Volume - 5 // Chapter - 125

2450 Words
Moments earlier during the sudden berserk given by Pista Rambutan towards the people. A new set of system messages coming from the System Notification constantly popping through his right eye immediately. In which regards to the updates given by the penalties and alarm notification spurring altogether at the same time. Whereas for Levi, wearing a new pair of black shirt and black bandana wrapping up on his right wrist gratefully given by Lito Matthysse out of being apologetic and disgrace towards him for an hour ago. Deliberately wary and predicting for the things that seem inevitable to happen as what he consciously observing coming from it. He thoroughly channeled his Awakening breathing throughout the entirety of his body, cautiously exceeding all the limiter output that he calculates long ago before the huge battle to be uproar. With the presence of his Eye of the right Supreme Awakening, he constantly allocating at the very least every single part of its essence momentarily, mindfully infusing himself to the Awakening prowess just as the things that the Unknown Being forcedly taught into him. In this sense, the preparation had been settled. All that he waits, was to make Pista Rambutan taking its first move against any single person that is sensed. . ~System Notification... Opened. Vile, anonymous forms of Enemies are approaching. Number of Spawns: 1 . [Inventory] 1. Grangers Black Raven -- (Unusable) 2. Black Senbonzakura -- (Unusable) 3. Cross-bladed Dagger -- (Active) 4. Unidentified Jewelry (Necklace) -- (Released) 5. Black Dragon Corrosive Dagger -- (Released) . Penalty Spell usage: Awakening Insignias Time for self-recovery: Until the Contract Caster had been found. Type of Caster: Ancient Entity Note: All skills, abilities, weaponry had been restricted for a given amount of time due to some spell breach dramatically stopping the contract ability from within. . As he quickly nodding for the first 3 messages firstly popping out accordingly to the Right eye for a millisecond on his ulterior consciousness. 'The "Blade" seemed usable now, how fortunate I am!' Levi's thoughts completely at the state of a boundary from being alarmed and prepared at the least possible situation. He initially noticing the first attack given by Pista against them, with the insane mobility of his reaction that quickly began alarming even for a single movement of his ulterior surroundings were instantly been reacted very thoroughly and extensively. A sprint charges conclusively dash through the front, with a small sharp-tipped Dagger he grabbed physically for the first time since then, has it seen wild and horrendous throughout his entire existence as well. As far as it goes very similar in comparison to Pista's vicious appearances more likely to what the other Adventurers prudently glancing at him for a second. Allowing their thoughts to mumbled and flustered towards it once again, thinking for his entire identity that was seemingly hidden and unidentified through the gist of their consciousness. . Present happening; /Blades horrendously contacting./ /Awakening essence deliberately surging./ /Ground constantly trembling./ /Wind menacingly gusting./ The first confrontation between Pista Rambutan and Levi Furiman had been started right exactly in the middle of their camp. The blades, in which in particular have the strongest impact during the contact of their appearances, had been bursting its Awakening and Magical essence significantly throughout the entire surroundings. Allowing the Adventurers to be held defensive on their own as the malignant forces of its presence had gone through towards their ulterior consciousness for at least 10 seconds intervally. Cassandra at the moment, who had been seen the nearest amongst the people whose being held on distancing away against it. Completely gone restless and left unconscious as the result. Allowing Levi to nod sideways on his left, as he consciously noticing the sudden movements and loss of balance in terms of flowing to the Awakening essence throughout one's body. Immediately tackling on Pista's right side by kicking sideways in his left swing as his first counter-attack against it, abruptly thinking for Cassandra's sub-conscious condition and humbly taking her stagnant body away from the ground. Misho thoughtfully picking up in the end, with his guts and hastily movements completely remorseful through the Awakening essence obnoxiously throwing up against each other's graces. And immediately picked up without having any second thoughts nor hesitation coming from them. Seconds after, a sudden set of knives throwing murderously towards Misho, right after he finally grabbed Cassandra's fainted body by surprise. That instantly startling him around and got stunned as the knives menacingly coming right through on his body at any moment. Resulting in his eye got closed out of tremble and hopeless reaction moreover. !!?? !Ting! !Ting! /Knives deflecting haphazardly./ /Constant noise of metallic objects clanging through redundantly./ /Winds spurring heavily./ In a spur of a moment; Levi successfully negating the range and sneak attacks created by Pista as well, with only his knife that harmoniously glowing in a bluish-dark colored Awakening essence, sagaciously wrapping on a Jewish-Enochian mark on its tip. And insanely durable to be compromised as what the wielder itself bluntly thought coming from it. Pista on the other, whereas his mind completely losing from the Bladed Dagger and his eye of the Red Double Awakening. Possessively began maddened and horrific by far as what the Supreme Awakening Possessor remorsefully being contradicted to what he had done entirely. Obnoxiously went vile and monstrous, to the point that his voice utterly changed into some kind of a senile Monster and its physical appearances relatively enclosed the longer he absorbs it. That in general, He slowly turned ahead of the Sea Monsters in the end. Without giving for a hint about the sudden changes of intercourse towards the mission that they held. "Hey, hey, hey... Is this for real?" Levi blatantly surprised and left adamant on his own, completely began alarming as the System Notification had constantly notifying into his right eye once again. "Pista, was changing... all of a sudden?" Misho went out stunned on his own, the same thought as what Levi did as well. The Adventurers standing hidden in the shadow of the Bamboo Forest, momentously done the same thing. As they simply couldn't imagine the sudden unprecedented occurrence that happened towards them all of a sudden. Relatively being terrified and insidious the way they saw Pista slowly transforming into another kind of monster that they couldn't even imagine for their existence horrifyingly living into their consciousness. "Was he a Knightsmen Possessing Adventurer? Did just transforming like a 'Demi-being'?" Levi sincerely asked with his focus tenaciously couldn't nod very recklessly. "No... Were facing up against this Monster?" Misho abruptly responds with his mind full of despair and anger against Pista. As what everyone saw into their naked eyes about his wild, oppressing appearances. *Knees drastically forming up some fish scales and feet metamorphically obtaining some fins. *Neck blatantly having gills and sharp edges through the skins. *Facial and full body completely began slimy and wet. *Face genuinely remains and didn't change, yet the eyes and ears were the ones bluntly metamorphic. *The eye of the right Red double Awakening remained constant, while the left had been similar to the dragon's eye resembling the existence of the Dragon of the Sea. *Pita's entire appearance is completely covered with blood and seawater, whereas the weapon he wields is dramatically being changed as well. Causes every single one of them to be made alarming and fearful of what they had seen very strange and uncanning. Resulting in them creating much space far distanced more from Pista's frightening existence. . !Raaaaaaaaaahh! /Loud, screeching noise trembling throughout the entire Bamboo forest./ /Ground trembling menacingly./ /Wind surging relentlessly./ As Pista finished his absurd transformation right in front of the frightened Adventurers and the Supreme Awakening Possessor for at least a few minutes afterward. He started to charge through Levi Furiman once again. . ~System Notification. Wild, Malignant Monster had been directed through the Possessor. Number of enemies: 1 . Levi is consciously wary of the things he had seen on his eyes already, without any assistance given by the System on his right eye. He gradually deflected those attacks nonetheless, with a huge back step sagaciously stepping through the ground like the ones putting on it is barefoot through the ice that looking for a hot spot to place in. Along with his knife, deliberately being bitten at the moment, he prudently evading all of Pista's wild swing attacks that are seemingly lethal to be dealt with. Knowing for a fact how severed his right wrist that he received recently, resulting for him to went immobile and unusable for grabbing the weapon very hard as what he had thought coming from it. Causing him to pertain a strong martial attack without taking any form of weapons aside from a dagger that he bite conclusively. !Thug! !Thug! !Bang! !Bang! /Loud, body shots had been heard and found./ /Strong, malignant breaks of bones creaking murderously had been heard emersively./ /Blood coughing significantly./ Levi's nimbleness and quick-witted response were the ones being an asset in dealing against monsters that were tremendously stronger and defiant. For instances; Pista landed a massive dagger swing on Levi's left arm, whereas Levi evasively putting his right arm punching directly unto his face a few milliseconds after he reacted very normally. Furthermore, the consecutive landing shots had been thorough for more than 50 successful charges without taking it back towards him. Allowing the Adventurers who prudently watching the fight from everywhere to be left amazed and flabbergasted on Levi. As they intensively being admired for fighting the monsters that completely out of their measures and generally ended up being killed whenever they pry to fight against it. In which in his case, the situation had been thorough and conclusive to a one-sided victory under his favor as what they had thought about him in the first place. They even tried to compare his speed and agility on making quick shots that landed fairly directed to the monster's ulterior body, as they submissively being adamant throughout the fight since the time it started several minutes ago. "Putting aside from a magically infused essence comparison, since this heroic kid blatantly didn't have any magic to spit... He seemed voluptuous and proud on his attacks, by looking at his movements completely unpredictable massive to take hits." "Not only that, he didn't even use that small kitchen knife he bit since then... What is he up to with that anyways?" "There's nothing to brag about it, more importantly, was that....." ".... How could be able to pull up on winning when the kind of enemy you unknowingly facing in, was utterly so durable and ferocious to deal with..." The people seemingly went drastic unto their self-thoughts for a moment, completely went undermined that thinking for the worst possible occurrence was abruptly the first thing they placed into their minds for every second as the fight continuously held in. In which in particular for the side of the Administration's Personnel and few relentless Adventurers, whom consciously wary of the situations having in by Levi Furiman. They seemed remorseful, as their eyes continuously nodding in such order through the attacks and charges horrendously landing by Levi for the entire time of fighting. "He thoroughly aiming for the jaw and centrifugal force on Pista's shoulders." "The moment he swings the Dagger, this kid uses up that kind of opportunity for attacking, what a simple and clever plan he set up in the first place." "And not just that, the forms and momentum that he gave throughout the entire fight, was constantly didn't changed nor diminished!" As Lance and Mateo wisely realizing the pattern of Levi's ulterior movements he delivers sagaciously. Misho kindly being commending to their deep perception and intuition towards him, as he consciously adding on his thoughts to the fight as well. Knowing for a fact how much he studied and imitate mostly all of Levi's movement and action in terms of fighting as if he genuinely went back to a school where he likes to get learn very badly. It was all started when the time Levi Furiman firstly demonstrating his skills and abilities that he fought singlehandedly throughout the dungeon, in which he felt amazed and bluntly obsessed with his battle stance and techniques desperately waiting for it to pass down on itself. Adding to a thought about a certain technique that he newly heard nor attained from it very recently, and ended up being submissive on bragging to learn more coming from it. He sincerely wanted to know more about his identity and fighting abilities nonetheless, allowing Cassandra (who finally waking up 10 minutes after she held isolated) and other Adventurers to be left disgusted as the result. . Several minutes after the continuous blows abruptly exchanging through each other's bodies; Pista, whereas in his state of being a Sea Monster. Intentionally screeching up for a single moment, that instantly causes a huge trembling of noise throughout the entire surroundings. The vile noises and deafening screeches had been echoed for several minutes as what the System Notification instinctively involving right into. . ~System Notification Message: A strong, malignant force of echoing sound had been detected. Area of Explosion: 500 meters Time elapsed: 1 minute/s, 23 seconds. . Levi, who received only a mild scratch on both of his arms and a drastic form of bruises coming from his lower left-back. Solemnly didn't like the sudden course of action given by Pista Rambutan. As far as what he utterly believed coming from it; 'He likely calls up his evil friends at any moment... Telling him that 'Hey friends, Enemy is at B site! Need back up my friends...' ' Thinking for a fact on how much the amount of distance and duration of time that the screeching noise horrifying created doesn't seem much meaningless for those eminent monsters to had preparation on their own. 'That would be impossible to bethink that it is the last resort for a monster to live... But rather a roll call for an immediate response to the majority of the enemies to be spurt out at any moment.' And thus, his valiant and sharp intuitions had made truce once again; As he thoroughly felt a massive trembling on the ground, completely intensifying on its tenacity for the huge outrage of monsters that tremendously coming through into their place at any rate from now. Levi was the first one to alarmed, conclusively taking his warnings and dangers about the unprecedented calamities; That preparation is a must and survival is optional for the side of the Specialized Adventurers, sincerely wanting to live in this night full of monsters lurking around the dark. . . ***To be Continued***
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