Volume - 2 // Chapter - 36

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Continuation of Chapter 34 last panel, and Chapter 35 first panel// Outside the dungeon, in the middle of the cold, chilly night. Few hours before the sun rises. As everyone saw the sudden events occurring outside the dungeon, whereas the break started to close diligently. The Adventurer Knights Department head began ordering his subordinates to head back and to rest their bodies from guarding the place for the entire night. However, everyone seemed shocked and perplexed. Like the place they were supposed to held resting wasn't the place where they went in. "We're going to the Administration Building, you guys will go resting for the whole day until evening." He calmly responds out of the subordinates' curiosity. The Knights' Personnel simply understood the plan and order that the Chief made for them. Not knowing the fact that the distance of the place they held in and the Headquarters they thought to arrive from it are too far away from what they imagined. Aside from it, Other Personnel from various places were relatively distanced compare to the ones they held already. By putting it simply, the nearest dungeon break was to reached was 1.2 Kilometers away from this point to another, It would take at least an hour for walking and not more than a half if using magic spells and another mode of transportation to put it easier. As the result, they agreed whole-hearted and gladly. "What about you, Chief? You not coming?" One Personnel asked with concern. "Don't mind me, you go!" Robert simply nodded with a smile on his face. On the other hand, whilst the two considerately waiting for the Personnel to depart from the place where the Dungeon break existed. They noticed Misho Santa and Pista Rambutan started packing up their belongings after the whole night of fighting, suddenly went uncertain about the feelings they made that were seemingly showy and gloomy to be seen from a distance. Out of their conscience, Sam Smeagel called them. Causing the two gloomy ones to stopped from their doings and went out to their place instead. "What kind of faces did you guys showed this evening? You looked trash and pathetic... What's the matter?" Sam Smeagel asked with an insult to them. The two seemed pale and frightened for no reason at the moment, Robert and Sam had nothing to do but to unleashed their senses to determine what those two had felt the entire time of having in. Knowing the fact the Awakening stages they attained were the 'Superior' type, it was all stated that every person nor being having this kind of Awakening will be granting a feature allowing them to know the feelings of others, as well as their expression and manner. However, it will only be able to be used once per day and only reacted to the ones lower than their stages. "These guys... seemed terrified... of something?" Robert became startled as he felt their magic and Awakening senses being unstable, thinking for such overpowered and terrifying monsters terrorizing the place where they held in long before. It was the same to Pista as what he saw on him relatively. He tried to ask them again. Unfortunately, it can't be helped. Making Sam Smeagel taking his attention towards them, allowing him to answer all thoughts and feelings they made the entire moment. "It was the power of the Supreme Awakening... It was all coming through our senses the time we've entered the dungeon ever since. I hope you are convinced by it." Sam simply directed the thoughts freely and vigor. But then, in an unfortunate way. The mood and behavior of the Adventurer Knights Department head began badly and furious, as what he heard his explanation didn't make him convinced at all. Air pressure suddenly went dense, the cold breeze chilling throughout their skin had seemingly gone sharper. Making the two more terrified than ever. As it is seen entirely, Robert Steel felt irritated all of a sudden. Asking back to the Department head of the Dungeons and quest Investigation to proved his time worthy and reliable to trust. To begin, he asked directly about his purpose of having himself alone and away from the others. Not only that, he asked with his presence unnoticeably released and his Eye of the Awakening nonchalantly activated. "Since you guys already have here, tell me more about the details on what's going on inside the dungeon?" He questioned with a serious, terrifying glare towards them. The two seemed mortifying, couldn't hold themselves but to embarrass and frightened at the moment. Suddenly went hiding at the back of Sam Smeagel instinctively and just. "Don't fret... Let me handle this..." Sam instantly noticed it, asking the two to relieved themselves somehow. Sadly, the two couldn't. Making their knees tremble and eyes widened like death was slowly coming for them. 'It is hopeless... These two couldn't help themselves immediately.' Sam simply nodded, began standing right in front of their sight. As Robert Steel impatiently waiting for their response, Sam Smeagel finally having his attention on him once again. With a distraught glare and serene presence, managing to uphold the aura that the Adventurer Knights Department head emitted. He picked up his response and answers him sagaciously and quick-witted. "It is true that I am the one asking you some spare time having here, alone and off-guarded... But first things first, Are you certainly aware of the consequences of exposing the identity of the young man possessing the power of the Supreme Awakening?" He asked calmly and on track. "Of course I know, dumbass. The situations and conditions about everything around the Administration and the entire Kingdom will turning into upside down, especially the fact that 'He' is the only one Supreme Awakening that wields the race of the Jewish-Enochian." Robert simply nodded to what he responded. "Not only that, since he is the wielder of the Jewish-Enochian. Every single kingdom throughout the world would likely have their interest in acquiring his power and made their country strengthen to its limits because of him. We can't wage him putting on a brink of despair that made his mind out of nothingness and leaving this kingdom all of a sudden. We will take the responsibility for these, if you think I didn't know everything from the sidelines doing nothing and idled the whole night then this conversation we just held in will be pointless." He added with desperation and determination. Though, the words and thoughts that the Adventurer Knights Department head are simply astounding and promising. Making Sam Smeagel felt gratified on him for involving the classified and treacherous task that only a few people had risking their lives to know about. Apparently; It was only the first one that Sam Smeagel wanted to know, about the knowledge and information that Robert Steel already had recently. "If you aware of restricting the Identity of that young man, then I don't even think that you sincerely know the power of Levi Furiman that he already had?" Sam asking with a conscience. ".... What do you mean?" Robert seemed perplexed, couldn't think properly for a moment after a simple question made by Sam that made his mind went puzzling thoroughly. He couldn't help but scratch his head out of his ignorance felt embarrassed a bit after didn't make an answer against him as a mode of response. He then left himself calm and lowered the aura he constantly emitted as the result. As he intrigued by the happenings that the 3 Administration Personnel held in long before. Sam Smeagel cautiously asking for a request once again, waiting for a certain comparison that made Robert Steel felt irritated and insulted for a reason. "Are you screwing up with me? You think I will easily grant your request just like that!... Determining the power of what I have then the power of that young boy already had? Don't joke me around!" He instantly felt offended, quickly grabbing Sam's coat due to anger, and began upsetting him. Yet, he was not done compelling against him. "What are you truly pointing at me about? Measuring my Strength and amount of power that I have, comparing to the ones the Young boy had? That's an utterly non-sequencing and comical thing that I heard and what I imagined." He added while keeping himself complaining against Sam. Sam, on the other hand, couldn't make himself serious for a while. Nonchalantly laughing in front of the Department head while on the other was already pissed and irritated for some particular reason. Moments later, after the sudden joy and laughter, they made for minutes, Robert had now had a question to Sam Smeagel this time, asking him back some things about the strength and Awakening powers did Levi Furiman possessed during the battle of the dungeon break they held throughout the night of having him. But then, the thoughts of Sam Smeagel's mind had already been fixed into pieces, already knew it will be questionable for the minds of intrigued and curious Robert Steel, wanting to know the happenings that occurred inside the dungeon. Regardless of that, the first few questions he'd throw to the Department head of Adventurer Knights are relatively and related to the answer that he wanting to acquire. By knowing that, he quickly reminded the things on him about how powerful and destructible Levi Furiman was. "He's too powerful, overwhelmed with Awakening aura. So intense and undeniably the strongest, enough for our Awakening aura and presence to be eaten at the whole, and even our senses couldn't hold the intensity of the surroundings he'd made. Especially when we tried to get near on him when he fully unleashed his Supreme Awakening ability." Sam simply explained to him wisely and picky. "Is that possible? even if we released our full potential, we're still weaker and smaller for the eyes of a Supreme Possessor?" Robert was simply astonished as he felt thrilled at what Sam Smeagel saw inside of him. As a matter of fact, by seeing the two unpleasant Personnel standing idly and doing absolutely nothing at the back of Sam Smeagel. He noticed their current appearance that seemingly being eaten alive both spiritually and psychologically. He left nothing but to felt curious and atrocious about what they felt as the result. "Their Awakening auras... Looks like they are mostly ones to be left eaten alive and nothing to spare with... Couldn't be it was Levi Furiman's doing that made them freaked out and went insane?" "Truthfully speaking... Yes, it was his made all along." He answered without hesitating. "If that was his, then was it a terrifying and malevolent kind of Awakening aura that he always emitting. Not only that, it was seemingly violent and brutal enough for them to damage their cognitive skills and motor bodies in an instant?" He asked with concern about the two trembling personnel. Sam patiently replied, simply answering his worries and apprehension towards them. "Yeah, it was a menacing and traumatizing aura that he emitted at first, not knowing the fact that he way burst his Awakening aura had gone staggering throughout the dungeon, that not even a single space couldn't able to hide from it. However, that was not the reason why they felt gloom and mortifying." "Then... What is it?" Robert Steel kept his senses attending to him while listening to every single piece of detail that he had already. "It was on how he delivers his Awakening powers to others." Sam suddenly went serious for a moment. "... What do you mean?" Robert seemed flustered once again, thinking he couldn't cope with the information given by Sam Smeagel anymore. . Suddenly, an unexpecting happen. The conversation between the two Department Heads had forcedly gone putting into the conclusion; As they noticed a group of Adventurer Knights Personnel hurriedly went back towards them, telling something that seems important to not be ignored. "What is it? You seemed wary and rushed, following up here... Has something happened to the dungeon gate that you are guys guarding?" Robert went urged at the moment. As soon as he finally approached the Department head at last. He suddenly rested a bit, continually catching up his breath little by little until he regained back into his senses. Robert is on his side, patiently waiting up for his subordinate to report as he understands the feelings of being worn out from their duties to fulfill. Seconds later, he spoke out; Unfortunately, they heard only his loud rumbling mouth couldn't be managed to spoke fluently and thoroughly due to his shock. "The...The...The..." "Come on, speak properly... dammit!" "The dungeon break that we guarded, was slowly dispersing!" He finally speaks out after a huge lump he received on his head from the fist of the annoyed Department head as the result. Out of his surprise and disbelief, he asked his subordinate about the details regarding the situation they held in since the time guarding it. Unfortunately, he didn't receive any brief justification. All that he received from them was; "It was all started when a Bluish-dark-colored Awakening aura completely spurring out on the inside of the Dungeon... They couldn't be managed to enter, out of their fears and frustrations by just glaring at it... A few minutes later, the dungeon entrance had gone dispersing slowly but surely." Since then, the face of the Adventurer Knights Department head had now turned into anxious and stressed out as he couldn't believe the happenings occurring in just a half of minutes before that. Aside from it, some of the High ranking Personnel started gathering up in one place, rushing on reporting to the Department head about the situations they held at the same time. "You guys... the Dungeon break that you guys guarding in.... was slowly diminished right?" Robert Steel is already done with their reports, simply predicting their thoughts, like a game that he unlikely created. As expected, they were startled at first. Couldn't believe their reaction as what they'd heard from the Department head towards them. On the other hand, the three Administration Personnel already knew the situations that happened that every single one of them went rattles out and baffled on their stand. Especially to the eyes and minds of Sam Smeagel, who is the only one approaching and having thoughts against the Demi-beings, sharing information between each other resulting in them gaining resolve and trust towards races in the far future. "Chief... What has happened?" Pista silently whispering to Sam with caution and on track. "Think of it, as what the leaders of the Homo-goblins said to me back then... this was already started on the inside..." He response very gently towards him. "Moreover, the entire vicinity of the Dungeon Raid that Levi Furiman opened... Has started to heal up and returning into their senses..." He simply added while mumbling. "In other words?" Pista suddenly went perplexing by what he said. "The magic spell that Levi Furiman created, was not only for the specific dungeon place to be cast... Rather than that, It was the entire vicinity of the Village that he aiming and casting out all at once." He nodded with a gracious smile on Sam's face. . . ***To be Continued***
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