Volume - 1 // Chapter - 24

2180 Words
/Floor started to rumble./ /Walls and roofs crumbling./ /Atmospheric pressure became heavy over time./ "What is this chilling vibe we felt?" "Could that be..." People and Adventurers inside the church are started having an uneasy feeling, that is easily located to the person that pointed out through their senses. Cassandra and Misa, as well as the Church attendants, couldn't be believed what they saw right in front of their eyes. As everyone noticed the sudden changes of appearance towards the Church Pastor, which made them tremble and frightened at the same time. "What was that just now?" A deep trembling noise was made by Cassandra, asking for the happenings that they currently went in. Unfortunately, She didn't receive any sort of good intuition, rather than terrified and solemn gestures. Everyone also felt astonished by the transformation made by Pastor Ozril for the first time since they met him at the church. Even those people, who lived and served the church for so many years, couldn't also believe the hidden strength and power that the Church Pastor secretly possessed. Among all the people and Adventurers having their trembling thoughts and terrifying gestures against the Church Pastor. Only one person that seemingly calm, yet patiently observant to the sudden changes that he made. 'Old man... Don't tell me, you activate that one just to save me. Right?' Levi complained about the Church Pastor's effort despite being grateful for a reason. Aside from that; Knowing the fact that it was already late for him to calmed him down the way he emits his Awakening Aura. But also thinking that Levi's movements and actions are completely locked and couldn't lay a single finger of resisting, that made him felt restraint for a moment. He left nothing but to let him do it on his own accord as the result. With a grim smile on his face, and letting his mind resting down while laying on the ground. 'I hope this will end immediately.' A thought kept added into his head. On the other hand; A sharp, vicious sense instantly activated throughout the Church Pastor's keen body after he released his Eye of the Awakening right in front of the People and Adventurers, who wanted to hurt Levi Furiman for their unnecessary reason. "I sincerely apologize for doing this, but this kind of behavior that you folks showed to us, utterly disgraced not just for the eyes of people, but also the eyes of the highest. Do you think these kinds of actions you'd made will be acceptable by the judges of others? I know you guys seemed depressed and frustrated towards the situation, that putting your minds went too far by blaming others and throwing objects and spell until they passed out, or even death by worse." A loud stunning words having his thoughts towards the people, while the Eye of the Awakening was relentlessly released. "Lay a hand of this young man, and you guys will pay for the Consequences." The Church Pastor had already done for his patience, viciously giving an absolute warning against the people and Adventurers. Even though. Aside from Levi Furiman's Eye of the Awakening. Knowing the fact that the stages of Awakening that the Church Pastor possessed, was far stronger and much terrifying than the others. By glancing through his eyes; Everyone easily noticed it. As they saw a Bluish-dark-colored Jewish Pattern on his iris, and a plain black-colored sclera resembling the background of his eyes. Not just that; It was seemingly more terrifying. As both of his eyes are being Activated by the power of Awakening. That the 'Book of Awakening' is simply called. !Eye of the Superior Awakening! By justifying that, it was clearly said to conclude. "That Pastor Ozril is a wielder of the Superior Awakening, and a possessor of the Jewish-Enochian Race." By thinking a simple logic; The power of the Superior Awakening Possessor will be estimated at least a hundred times stronger than a person who possessed a double Awakening. And a thousand more than a person who only possessed an Ordinary Awakening. As the result; People and Adventurers who once dealing up with him didn't want to continue to what they're initially doing anymore. Knowing the fact that messing up against him will be suicidal and inevitable regret that taking their actions back at them tenfold. After that; Most of them slowly deactivating their Eye of the Awakening as they concede their shameful actions against him. While some of the others couldn't hold themselves but to test out their strength and guts on attacking the Church Pastor. Thinking the power he possessed was just a fluke and a tool for imitating the enemies to run away. !Boong! !Swoosh! !Splash! Continuous magic spells are throwing away in unison against the Church Pastor. Fireballs, Water spouts, other elemental spells they cast altogether. Low-level trap spells are putting into one, thinking that was enough to restraint the movements made by their enemy. Like the last time, they did to Levi Furiman. !Bang! A loud, ear-breaking explosion occurred after the spells and continuous attacks made by some people and Adventurers afterward. /Huge smoke of dust showing the aftermath of their actions./ "Did we made it?" "I don't know, looks like we made it." "Hahahahahaha... That was easy, Is that the possessor of the 'Superior' Awakening you'd boasted for?" People and Adventurers who take their risks on defying the might and intensity that the Church Pastor made, was gone too far from their current behavior as a wielder of the Strongest Races that they possessed. Arrogance and Pride of themselves. The first one that easily noticed even for the eyes of the weak and ordinary. As they didn't exactly know what had been done in the spur of the moment. In the meantime. On the side of the Church Attendants; Other people gradually felt petrified and stunned as they saw the Church Pastor nonchalantly received the attacks and magic spells made by the Adventurers. Concerns and conspicuous are the ones dominant in their minds, thinking the effects of taking the damage was far reluctant and severe for an ordinary human body as what the current perception. However; that was not the case for Misa, Casa, and Cassandra's perspectives. Since the Church Pastor having the power of the Superior Awakening, they didn't hold their uneasy vibe and feelings towards him. As they still felt the tremendous, invincible power as well as its deep, eerie Aura that vigorously flowing throughout his body. Though, they have only seen his silhouette, hiding his very body inside the dust of smoke. They completely felt his presence even if his physical appearance didn't seem eventual. "Amazing, I can't believe it." "To be able to receive that kind of attack made by the people and Adventurers whose the same Awakening and powers like us, He still able to stand up and doesn't seemed hurt on his body." "What's more than that, is his Aura." Cassandra cautiously noticed. "What about his Aura, then?" Misa is flustered. As they kept wondering their thoughts towards him. Casa on the other hand barely emits Awakening Aura. Felt his presence throughout her senses. "His Aura didn't deplete nor distinguished." The first one she noticed about. Misa finally realized it after she observed it. But, then; One thing is for sure on their minds. "How can he responded after they dare to attack him?" . /Dust and smoke slowly perished./ /Floor slowly creaking./ /Air started to tight./ After he received countless spells and attacks made by daring people and Adventurers. Pastor Ozril left nothing but to felt let down against them. As he didn't evenly suffer severe injury, nor scratches around his body. Only his clothes and his position where he stands were the ones shattered and crumbled into pieces. "Haaa... What a shame, I'd never really thought my uniform will be torn like this." Surprisingly, Pastor Ozril only cared about his belongings even in a tight situation. "Oh, Levi-kid... You'd seemed alive, thank Goodness! hohohoho." He even cared about the condition of others. Levi on the other, whom already annoyed and frustrated by his behavior. Couldn't hold himself anymore but to complain about his uneasy vibe with him. Apparently; "Hmmm...Hmmm...Hmmm... " (When I get uncuffed with these, I will kill you, you stinky old man!) Levi didn't express his whining, due to the magic spells that still restraining his movements the whole time. Knowing the fact that he was the nearest one and defenseless from the approaching magic spells and attacks, that he barely protected against it. He seemed perplexed and anguished towards the Church Pastor as the result. "Hahahaha, (Gomen) (Gomen)..." He is simply Apologetic with a tease. But then, his attention went back towards the People and Adventurers who seemingly terrorized him at the moment. With a calm, solemn glare, having intended to succumb their very souls for taking risks and consequences. Pastor Ozril didn't want to waste his time anymore, rather than dealing with them sincerely and whole-heartedly. !Bang! /Atmospheric pressure inside the church began heavier and tighter once again./ /Floors and walls inside started to break./ /Air suddenly went dense, barely able to breathe at any rate./ The people who were the ones aiming at the Church Pastor began panicked, completely lost their minds on dealing with him anymore. "There he goes, he's moving and approaching against us!" "What have we done, looks like we messed up some monsters in an isolated village." "Were doomed... Saved us!" All evil thoughts and corrupted decisions they made before, had turned into despair and regret. Like the one they once attacking, was the one approaching them and telling them to take back what they made at him tenfold. The Church attendants, including Casa and Misa, were quickly heading to the Church Pastor, trying to imitate him before the unnecessary casualties will happen. Unfortunately, it was already late for them to take action. Cassandra on the other, trying to undo the spell that putting Levi on hold by using her Magic and Awakening powers at the same time. !Thug! !Thug! /Footsteps heavy rumbling./ /Pressure began heavier and tighter./ A simple question gives a simple answer. The first one that putting Pastor Ozril's mind as to what the expectations he wanted towards them. "Tell me one thing..." People and other Adventurers started gulping their throats due to being nervous. Others already trembling their knees, couldn't lay a finger to move anymore. "Who and what are you, able to hurt others?" An inevitable question that putting everyone in a terrible situation. Expectedly; Nobody has the guts on answering his question. Not because they're afraid nor terrified from the Awakening Aura that constantly emitted throughout the Church Pastor's existence. But because of an eye-opening situation, that putting their simple minds to realized what they had done through the entire day of having in the place they held in. Shame, Embarrassed, and Frustration. As what they felt inside the hearts of the villagers and other Adventurers who heard the sympathy of the Church Pastor. Felt sad and sorry for the man they abused and humiliated as the result. Some Adventurers who cast their magic spells against Levi tried to undo their work. Fortunately, it was already finished and tied down by Cassandra Smith. By doing that, their lives had easily been spared. Even though he didn't intend to hurt nor to kill them all. But seeing them terrorized and petrified for what they had done makes the Church Pastor seemingly enough and contented that dealing with some consequences might be unnecessary. "Good thing you all atoned your sins with that." Pastor Ozril suddenly smirked as he shows his funny side once again. After that. Tensions between both sides became calm and serene. Laughter and joy made back from their faces once again after seeing nobody received any serious injuries, aside from Pastor Ozril and Levi Furiman. Everyone started apologizing to the young man after a promising word that he couldn't forget for the rest of his life. Another set of minutes of staying. People and Adventurers who gathered the Church slowly started to leave, still having trembles on their bodies after the happenings they encountered the whole day. And so; The event and sudden misunderstanding had finally concluded. However; Another thing that continuously wandered inside the Church Pastor's mind. "Kid... come here..." He called Levi whose eating bread and honey inside the kitchen. "What is it? ... (Munch) (Munch) " He casually replied while munching the food he eats. He regarded the recent happenings that made encountered between them. "When I released my Eye of the Awakening, did your "Eye" suddenly activated?" The Church Pastor asked with caution, trying not to direct the words he made in public. Levi on the other, taking his time remembering it. "Hmm... No, I didn't release it... Why?" He perplexed. The Church Pastor felt relieved after he heard his response. "Nothing much.... just go back and eat all you want...." He ordered. ".......... Ok" Levi left annoyed and muttering for no reason. . . ***To be Continued***
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