Volume - 5 // Chapter - 126

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Whenever the full moon shines upon the darkness; The unknown, undiscovered elements had freely roaming upon it. Both vile and pleasant elements had gone through into their own following its living. Whether it is good in the steads of others nor not; The cycle of being a hunter and the hunted continues as in which the form of its life, will encircling around it. . A few minutes before the disaster. The system notification systematically pertaining as the battle between the Supreme Awakening Possessor fighting alongside the Specialized Adventurers against the unexpecting madness driven by Pista Rambutan continues. Levi adamantly being stagnant as he deliberately nodding himself to the information he newly acquired given by the System. . ~~System Notification. [Skill] Note: The possessor hasn't given any skill yet. Acquired level: 100 Current level: 92 . "This information is utterly useless!" He seemed flustered and annoyed as he thought the System voluptuously granting a new set of abilities accordingly. In the sense, that was the first thing he gradually thinking coming from it. Moreover, tens of other messages had been popping continuously. The same as usual as what he thoroughly recognizing. Nonetheless, it was astoundingly helpful and convenient from his side to be left notified and prepared for the worst-case situation having along throughout the entire battle. 'Even though the system continuously alarming me from any sorts of dangers without failing up until now. Our lives still couldn't assure the fact that we're already trapped in the place where the Monsters are generally controlling.' Like a strong, ferocious lion couldn't bear its fang towards the people who watch them amusing around the circus. Levi's thoughts were abruptly the ones he quickly comparing throughout his mind at the moment. Knowing for the fact on how responsive the Sea Monsters, blatantly arriving towards their places. His ulterior concern and consciousness were instantly focusing on the lives of the Adventurers for a second time afterward. "Misho-san, prepare yourselves! Something disastrous is coming!" He couldn't help himself but to warned every single one of them as the result, as the march of the Sea Monsters hastily approaching with a certain malignant presence and sickening appearances against them. People around them began resilient to the point that all of Misho's commands are went ordered without having a thought of being suspicious nor hesitant. That they thoroughly believing it would be the best possible way for them to survive, no matter the cause of their actions. ~ Present time; Time: 9:00 pm The positions and perimeters had taking place accordingly to the Adventurers throughout the specific area that they held in. 5 meters apart from each other, whereas 30 meters away from Levi's ulterior position. That was the order Misho Santa directing to the people, as in which the plan created was all part of Levi's plan all along. "Our lines, it seemed strong to be held on guarding." "I mean, after Pista's shout all of a sudden... why are we still on guarding when that kid was winning for the fight?" "I don't know, but my senses are slowly tingling the moment the wind breezing my skin so cold and lethargic." "Ha! that's because you drink too much black tea than making you sick and nervous wrecking! Hahahaha!" "Would you three mind if you shut up already?" "Sorry." In a few minutes of being silent to the place where they held in. Weak, fragile twigs constantly breaking throughout the dark coming from out of nowhere. Moreover, it went simultaneously. Allowing the entire Adventurers to startled and alarmed against it. Some Adventurers slowly began horrified and stuttered the more they heard the twigs and branches very peculiar and random footsteps hideously rumbling around to the entire surroundings. Causing the Magically infused Adventurers to use fires and other luminating spells trying to get rid of their uneasy feeling for a brief moment. Whereas the other Adventurers, who physically wielded fighters abruptly being comprehended for anything that inevitably happened beforehand. "Misho-san, what should we do?" "Throw it." Cheney was the first one taking a shot after Misho solemnly commanding from her. With her diligent act, gradually bursting a huge forceful amount of light magically emitting throughout her wand. And went out illuminating the entire surroundings, consciously seeing the entirety of the place for around 50 meters away from its circumference. That includes the swamp of Sea Monsters menacingly surrounding the Adventurer's utmost positions had been seen thoroughly right in front of their eyes for at least 10 seconds of the light's constant form of activation. /Strong, screeching sound frantically echoing./ /Dark, hideous forces emitting malignantly./ Pista, in which the one being affected to the light as well. Deliberately screeching on his own once again, completely began chaotic and aghastic that his human intuition and utter consciousness abruptly being rotten and losing. Remorsefully being acquitted and gone senile the way he viciously ordering the Sea Monsters to attack once again. Levi instantly alarming as the actions and intuitions given by Pista began moving once more. Instinctively charging through towards him with certain killing intent, thinking for the fact on his ulterior consciousness dramatically began uncontrolled and unruly on his own. "You're not Pista Rambutan that we know! Just who are you!" Levi blatantly asking while generally attacking against him. While on the other side of the field had gone horrendous and rampant on themselves to reprehended. Around 50 Sea Monsters had gone charging through against the Adventurers as what he had seen on his System Notification. In the sense of him consciously taking his stead on attacking Pista for more than a minute. 'That's way too little, compare to the first one that was noticed just recently.' Short, suspicious thoughts instantly flickering into his mind for a second. The first thing he noticed was the number of the monsters that seemingly appearing through his presence. -Number of enemies: 230 But then, ironically; It went out diminished. Knowing for the fact how accurate and predictive are the System Notification as far as what he believed from it throughout his entire life, he seemed involutional and adamant to believed this time around; Not only that, he hardly thought about his senses seeing the Adventurers nonchalantly killing the Sea Monsters on their own very momentously. That generally counting them up intervally and sagaciously. 'Out of 50 monsters appearing through the system... only 33 of them being killed pretty hastily... Amazing... By the way for that.' 'Where are those 180 monsters? where are they hiding?' His thoughts and concern solemnly went bragging to his focus on dealing up against Pista at the moment; as he was seen being relentless and tedious the longer he worried about their lives fighting for survival on their own. "That's enough, Pista! let's end this all at once!" A harsh, deliverance coming from him who fought massively against the metamorphic Pista Rambutan, battling through the Bamboo forest for 40 minutes since then. "Schecchecchh! (You're not the one who can stop me, young Possessor of the Supreme Awakening!)." All of a sudden, Levi trying to interact with someone whom he suspectedly residing inside the mere Pista Rambutan's body for a moment. His eye instantly went widened, as the deepest consciousness and utmost extent of his senses began terrified and surprised, as what he had heard very prudent towards Pista's mouth. Both arms and knees subconsciously went trembling and mind adamantly blanked, in which the more he heard from his dark, insidious noise coming by him would unlikely making Levi looked fearful and traumatized. He vaguely stepped back out of being uneasy as the result, generally trying to resolve everything that mumbling on his mind as much as he could because of it. "Did you just speak to me just a while ago? So you're not the one having that kind of ugly person we thoughtfully knowing before!" Levi vaguely contemplating himself, boldly trying to interact knowing for the walls of their languages making the conversation huge mistakes in accordance to their understanding. Nonetheless; The System Notification unexpectedly saving the night once again, as what Levi unthinkably misjudging from it. As the System genuinely appearing right in the middle of their obscene conversation. Deliberately pertained to translating every piece of words consciously throwing by the stead of the monster residing from Pista's remorseful body. "Schreeeecheh CheeSchee Sseerrreeeechhh (A Supreme Possessor with the Awakening Race of Jewish-Enochian? How amusing to deal!)" As the monster gradually speaking its thoughts right in front of Levi; The System Notification systematically calculating the words, prudently converting every piece of words and letters that the monster had thrown redundantly against them. A few seconds after, the message had been completed and ready to read by his right eye insightfully. . ~System Notification Message Translation: A Supreme Possessor with the Awakening Race of Jewish-Enochian? How amusing to deal! . A mix of blissful and exasperate were the ones he felt at the moment. At first, he was thoroughly grateful and glad that the System had been noticing for its appearances constantly being helpful and clutchness in the times of need, unlike for the last time that seems a burden and bothersome to deal with resulting in his obnoxious annoyance coming from it. Regardless of that, he seemed forgetful and utterly jitter on the System after all. The other one aside from being ecstatic and grateful for the System's successful computation was the translation itself. In this sense, he solemnly didn't like the form of words utterly given by the monster against him. 'He seemed satiric the way his words offensively constructed and delivered... This much more dreadful to think about.' 'This monster is unlikely belittling about me, how infuriating is that!' 'Moreover, back when I tried to backread those translations that firstly converting into human speech at the moment... This one was already concluded, about the existence of the Supreme Awakening Possessor that in general, he unthinkably knowledgeable coming from it.' 'This is bad, especially from me... If I'm not going to get rid of this monster at all... Our blood will be shedding throughout the entire place and night that we held in.' He seemed gullible and thoughtless for a direct verbal confrontation towards the residing Monsters, given by the time he finally figuring out about its existence that consciously controlling the body of Pista Rambutan at the very least every aspect of his ulterior movements throughout the entire time. An epitome of one's underlying being from one another. That was the first and most coherent thing to believed as what Levi Furiman configuring about their situations. That in general, his worries and sorrowful feeling whom thoroughly concerning on Pista's wicked body slowly being worn for the time being had instantly gone out all of a sudden. Allows for Levi to burst his Awakening Essence out of anger and irritation against the monster, constantly allocating his Awakening breathing so massively and hastily. Desperately wanting to get rid of the monster's ulterior existence wickedly lurking inside Pista for more than an hour of fighting. "I don't know how did you managed to enter his body, still not giving a damn even if you shared that dirty little trick that you have against me..." "But one thing for a certain!" "You need to get out from that ugly body, whether you liked it... or not!" . . . The boundary territory between Saint Haven (In which is the name of the Kingdom that the storyline goes.) and Austeria (The name of the Kingdom that the Specialized Adventurers currently held in) Malta, from the Entity Race; Gustavo, an elder from the Knightsmen Race; And Yaka, the only known warrior from the Demi-being Race; The three renowned personalities, along with their kindred had been gathered in a place far isolated and unreachable from the minds of ordinary people by some unprecedented occurrence given by The Church Pastor and the Chief Department Head. Whereas some of the Department Heads were valiantly granting to have their places in the meantime, knowing for their relations and connections from other people far usable and informative to be held accordingly. They seemed resourceful in their leagues aside for their strength resembling the Awakening Race they possessed, that remarkably strong and commendable as what the 8 Strongest race's people recognizing about them. By all means, the Entities were the ones managing the surroundings, dramatically placing them to a different realm and dimension in accordance to their securities and other concerns which regards to their existence far hidden than the other beings. The Knightsmen abruptly being forced to enter, by seeing their faces completely distraught and adamant since the time they consciously held in. In which especially to the only 2 Demi-being people (Yaka and Nascondra), whereas the 2 conclusively being irritated and wild for the time being. Sincerely wanting to leave as much as they could at first. But unfortunately, the Church Pastor humbly blocking up their path on leaving by placing a sigil spell into their joints primarily through the knees and calves as they intuitively believing in how strong and destructive their strength is in terms of footwork and ground movements specifically. "Even if you two could manage to negate that spell, you still can't succeed to escape from the gist of 2 fellow Strongest lads wrapping around the corner... Hohohohoho." The Church Pastor jestingly mumbling towards them. Yaka abruptly didn't like it. So was Nascondra, which being cornered completely by the Adventurers wanting to flirt at some unusual matter. "Since we finally succeeding in reclaiming the entirety of the Willow Village Territory, mind if I asked about this unprecedented gathering that we held through at this moment?" Malta kindly asking with a sensible thought sincerely being shown right in front of the people. 'Look who's talking? the one trying to set everything on fire that night, and now blindly asking for the meeting? How trashy you are actually?' Yaka bluntly being jealous and disgraceful as she prudently noticing her unusual changes of mood abruptly being seen right in front of the people. The Knightsmen however, gallantly noticing about it as well. However, they seemed remorseful as they tried to forget everything that happened that night before. In the gist of being silent, none of the people who gathers around the place secretly being created for this ulterior moment knows about the current happenings that they held. The Chief Department Head valiantly stepped in once more, speaking equally from each one of their sides as he evasively trying not to cause any form of commotions that generally making huge destruction not just to the surroundings but also for the people that unwittingly involving due to it. "In this topic that we made about, regards on the two things that currently under controlled and monitored at the very moment, in which one of it belongs to a problem involves to the Sea Monsters that the Specialized Adventurers currently taking into." "The other one... Is the! Providence Race!... in which the people from the Main Kingdom had been made a memorandum." "That making every single one of you to make a complaint and maddened because of it." . . ***To be Continued***
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