Volume - 2 // Chapter - 35

2170 Words
On that night. The Entrance warp of the Dungeon break had now completely closed permanently and started dispersing to its existence, little by little. As the people nervously guarding outside the Dungeon back then, everyone seemed glad and relieved already as they saw every single of their superiors had made their escape complete and vividly. They cheered up the 3 Administration Personnel after they went outside, gladly attending to their wounds and checking up their conditions thoroughly and positively. Unfortunately, the 3 simply declined the treatments they gave. Knowing the fact that most of their wounds and injuries they had are all scratches and mild stabs on their bodies. Moreover, there was only one person who needed the most medical attention and immediate treatment as fast as the medical Adventurers' possibly could. In other words, they don't want to heal nor treating them at some point. "Help this young man first! Hurry!" Sam Smeagel trying to command the personnel guarding the dungeon, as well as other people who he sees out of desperation. It was Levi Furiman that Sam Smeagel he mentioned that bought out gently and lightly, already bathe on his blood and past conscious for the whole time. The Personnel didn't follow his command at first, knowing the fact that the department they're assigning in is far different than the ones he had already. As the result, nobody from them hasn't taken their actions first hand, also all of their orders and commands are for their Department head only. Aside from that, the person he wanted to treat was new and unknown in the eyes of the people. Thinking it was a foreign person descending the place where he went in like a suspicious and very unpleasant to deal with. But then, all of a sudden; The Department head of the Adventurer Knights finally stepped into their commotion, between his subordinates and the Department head of the raids, dungeons, and quest investigations. "I'll grant it... You stupid morons! Help this young man! faster you slow grandpas!" Robert Steel ordering his people in an insulting manner in front of Sam Smeagel, causing him to felt annoyed and mean. After the loud, crunchy orders made by their chief. All of them began frail and went active in an instant, immediately taking his orders as quickly as they could. Leaving Sam Smeagel alone in the middle of a busy crowd and cold, chilly night. To start their solemn conversation with each other, Robert Steel cautiously asked Sam Smeagel about the situations that happened inside the dungeon out of his curiosity. "What is happening inside? Did you look stressed and apprehensive? Does something terrible happen that causing the young Supreme Awakener to look near-dying?" He asked so much at him he didn't realize theirs too many questions for the perplexed man to answer all of it at once. But then, the minds of the Department head didn't seem bothered at all. Not knowing that his puzzled head and truthful reality he'd shown was already completed, his thoughts transparent and started mesmerizing altogether, making him felt stupendous and relieved as the result. He gladly answered it one by one, thinking it would be helped and making the Department head of the Adventurer Knights to stopped his concern and curiosity on his head. ~ [Morning at the Administration Building, Willow Village.] People who want to make requests and Adventurers wanted to take the quest and earn money had gone thoughtfully to the place early in the morning, hoping for the dungeons and gates to open once more after a few days of closure, due to some certain reasons and inconvenience that Levi Furiman made for the past few weeks since then. Rampant and Rampaging noise, as every single of them, started ramming the main door to open forcedly all by themselves. Due to the Administration Personnel itself started to hide the Bulletin board, whereas the quest and other raid missions putting in altogether. Causing the crowd to begin misery and in their brink of despair. They Start having a huge commotion, breaking all the objects and anything that belongs to the Administration. The Attendees and Receptionist having their stead inside the building, couldn't hold themselves on defending and stopping the wrongdoings made against the rampage of the people, thinking the fact that they're only a few of them are present at the scene and most of it is not arriving yet. But then, they're still up to against the hundreds of people and Adventurers to managed at the same time. "We need the quest... And the dungeon as well!" "We cannot bear this stupid closure that you guys made..." "Stop this nonsense and give us our needs! We need to earn money enough to survive for this day at least!" Their complaints and rummage they made had gone too far already, causing the other people and on the side of the Personnel and Receptionist to suffer some scratches and mild injuries every time they tried to stop their movements. Until such then, most of the powerful Adventurers and people had started to cast their magic spells that making them startled and terrified at the moment. As everyone has their short riot and embarrassing commotion occurred inside the building. Suddenly, in an unprecedented happen; The Personnel of the Adventurer Knights along with the Department head of the Investigators for Quest and Raids and his subordinate are casually walking and held themselves too came by all of a sudden, already tired and worn out after the entire night of guarding the Dungeons and Gates that turning into a break. A few meters away from the Building, most of them already heard the loud rumbling that held inside of it. Like a huge celebration and a lot of platters continuously breaking over time, some of them think the same way while others are different. As they think it was a loud politician cheering himself for the upcoming elections hoping for the crowd to vote for him. But then, out of their conscience. They started attending by opening the door to seek it for themselves. Unfortunately, it was the opposite and utterly obscene things they seen at their first glance. "What is this mess?" "How could these folks be barbaric in an instant?" "Everyone, capture them!" One High-ranking Personnel orders her subordinates. Every single one of them startled and alarmed at the moment, having drawn their weapons trying to uphold the situation they made and ceasing all sorts of unnecessary movements both Personnels, people, and Adventurers at the same time. Fortunately, they successfully made it, even though they're barely able to move accordingly and consciously. Also, their eyes were already dim, ready to close for resting, and their bodies were already exhausted and pass to their limits, but then they still managed themselves for a reason. "Don't move, or we'll kill you!" A short-tempered high-ranking Adventurer started to threaten the people and Adventurers who tried to restraint their bodies from moving. Though, it was quite reasonable for them to be upset about the current behavior made by the people and Adventurers. It was still taboo and redundant for the Personnel to harm nor casualties were given by for them to gain order. As the result, the commotions began to spread out. But this time, it was all against the Adventurer Knights who locking their movements up thoroughly. Moments after, The Department Heads along with Misho Santa and Pista Rambutan had finally arrived. Few minutes after the commotion was held between the Adventurer Knights and the Crowd of people and Adventurers inside. With intense, vicious aura they emit. Every single one of them couldn't hold themselves but to felt terrified and frightened by only just sensing their presence from a distance. Knowing that their resistance went to alt in an instant all of a sudden after they arrived just in time. "What's going on here?" A loud, terrifying voice made by Robert Steel, solemnly asked the people having around about the situation that they currently held in. Sam took the same thing. Rather, he condones and understands the feelings of the people that make them havoc, unlike Robert Steel whereas he did the harsh way against them. Misho and Pista on the other, couldn't have to pay attention to the situations at the moment, they seemed spacing out and restless due to it. Still Mesmerizing the things that happened throughout the night inside the dungeon, slowly traumatize yet getting healed by relieving their thoughts and realization at the same time. Nonetheless, Misho Santa starts having his thoughts on how strong Levi Furiman is, and the power he possessed. Even though he already knew the Awakening race and stages did Levi Furiman attained, he still couldn't believe and flustered the more he thinks either way. Pista thinks differently at some point, as he the one discovers his power the most and the first one to felt the Awakening Aura of the Supreme Possessor emitted during an actual battle, as well as on how it emits and how it reacted towards their bodies at first hand. He knew the person was seemingly amiable and worthy to trust whenever you bet your everything on him too. They left nothing but amazed and terrified even now as the result, thinking it was a point of no return for them to know the person possessing the power of the strongest stages would telling their guts and instincts not to mess with and be grateful to meet him. As the two kept spacing themselves out of the ruckus, the Administration Attendants and other quest receptionist suddenly noticing them mumbling around and murmuring something out of the realization that happens throughout the place. They tried to get attention towards them by startling them and doing childish things. !!??? Unfortunately, their plan had easily failed. As for them haven't noticed the senses they felt had gone maximizing and already on their limit the entire time, since the last one they escaped the dungeon. As the result, their arms had instantly refraining and their wrist easily locked down before they even noticed. In a matter of seconds, they got caught in a blink of an eye, quickly apologized to the two sleepless and tired Adventurers sitting on a couch at the corner side of the building while doing absolutely nothing. "Don't do that again." Pista solemnly warned them. "We'll kill you if you guys do that to us again!" Misho threatens with a murderous glare towards them. And so, their lives had spared for a meantime. By kneeling in front of them and apologizing thoroughly as sincerely as they made. Then again, one of the Attendees arrived afterward. Asking for the situation they held that causing them to looked doom and gloom for the whole time. Not only that, most of them quickly noticed something missing on their Personnel that made them intrigued and curious about it. Not knowing the fact that it was the Adventurer Knights Magic and Medical team that they mentioned had gone unattended and out of their sight whilst the entire squadron are seemingly complete and compelling. The two tired Adventurers completely terrified and flabbergasted all of a sudden, started having a loss of appetite on sleeping due to that and couldn't hold themselves trying not to looked atrocious in front of other people. Especially to the one asking for it the most. "No...nothing much, Natalia-senpai... They went rested first due to the entire night of observing the behavior of the dungeon that turning into the break. They seemed tired so we let them rested... Right? Pista?" Misho couldn't hold himself on spouting non-existing reasoning, asking Pista on helping him out from the malicious word trap made by the Administration Attendant. "Ye...yeah..." Pista nodded with slight discomfort. Unfortunately, the one they talked to didn't seem to impress nor believed what they said to her. Rather, she looked lavished and mean towards them, causing her to look more suspicious on every word they spitting against her. As the result, they keeping their mouth shut for the entire time. Waiting for her to leave, knowing the fact that she easily gets annoyed and bore whenever she felt uneasy and disregards what the surroundings were she held in. . Back in the middle of the commotion. Robert Steel, along with Sam Smeagel and other high-ranking officials of the Adventurer Knights department, standing tall right in front of the people and Adventurers, as well as the Administration attendants to have their attention for some important and pleasant news. That everyone felt enjoyed and thrilled for the first time in weeks on being in despair. Likewise, the people and Adventurers also wanted to hear their thoughts and begging towards them as well. But then, for the sake of peace and harmony inside the building, they made themselves attentive and vigor for their own sake. And thus; The joy and laughter coming from their mouth had been seen everywhere throughout the building from then on. . . ***To be Continued***
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