Volume - 1 // Chapter - 21

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/Pot lid continuously boiling./ Potatoes were baked and ready to prepare. Meat stew started to tender. Fruits are already prepared and organized. Water and other beverages are on standby, ready to be picked up anytime. Amongst the busy afternoon that the people held around the church. Probably the busiest one was coming from Levi Furiman. As he is the only one preparing the food and other necessities for the afternoon feast. After Pastor Ozril having a favor to the young man on making more food for the unexpected guests and other people as well. Levi on the other hand is already tired and exhausted from the food he just finished. Couldn't hold himself to complain about what he felt on his body. But then he realized; Complaining to the person whom he helped restarting his life would be an absolute insult against his will and conscience. "Dammit... looks like I'll go back to the kitchen once again..." A hard-pouted face made by Levi and getting back to cook with a forceful manner. He left nothing but to agreed on what the Church Pastor said to him as the result, wholeheartedly and kind. Levi takes another couple of hours of cooking inside the kitchen. 2 hours to be exact. After that; Levi fainted, couldn't lay any single move on preparing the dish anymore, and letting himself sleeping on a vacant table. Few minutes after he fainted. Two Church attendants have gone to the kitchen, checking the food and other garnishes that Levi Furiman singlehandedly prepared. But then, instead of being glad to what the young man had contributed. They began worried, quickly helping him out by granting a favor that he rarely asked. "W..a....t...eeee..r," He asked like he was nearly dying and dried out. As expected, they panicked. Quickly picking up the fresh, clean water and hurriedly giving it to Levi as fast as they could. "Th...aa...nn..kk...sss" Levi giving his gratitude towards the church attendants. !Chug!! Chug! The church attendants couldn't hold their feelings as well, gulping out their throats like concerning to a person for no reason. Luckily, Levi was relieved. Started regaining his consciousness and continued preparing the food that he left unfinished. But this time, the two Attendants helping him out without any complaints. "Thanks..." "No Problem, Not a big deal at all." They gratefully replied. After a while. The food is finally ready. The two church attendants were the ones taking it outside the kitchen, while Levi taking charge on the inside. "Hmmm... What's that tempting smell?" "So mouthful even just by its smell... I forgot the time... hahahahaha." Everyone who smelled the food began hungrily all of a sudden, asking for the Church Pastor to take their leave for having the lunch on their own for some reason. However; The Church Pastor humbly declined their request. As the food that the young man prepared is supposedly meant for them. They felt humiliated and embarrassed for that moment, couldn't hold themselves to felt indebted towards the Church Pastor. But then, The Church Pastor humbly declined their gratitude once again. As he pointed out to the person that took his move from behind the scenes. "What If I told you guys that It was Misa and Cassandra are the ones sparing their money to let your stomach be stuffed and full for this afternoon?" He nodded with pride and humility. As soon as they heard about it, they seemed glad and grateful towards the two beautiful Adventurers. Not knowing the fact that the money they spend for food and other raw ingredients was coming from the recent dungeon quest rewards they completed a few days ago. Moreover; It was the dungeon quest that putting their lives on the line the moment the dungeon break existed right in the middle of their raid. And so, the people who gather the church began feasting the meals together that Levi Furiman made. A while later, Cassandra arrived. Joining along with them, half joyful and half regret for what she decided earlier. . !Munch! !Munch! Plates and glass clanging through the table. Murmurs and other unnecessary chatters are everywhere, putting the small banquet became lively. As the people have suddenly forgotten their objectives and purpose on arriving at the church for a moment. One of them asking her curiosity about something that was certainly unnoticed by the others. "Misa-san.. mind if I asked something?" She asked with perplexity. "Hmm... What is it?" "Who made this tasteful food and dishes?" She asked from her curiosity. Cassandra heard it, even the loud noises made by the people are scattering. Couldn't be made herself too surprised as somebody seemingly acknowledged his work from behind. 'I didn't know Levi-kun can be so good at cooking, to be able to attract other people aside from being a talented Adventurer... Impressive.' She suddenly felt admired by Levi Furiman. After that, she made her face blushed all of a sudden. Quickly eating the food without chewing into her mouth until she choked eventually. Misa noticed Cassandra being rattled, asking for her stead. "I'm fine... hahahahahaha" Cassandra flustered. Misa didn't believe what she said. As she kept attended to the one asking for her curiosity. Misa proudly answering it with a grim smile on her face. "The one who cooked this delicious food... Was Levi Furiman..." !Paused! /Utensils suddenly stopped moving./ /Murmurs and chatters went peaceful and became silent./ Everyone's appetite for eating the meals began to run out all of a sudden, as they heard a certain person that seemingly unwanted to be heard by anyone, especially when the times of feasting. Misa was startled out as she noticed the atmosphere suddenly changed drastically after she mentioned the name that made the people a trigger line for them to felt anguish. They couldn't hold themselves but to felt upset and ashamed for some reason. Thinking that eating the food he prepared was nothing but waste through their guts and stomach. Pastor Ozril on the other hand, left nothing but to watch the peoples' rampant towards the young innocent man. The Church people, as well as Misa and Cassandra, did the same thing. Observing the situations at first before taking their action. They letting them wild and complain for no reason as the result. "You think this is kind of a joke? ... A kid that so notorious throughout the village, was the one preparing the meals for us? This is absurd! ... I'm done with this!" One of them felt irritated and began complaining. "How could you do this to us? eating a waste that made by a wasteful person? Pathetic!" The other one seemed didn't show his gratitude towards them. People began wild and frustrated. Asking for the young man's whereabouts and dealing with him afterward. . On the other hand. Inside the Kitchen. Levi Furiman, along with other children and church attendants were the ones cleaning the dishes after they finished their meals a while later. Casa Togo, an attendant of the church, was the one taking care of the orphaned children. Also the twin sister of Misa Togo. By having her in charge of the kitchen were the ones Levi once taking care of. Noticing him couldn't hold his stead on dealing with the dishes made by the people anymore, asking herself voluntarily on lending a hand to deal with the kitchen problems alongside him. With the help of the orphaned children, they worked out together to manage the said place clean and orderly. As a matter of fact, they made it in no time. Enough to wait for the next batch of dishes to clean. "Thank you very much for helping me, Onee-san (Japanese word for big sister)..." Levi gratefully thanking Casa, as well as the orphaned children. Casa gradually welcoming it. The orphaned children seemingly ecstatic about helping out didn't mind how heavy the workload is. "You didn't have to force yourself on doing the hard way, Levi-chan.." Casa simply nodded while blushing on her face. Levi seemed busy, yet heard everything from her. He couldn't hold himself on taking the manner of having indebted with others. He was the one being thankful that giving him a second chance might be the biggest blessing he received in his entire early life. Suddenly. As the two kept themselves busy for a moment, one Church attendant hurriedly arrived at the kitchen, panting and heart racing. Asking for Levi to hide and didn't want to approach the people for a moment. Rather than that, running away would be an option for this kind of happening. Levi on the other hand didn't understand the situation completely. Asking for a certain kind of reason towards his uneasy feelings, didn't hide nor doing something related to escaping as the result. But then, the church attendant tried to elaborate briefly. Sadly, it couldn't help. Knowing the fact that the wild, rampant of people wickedly seeking for Levi Furiman had finally approached, instantly taking their actions towards the poor young man. "Wait... What did I do? what are you doing on me?" He asked with mercy and begging the people. As they grabbing his wrist tight, so tight that his right wrist slowly dislocating and his mind went out blank from its agony. "AaahhhAhh... It hurts!" He screamed in pain. Sadly, the people don't seem to care about his feelings. As they gradually dragged him outside the kitchen and being humiliated him in front of the people inside the church. !Thug! Levi stumbled on the ground, painfully reacted and defenseless. The people started to blame him for various worthless reasons, that he didn't know he does it. For various reasons, such as; Stealing clothes and food. Destroying the property and livelihood, Imitating other's personal life, and many more. But one thing they made their minds putting together as one, and the worst possible thing, that made their thoughts became wicked and out of the line of blaming. They blame him for closing the gates and dungeons throughout the village, without strong, proper evidence and proven from it. "That's enough!" A loud ear-breaking noise made by a familiar person, wanting to put an end to their allegations that nonsense to deal with. It was Pastor Ozril, stepping in right at the center where the people putting Levi around. Asking for valid reasons and proof of their allegations against him. "Anyone? does anyone of you have the guts to prove it? Answer me, I'm waiting!" A loud gutsy words, asking for a dare against the people inside the church. Unfortunately, nobody answers it. "What a disgrace." He generally adding it. But then, As the voices and humiliating became silent, one of the people still insisting on blaming Levi Furiman. That made the tension around the church are began worse than it did earlier. "They seemed serious about taking Levi-kun outside... are they out of their minds?" Cassandra now getting upset, finally taking her move on attacking. "Not just that, they're insane, desperately finding out someone to blame for everything," Casa Added to Cassandra's thoughts. "I'm so sorry... It's all my fault... I'm so sorry..." Misa felt down on herself, wanting to rescue Levi as fast as possible. After the people of the church finally made decisions on their minds. Cassandra Smith, along with the church attendants are the ones placing in the front line, trying to pick up Levi whose lying down on the ground, tactless and powerless. Because most people and Adventurers kept nullifying all the possible movements, he made, like cuffing up the entirety of his body. As the result, he cannot move. Also, he cannot be attacked due to his right wrist being dislocated and useless in a matter of time. "Levi-kun" He cannot speak, nor he cannot respond as what they did to him completely. Afterward, the people finally managed to restraint Levi Furiman's movements by casting multiple amounts of magic spells. Pleasures and enjoyment are they felt after they captured the person that putting all their blames and allegations against him. Itching for torture, wanting to hurt him very badly. So bad that some of them wanted to kill his very existence nonetheless. However; As the bloodlust and spree, they made, that nonchalantly oozing throughout the church. A very uncertain kind of Awakening aura overflowing in a single person, that made equal to the auras made by Everyone in a matter of seconds. . . ***To be Continued***
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