaco's stomach to let him stumbled away. Gwaco unconsciously flying few meters away from where he standing. Then again, Levi Furiman didn't seem tired of scolding Gwaco for the entire time. But knowing that the place they held in is started to crumbled and breaking, like the dungeon itself started to closed by its appearances. Levi knew it was a waste of time scolding a hard-headed Demi-being, wanted to be killed in meaningless reasoning. ~Warning: Unknown magnitudes and Dungeon closure approaching. Estimated time: 15 Minutes, 49 seconds. A system notification that was seemingly new to himself was started to appear, the way he needed the time to calculate the entire situation. "It's good that this thing existed... I still had plenty of time-wasting on this." Step... Step... Step... As soon as he gets near Gwaco's whereabouts. Levi started to felt irritate for some reason, thinking of beating him into pulp. "I don't even think that my kick was far agonizing, the way you stumbled so far away just recently." Gwaco became shocked, couldn't stand on his own due to the damage he takes on Levi's forceful kick. But what made him more surprised was that; Levi Furiman already standing right in front of him all of a sudden, like the ones he made on him not too long ago. "Stand up! " He started to scold once again. "You? have a right to call 'A Demi-being? ... don't screw with me!.. I don't know what kind of life you had in the past. I don't care what kind of horrendous happenings you'd made that making you felt regret.... " "All I wanted to ask... Is that... Do you want to live?" He asked with a furious voice, still getting upset with Gwaco after he insisted to chose death rather than to live. Unfortunately, his thoughts and his mind were already made up. As he knew the only way to atone for his sin was to be killed in every possible way. Also, thinking that the time for him had finally come to be able to get killed by a certain kind of Adventurer, A very exceptional human being that can put an end to his very existence. He chose death, rather than to live as the result. Without any further reasons for it, Levi graciously accepting the deal. With a sharp, small weapon that he used since the time they entered, It was the same weapon he used to put an end to Gwaco's existence. "I'm so sorry, Gwaco-san ... You'd chose this kind of path." As the small weapon starts swinging on Levi's right arm, countless forms of bluish-dark sigils constantly appearing towards the knife's body. In a short moment; Levi Furiman, at a very young age, still having an innocent mind and acted like a child, now possessing the power of the highest and strongest level of Awakening, was suddenly felt trembling on his body. As he knew the execution for killing the enemy was getting closer, he tried to close both of his eyes, but only his left eye was the one he made success. Also, his body was the one working on its accord. ! s***h! /Blood spitting on the ground./ ! Thug! /Gwaco's dead body began cold and slowly turning into ash./ Other Orc monsters didn't have their guts on doing the last resort towards their dead leader. Thinking that they also met the same fate as what the dungeon boss already made. Fighting against Levi Furiman is now unnecessary. Instead, they left themselves hiding inside the dungeon. Much deeper than they made before, and waiting for the inevitable death as a result. ! Creak! ! Bang! ! Boom! /Floor rumbling on top of the dungeon./ /Pebbles and large stones started to rain inside./ Levi suddenly gets stunned for a while, after he made an unwanted decision that made his mind blanked afterward. Pista Rambutan, on the other hand, watched the entire happenings the whole time. Finally taking his move for the first time, he noticed Levi Furiman didn't lay a single finger to move as if he didn't care about his surroundings that slowly shattering into pieces. As he gets near to where the Adventurer's location. He saw a cup of tears and heard a soft, squeaking sobbed nonchalantly crying out loud in front of a corpse. He seemed shocked and flustered at what he saw on him just recently. "Wait... Is he crying against his enemy?... I can't believe it.." "He's way too pure to take this kind of job..." "Enough for that, I must save him right now..." Knowing that the remaining orc monsters began retreating and running away for their lives to spare against the rumbling forces made by the closing dungeon. He using it as an opportunity on rescuing Levi by quickly grabbing his wrist and carrying on his back and started running with all of his remaining strength through the exit. Fortunately; Levi didn't resist. Not because he's already exhausted and tired that couldn't be made a speed run through the exit, Also not because of the time left remaining according to the system notifications. ~Estimated time: 00 Minute/s, 50 Seconds. But because of the one lending his hand, voluntarily helping him on escaping the closing dungeon. Levi knew the person he met just now was a good person. The features of the Eye of the Supreme Awakening, allow him to identify a specific person around his surroundings whether the person he met was good or bad, by emitting their Magic and Awakening auras throughout their body. . Good person - Any other color (Except black and red) the person/s emitted. Bad person - Black and Red aura. . At that moment, Pista Rambutan's color aura was Orange. Levi noticed it with his Right eye, whereas the Eye of the Supreme Awakening was already activated. And so, The escaping phase was started commencing. The rumbling of the dungeon was staggering and desolating, most orc monsters who were trapped inside instantly died due to the huge stones and magic crystals, falling inside the dungeon, thinking that evading through all of it was completely unnecessary. 10 minutes had passed, when Pista Rambutan along with Levi Furiman, finally made it through the outside of the dungeon. Whereas the exit point is the ones they entered from the start. . . ***To be Continued***
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