Volume - 1 // Chapter - 22

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[Adventurers Administration Building -- Willow Village Branch] People and Adventurers gathering around inside the building are felt disgrace and discouragement towards the decision made by the Administration. As they decided to closed temporarily all of the dungeon gates and quests that swarming around throughout the village for a couple of weeks until the investigation has finally finished. Robert Steel --- The head Commander for the Adventurer Knights Department, Prairie Town satellite office. An 'S' rank Adventurer with a wielder of "Superior Awakening" and a possessor of the Knightsmen race. He also tends to be one of the Strongest Adventurer in Prairie Town alongside Sam Smeagel, not because they're only 30 persons living in town with having an 'S' rank license, But the fact that they're only a few people in a said town possessing the power of the "Superior Awakening Eye". He was also the one managing the situations of most workload regarding the recent incident. "You people, we really do understand how important the dungeons and quest for your daily livelihood, to earn money and to gain glory." He simply nodded his sympathy towards the people who gathered at the said place. The people who heard from it suddenly went attentive towards the Department head. "But for the sake of the lives and safety of the people. Please be guided and understand what we had to do at this moment..." He added with concern. As so, they left nothing but to agreed to their decisions as the result. Thinking about the fact that they made it for the sake of their protection and the civilians living outside of the gate as well. They left the Building empty-handed, discouraged, and impatient. As most of the People and Adventurers having their thoughts on leaving the village for a week or more, to hunt and to take the quest and dungeons from its nearby villages across the Town as what they resolve for the meantime. The Adventurer Knights and other people from the Administration completely noticed their behavior, trying to interfere with their plans that were already made upon their minds. But then, Unexpectedly; The Department head of the Adventurer Knights simply ordered his subordinates on letting the Village Adventurers leave, asking them not to stop their plans on leaving and letting them do what they want to do. He simply smirking his face with concern, talking notable quotes on his own. 'Human's Eternal Greediness... I see..' He nodded with a grim smile on his face. As the building that the people and Adventurers once held recently had turned into a silent. A familiar person formally approached the Department head. !Step!! Step! It was Misho Santa, who approaching the Department Head. "You arrived, finally." The Department head simply greeted his loyal subordinate. "What brings you here? Does the Investigation you held had progress?" He carefully asked Misho. But then: As what he responded to the Department Head's curiosity. He simply replied, proudly and in secrecy. "Frankly speaking Chief... Yes..." He minimizes his voice, asking for his time alone inside the building where nobody wants to eavesdrop on them. Knowing the fact that the only place for them to speak, was the room only for the High-ranking Adventurers are allowed to enter. As the result, they went into. ... "Pffff... Hahahahahahahahahaha" Sam Smeagel constantly laughed exaggeratedly for no reason, as what he heard from Pista Rambutan that seriously having his thoughts towards the young man that saving their lives from the dungeon break a few days ago. Pista seemingly made to the Department head, nearly punching his face due to his insolence. "Hahaha... Hooo... My bad my bad.." He finally ends his childish behavior, after 2 minutes of laughing without stopping. He then asked back Pista about a brief, frankly reasoning for him to believe completely, whole-hearted and truth. Pista on the other hand, already knew the actions and behavior of his Chief for a long time since he entered the path of becoming an Adventurer. Knowing the fact that lies and untruthful words that a person telling his nor her thoughts towards this man will become meaningless and worthless for the rest of their lives, depending on a situation they held in. He left nothing but, to tell the truth, most of his experience on dealing with the Dungeon raid as the result, not completely yet truthfully to what he said on him as the result. To begin with, he consciously asked the Department head whether he was aware of a certain kind of power that the 'Book of Awakening' secretly mentioned. "Of course I do, Dumbass..." He madly replied as what he expectedly respond. "What brings that here?" He added as he felt intrigued by something all of a sudden. But then, even though his thoughts and conspiracy about the recent speculations are very uncertain. He still insists on telling it to the Department head, knowing the consequences for taking risks are absolute. Adding the fact that one of his theories and investigations had made a truce and confirmed from another department. He takes his guts and risks telling what is true to himself accordingly. "According to the Intel report made by Misho Santa of the Adventurer Knights, there was a very unusual person that seemingly new and foreign to the village, possessed nothing to almost every aspect and talents on his body and appearances. Has put a bad reputation towards the people living in this village, by stealing anything that had a value for daily living." "And what about it? you are going too far away from our main topic right here, right?" Sam Smeagel started to confuse. Pista didn't finish his thoughts, thinking that his statement was already looping to its conclusion. Yet, he continued sharing with his Chief. "One day, as he tried to do the path of becoming Adventurer, the people managing the Village Adventurers instantly engaging his applications right on the spot. Humiliating his entire existence and putting his name in disgrace, enough for the people to be rooted and hated him for the rest of their lives." The Department Head began interested in the story, even more, became attentive and intrigue. "As what he resolved for the insanity and wickedness made by the people. He made himself eluded and cautious, to be able to make his behavior began wild and feral towards the villager. That night, one of the quest papers that hanging out on the bulletin board the whole time for that week, had gone missing for an uncertain reason. Thinking that the quest itself being stolen nor mistakenly acquired, knowing the fact that the quest rank itself was an 'E' rank, and only killing the goblins was the instructions given by them." "Hmm... To put it simply, If I'm a low-rank Adventurer and only a low-ranking quest are the ones I made completed. I wouldn't be bothered about picking that quest and finishing it right away. Right?" The Department Head simply putting a scenario on his mind. But not just the case on what the story stated. "Think again Chief, who would have thought that the time the quest got missing was the time the Administration building already closing out for business." Pista clarified The department head's thinking. "So that was stolen... I see." He then corrected his thoughts as the result. As the storyline of the investigation that Misho Santa shared with Pista Rambutan began deeper and sharper. The thoughts of understanding that Sam Smeagel kept puzzling on his head began are much clearer and closer to the exact happenings that the recent incident happened. "So are you saying to me that the kid from the previous dungeon break, and the one that recently appeared that you getting involved was the same person?" Sam seemingly felt astonished at what he heard from his subordinate. "Yes, according to Misho Santa himself. who's the one taking charge of investigating the previous dungeon break." He valiantly replied to The department head's intriguing reaction. "Did those two female Adventurers or anyone having along with him to the previous Dungeon break? any reports from that?" Sam quickly wondered the other persons nor third-party relations involved, thinking it would be added to the leads that fasten up their investigation. "No, they said he's alone that time..." Pista humbly denied. As they finished the first statement shared by Pista Rambutan towards the Department Head. Sam Smeagel suddenly wondered about something that made himself flustered and wondered for a moment. "Earlier, you just asked me whether I know about the 'Book of the Awakening' or not for some reason? Did that thing still related to our investigation?" Sam generally asked with flutter. Pista already knew that he asked about it, ready for a certain consequence that putting himself on the line if he messed up for it. "I don't sure about this, even for Misho Santa who was the first one investigating on him, wanted to know about that young man's identity and the power he possessed. But for me, after I glared at his Awakening Eye and convincing the power he has, that's a big deal for us to seek with. However, the moment I saw his Awakening Eye for the first time. It was like actually telling me, that... 'Expose my Identity, and You will be dead!' For me, that's an absolute warning that making myself not to crossed that line of getting regret." A bold statement that Pista Rambutan made towards his superior, with a pale looking and trembling on his body from out of his fear. The Department head clearly understands his subordinate's thoughts on risking his life by just sharing another person's identity, he didn't seem to insist on revealing it for his sake as the result. Though, knowing the fact that the purpose of having a department that they belong to was supposed to dig and to find out the truth by knowing other person's identity and many more. He only asked about the name of the person that he always pointing out all the time and the reason for the trembling and frightening that Pista Rambutan felt all of a sudden. "His name... is Levi Furiman..." He slowly responds with caution. ... Adventurer Knights cluster room. /Birds tweeting outside the room./ /Winds silently humming around inside the two Adventurers' ears./ The two Knight Adventurers started discussing their atrociously important matter, regarding the previous and recent incident that insignificant to a problem towards the said village and the Administration within. As for the arrival of the one that putting himself investigating on the front lines, Misho Santa finally having a lead and conclusion towards the inevitable problem that causing a huge uproar and inconvenience throughout the lives of the Village. "This is..." By showing to the Adventurer Knights Department Head hard, shattered pieces of evidence, as well as the 'Book of Awakening' itself. Robert Steel completely caught out into his mind to amazed and petrified towards the effort made by his subordinate. Hoping that the things he brings might be putting an end to the forces of the 'So-called' Dungeon Break. "I know you already knew about these things... But to bringing it up here might tell you that this one we're facing too, is much more terrifying and invincible than any other... what would you say about that, Chief?...." A wild, serious gesture was made by Misho Santa towards his department chief. As he brings a lot of magic crystals filled with Bluish light-colored Awakening sigils and other parts of the Monster corpse's body that filling around outside of it. At his first glance, knowing the fact that the Head of the Adventurers' Knights Department was known artisan for craftsmanship and weaponry throughout the Town. Also has a slight discomfort and terrifying feeling that tingling sensation throughout his body, the longer he staring at it for the first time. "What ... kind of ... Things.. is that? A loud, fearful, yet astonished voice made by the Department head, trying to hold himself up on his excitement towards the stuff that Misho Santa brings. "I thought you do know about this, Chief?" "Of course I know this, dumbass! .... But, to be able to see this personally and Adamantly feel it... It makes me felt intrigued and ignorant of the way it exists in reality... I'd never thought it only seen in the 'Book of Awakening' like this..." "Do you aware of what the book stated about this one, Misho?" A proud energetic gesture asking his subordinate about the accordance of the Book. As expected, Misho calmly replied and answered what the Department head asked of him. "To put it Precisely, the sigils that clothing around to the magic crystals and corpses are all Enochians, and according to what the Book stated, this is a 'Supreme' type. And it only exists when a person or a being had possessed this kind of Awakening power." "I see, that would make sense... To put that I lived for almost 30 years of my existence, this is my first time seeing this one frankly speaking..." However, the two Adventurers kept having their thoughts about the evidence that Misho Santa bringing up. Robert Steel suddenly remembered about a certain phrase that he almost forgot to notice. "Wait, did you just said 'Supreme'?" "Yes.... wait... did you mean?" Misho finally noticed, quickly opened the Book, and turning into its pages regarding the ones that they're looking for. /Flips pages/ "Where is it? Dammit!" /Flips pages/ Knowing the fact that the 'Book of the Awakening' itself is so bulky and huge than the ordinary book you found. "There it is!" Misho stopped flipping right at the center page of the Book. As they found the page where they wanted to reach. Unfortunately, they only read the texts and scriptures that seem fair to understand in their very common language. Knowing the fact that the 'Book of the Awakening' itself had translated into various kinds of languages and scriptures. Only pictures and signs are the ones seemingly profound to understand in simple, common logic. As the result, they're having a hard time reading all of it. {Supreme Awakening} ~The Rarest and Weakest stages among all. ~Only exist every 1000 years. ~Possessing a System Notification. ~Dungeon breaks are occurring whenever the Possessor enters the Dungeon / Gate. ~Quest ranks are turning into 'Classified' when the Possessor being acquired in a specific mission. "Wait, stop... There it is..." Robert paused, finally found the phrase they're looking for. The two began to widen their eyes, felt surprised and terrified at the same time. Couldn't believe what they read and the actual outcome of the shreds of evidence that putting together as one, exactly on how the incident finally concluded and ended for so many days of investigating. "~Dungeon breaks are occurring whenever the Possessor enters the Dungeon / Gate~ .... So this incident that we're finding for?" "And the sigils that showed us as a sign could be?" "The new possessor of the Supreme Awakening had finally arrived?" As the two finally found out the truth, they knew they didn't have much time to waste rather than searching for a certain person that Misho Santa already knew where he founded. . . ***To be Continued***
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