Volume - 1 // Chapter - 25

2576 Words
"Let's go find this man whatever the cost." An enthusiastic decision made by the Adventurer Knights Department head desperately wanted to meet the man who allegedly the one pointed out the culprit of the existence of the Dungeon Break. Misho Santa, with a slight discomfort of involving the chase made by his superior, couldn't help himself but to felt bothered by what he planned for the young man. "What will you do, when you finally met him?" A redundant question, having a second thought on asking from his head. What's more frightening on his current condition. The Department Head smiled, with a vicious Aura recklessly emitted throughout the room. Misho left nothing but to gulped due to his uneasy feelings towards the Department head. "So you want, to kill him?" Misho courageously asked again, with a heavy trembling on his body. As soon as he valiantly asked for it. The Aura emitted by the Department head had slightly diminished until the pressure and humidity inside the room began normally. He calmed himself, after what he heard about that. "Of course not... You know what?" He gladly asked. "And why is it?" Misho flustered, still trembling his knees for no reason. "If what you'd said was true, also the investigation you'd held was intact and concluded... Then the person we met shortly, must be the man that we didn't want to mess with." A frank, solemn revelation wanted to share his thoughts towards his loyal subordinate. Misho Santa felt relieved, yet seemingly perplexed and anxious, hoping not to disappoint the Department head on finding him at some point. "Now then, where was the last time you found him?" "I asked only the Church Pastor whom the one putting him into custody... So my guess was he's in the Church with him near outside the Village's territory." With utter discomfort and disarray, they still have their hopes of finding the lead where the young man resided before the sun setting from its shine. They leave the room with pride and fierce, bringing up with some pieces of evidence and the 'Book of Awakening' that packed up into one, trying to resolve the incident with the person who was allegedly linked in their investigation. . Unknown forest, 290 meters away from the Central Willow Village territory. Pista Rambutan, along with Sam Smeagel did the same thing as Misho Santa and Robert Steel did. "Finding Levi Furiman before the unexpected happen comes out." By casting their magic spells, able to buff their bodies on made endurance to the highest level, they nonchalantly run towards the Administration Building from the recent dungeon break they went in. Without showing tiredness and exhaustion on their bodies, they run for more than an hour or more without stopping nor getting rest to catch a breath. At some point; The Destination they wanted to went was the same location as what the Adventurer Knights heading to. However; "Do you know where this Levi Furiman residing to?" Sam was utterly perplexed, thinking that they went to attend and focus for no certain reason. Pista was suddenly frustrated, knowing that his Chief went distraught if his intuition went wrong. He made himself assured and accordance by pointing out the person that made his source, on investigating the same incident with them as the result. "I'm not sure about this, but according to Misho Santa. The person we're seeking to was only residing to a certain person that putting his trust the most, located near outside the Village's territory." Pista explained while running and having an uneasy feeling for some reason. Knowing the fact that wasting the time with the Department Head will dealing him a huge consequence, whether a punishment that depends only on him or an immediate suspension for a week. But for the instances of Pista, he always chose punishment. Knowing that he and the Department head was absolute comrades for so many years of Adventuring. He knows it will be a light punishment, as light as feathers. Depending on what circumstances they made against him. "So you don't know actually? How shame." Sam left nothing but disappointment on him. As the result; Pista Rambutan was humiliated while running. After a few sets of minutes of running. They Arrived at the Main village near dusk and the stars of the sunset started glowing. "We're here, somehow." Pista relieved. "Yeah, and what now?" Sam began teased. As the two kept running until they reached the entrance of the Central village. They noticed the other two familiar people gradually riding their horses and rushing out like there was no time to waste from them. "Wait, those guys..." Sam was surprised as he didn't expect what he saw at the moment. "Yeah, and where are they heading to?" Pista saw it, felt the same way as he did. As they saw Misho Santa and Robert Steel of the Adventurer Knights desperately heading in a certain direction, that made the two Investigators intrigued and curious for some reason. As a matter of fact; Sam Smeagel suddenly realized and wondered, regarding a person that giving Pista a source for giving the lead of having their investigation. A smile of decisive idea and witted action, as what the thoughts made by the Department Head of Investigations for dungeons and quest, telling his mind on following their trails and paths where they went for the whole day and even night like they used to. "Hey, Pista... Do you think what I'm thinking?" Sam nodded. "Yeah, but sir what about our rules and regulations?" He felt insecure and having a second thought of agreeing. Knowing the fact that the rules and orders made by the Administration towards the personnel and other Adventurers affiliations are absolute and hardly able to break. Not only that; There was a rule for them that most of the high-ranking officials and Adventurers didn't bother breaking that kind of order. "Did you mean --- 'Never interfere the work and decision of others'?... Of course, I do know about that..." Sam was simply glad and ecstatic about his subordinate's concern. However; One thing that the rule made lapses on implementing towards the Department heads like this kind of situation. "Does anyone aware aside from us four, know about this 'Joint forces'?" He valiantly asked. Pista slowly understands what the Department head pointing to. Thinking that, if the Adventurer Knights didn't agree on being tailed nor getting spied from the Investigators, as long as their doings are redundant and regarded to what they agreed to. It was an understatement for them to understand what thoughts they wanted to share from both departments they are in. "So that's how it is, I forgot about the agreement." Pista felt relieved, completely understand what situation they went into. As the two finally went their thoughts and minds into one, they knew didn't have much time to waste rather than to follow their paths as much as they possibly can. "Then, the scout begins..." A bold, prideful gesture made by Sam Smeagel, who wanted to take part in the current happenings in no time. By activating their Eye of the Awakening, infused with casting another set of magic spells, able to seal their presence in their bodies thoroughly, they cautiously tracking the Adventurer Knight's path towards the location where they heading to. Trying not to catch up and not causing a commotion against each other. ... Nighttime at the Church. The people around the church had turned lazy and barely able to move, as every one of them had stuffed with some tasty food and fresh fruits as they ate a lot and left nothing for tomorrow's breakfast. As the result, nobody raises their hands-on cleaning the dishes and the kitchen as well due to their stomach are so heavy enough not to move freely. "You guys, is this all right for doing nothing after you finished eating?" A loud pouting voice was made by Pastor Ozril, scolding nonchalantly towards the people eating inside the church. !Pout! !Pout! Pastor Ozril volunteered himself on sweeping the floor inside. As soon as he saw everyone doing nothing, he scolded and ordered them for something. "Cassandra, clean this thing up!" The first one he saw was Cassandra, asking to clean the tables and chairs they used. Unfortunately, Cassandra declined. She did something that didn't relate to cleaning instead. The Church Pastor now felt irritated, tried to calm himself for a minute. Then, He saw Misa having fun with other Attendants. Sadly, Misa did the same thing, declining the offer of what Pastor Ozril offered. The same goes for the other Attendants, slowly running away on their own accord. "You ungrateful squirts...." The Church Pastor not getting anguish towards them, disgracefully bitting his teeth due to anger and discouragement against them. As he saw nobody presented for doing household chores in the night, Pastor Ozril felt down and tedious for himself. Knowing the fact that he was the only one participating in cleaning the kitchen and the dishes alone. But then, He suddenly thinks of only two persons who graciously accepted the orders and request anytime he wanted. "I wonder what did Casa and Levi did this evening... Should I asked them to help?" He simply nodded. . Few minutes had passed. Pastor Ozril still cleaning the dishes and kitchen chores all by himself. Didn't received any help nor any hands presenting inside of it. !Chatter! !Chatter! /Most number of plates and wooden glasses vigorously cleaned./ As he kept muttering alone, complaining about the behaviors and attitudes given by his Attendants; A cold, breezing feeling similar to a frightening entity that spurring out inside the kitchen. Aside from that; He noticed the jar storing for water to drink and clean, was always full and stored every time he used it. "Did it just full? I remembered using it just recently, how is this possible?" More than that; The tables, chairs, even floors are already cleaned and polished. The way he watched it was like seeing himself in a mirror as what it shines thoroughly from it. As the result, he seemed terrified thinking that his intuition was absolute and right. "What that a ghost?" The first one he thinks out of his fear. In a spur of a moment. His answer was instantly called all of a sudden. As he heard an eerie voice muttered from out of nowhere. Out of his fear; Without thinking and instantly decided. The Church Pastor recklessly activating his Eye of the Awakening to covered up his trembling body and frightening feeling for various reasons. By his Eye of the Awakening being released. The air and pressure inside the kitchen and other surrounding areas where he activated began tight and heavier, taking his warnings against the sudden phenomena that he just felt. !Bang! And then, in an unexpected happen. A loud banging of noise is located at the back of the kitchen storage where the food stores in, suddenly having its noise after the Church Pastor releasing his power. "Who's that? show yourself!" A vicious, fearsome voice made by the Church Pastor against the unknown entity, also to fight his fear as well. As he already prepared on attacking for a moment. A serene, mellow aura emitting inside the dark, kitchen storage where the loud noise explosion was located, that easily recognized by only sensing into it and immediately released his Eye of the Awakening afterward. Knowing the fact that the Aura he felt, was the Supreme Awakening, he quickly relieved for a moment and tried to call his name for his assurance. Aside from that, he couldn't see who's inside the room, knowing that there's no light to illuminate causing him to felt nervous. "Levi-kid? Is that you?" He muttered, trying to get his senses back. On the other hand, with the Eye of the Awakening being activated and emitting its aura unnoticed. Levi felt regret about doing it, thinking that it was the Church Pastor's aura he felt that causing him to rattles out inside and stumbled some ingredients as the result. "Yeah, what the hell old man... You just activating your Eye of the Awakening for no reason... Does anything happen?" Levi went perplexed, trying to understand the Church Pastor's feelings right on his nerves. The uneasiness feeling made by Pastor Ozril had finally perished and relieved as his intuition was wrong and misleading, after some ruckus he made that causing someone to bother. He left nothing but to apologize to him. He then turned his topics on whose person cleaning the most entirety of the kitchen behind the scenes, out of his curiosity. "I am... Why?" Levi valiantly answered. The Church Pastor surprised, couldn't be believed someone managed to do things without being unnoticed. Even for him, able to felt presence from everyone around the church. But only for him this time around, since the day he met Levi. He always and already knew the young man he helped was very exceptional than any others. "How did you do that?" He simply asked with jealousy. Levi seemed annoyed, getting his answer towards him anyways. He started explaining to him the time they finished eating their meals for dinner. "First of all, I bribed myself... By asking everyone on letting me clean every single corner of the Kitchen, as well as the dishes and tables we used and eat, with that, they seemed glad and prepared for some alibis made by themselves just to ignore your orders and commands you gave... By doing that, I was also the one cooking most of the meals we eat, and controlling most of the ingredients we had just to fill their stomach and to satisfy the food I prepared, enough for them to moved barely and do nothing for the next 30 minutes." With a brief explanation he made to the Church Pastor, he felt shocked and amazed at him at the same time. Yet, he still wondering about the purpose of doing the things that sincerely prepared. "Why did you do this anyway?" He curiously asked. "Since you're the only one who knew about my powers and my Awakening ability, it's hard for me to take a risk on telling them about my identity. Because of it, I used my strength and skills on using the ability to hide my presence, enough for you to unnoticed for the time being. And looks like I failed it since you already busted me out..." Levi seemed sad and atrocious for what he made that night. Thinking it was a failure for him to test out all by himself and without guidance from the others. The Church Pastor completely understands what he felt. While sitting on a rice sack right next to him. They talked and shared thoughts from each other, and asking for a young man to move on and continue persuading the dreams he wanted to be. "By the way, why are you here? Is this still part of your plan?" Pastor Ozril asked. "Frankly speaking, it's not... I just come here to check our food for tomorrow's breakfast." Levi nodded. "Speaking of which, what kind of breakfast do we have for tomorrow?" "Honestly, I don't know... after I stumbled and broke most of the eggs ... I'm sorry." Levi went pouted and felt teased. "You little----..." Pastor Ozril was suddenly frustrated after what he heard from Levi's answer. . . ***To be Continued***
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