chapter 3: pet

2085 Words
Unknown POV The moment gracie turned her head around holding out her arms to Leonardo, he stopped at his track. He was a second away from pulling the trigger when he hears gracie say the most ridiculous thing ever. But the way she said it made him stop at his tracks and look at her. Leonardo’s eyes meet with the most beautiful eyes he has seen ever. Deep blue ocean eyes with dark long lashes. Her face was so very pale and fair that the thick lashes contrasted deeply with her complexion. Now that her hair was swept back, he could see her face properly. Her face between heart and oval shaped was small with big eyes. Tears flowing her eyes glistened and Leonardo swore it was the most beautiful eyes he has ever laid his eyes on. Her nose was small but very well shaped with her nose bridge high just at the right amount. His eyes went down to her lips. A natural plump full pink lip graced his eyes. She looked no more than 16. She was thin as a twig, so pale yet so beautiful. His eyes further went down to look at her hands holding out to him. Something came over him and he held out his hand, it was like he was mesmerized for a second there but the spell broke when gracie spoke again; “I wish I could hold the water” Leonardo blinked for a few times taking in what the girl infront of him just said. He saw that she was opening and closing her fingers as if she was disappointed at the fact that she couldn’t hold the water.   “are you mocking me girl?” gracie looked up to see a very angry leonardo glaring at her. His presence alone was enough to make her shiver. It just hit her that moment. She was dazed the whole time but coming back to reality fear started creeping in. he was scarier and stronger than the guard in her cell or everyone around her. Gracie instantly knew he wasn’t someone you could defy or mess with. The same man who was going to kill her. Fear engulfed her whole body as she realised what she had just done. She had disobeyed an order. Her whole body started to shiver and she wrapped her arms around herself. “I asked, are you mocking me girl!!?? Don’t f*****g make me repeat twice!” he growled menacingly. Gracie shook her head furiously hoping he would get the answer that she wasn’t mocking him. She just couldn’t find her voice at the moment. “I know you are not f*****g mute so answer me!” he hissed at her approaching her until they were only few centimetres apart. Gracie could feel his eyes staring down at her but she was too scared to look up. Her instinct telling her to run away as fast as she could. “n-n-no…” she whimpered. She could see her life coming to an end. But she wasn’t sad because this was something she had accepted long ago. When she heard no response from him, she looked up only to see his eyes still staring her. He had a frown on his face looking as if he was looking for something. Like an answer. Gracie lowered her eyes again staring again at the sparkling waters. “capo something wrong?” Damien said as he walked towards gracie and his boss who had a very unreadable expression. “capo should I finish her off for you?” Damien takes out his gun pointing at gracie. “leave.” Leonardo growled never taking his eyes off Gracie. “si capo” Damien walked away knowing better than to ever defy his boss. Gracie and Leonardo stood in the edge of the lake which seemed like forever for Gracie. Suddenly gracie felt his hands holding her wrist and yanking her out of the water. she didn’t protest and followed him silently not knowing where this was taking her. They stopped when they reached back to the garden. She felt everyone eyes on her. “I don’t feel like entertaining myself anymore. Spare the women and you all can enjoy the game with the rest.” Leonardo barked the commands to his men. “what should we do with the women capo?” Damien asked. “let them work here. We don’t have time to look for new staff.” Leonardo said gruffly still holding Gracie’s wrist. Gracie felt the pain, he was holding on too tight he himself wasn’t aware of the strength his fingers were putting on his hold. Gracie didn’t complain or made any noise. Its gonna leave a bruise. Gracie internally sigh. She peeked up her head up to see the maid and staff gathered when her eyes met jasmine’s tear welled eyes looking back to her. Her body automatically jerked wanting to approach jasmine. She stopped when the hand holding her didn’t even budge a bit. She froze when the grip around her hands tightened. She whimpered in pain. She was so sure that her wrist was gonna break any moment. After shouting out some more orders, it was back to him dragging her. They kept walking till they reached a room. when they got inside Leonardo stopped. He let go of her wrist finally letting the blood flow in her fingers. She rubbed her wrist shooting the pain. “go clean yourself. You’re filthy” she heard him saying and she could hear the disgust in his voice. She just nodded.   Leonardo POV Okay now what!? I questioned myself. What the f**k did I just do? I don’t know what came over me. Without thinking I dragged this girl who I was supposed to kill. I looked at her, she was rubbing her wrist. I could already see the bruise forming. What the f**k? I didn’t even put that much strength in my hold. Why is she so weak? She makes me want to…. I couldn’t put the words I felt. What is it? …prote-… No!! I brushed away the thought. That’s not possible. Me feeling something so ridiculous?? “go clean yourself. You’re filthy” I commanded her. She nodded giving me a yes for an answer. “don’t come out of this room unless I tell you to.” She nodded and just stood there. “and I want to hear an answer always. You are not f*****g mute so don’t f*****g act like one.” She nodded and stiffened, “y-y-yes…” “and you are to call me Master.” “y-yes M-Master…” she said meekly eyes not meeting up my mind. Something sparked inside me. She is just like a pet. The thought sparked inside me; well it was time for a new toy anyway. I looked at her. She needs to groom herself if she was gonna be my pet. Right now, she looked more like a street beggar who could drop dead any moment. “look at me!” She looked up, startled at my loud voice. I leaned down till my eyes were on the same level as her. There was something about her eyes that was just pulling me… innocence…? “what’s your name?” I asked. “… G-gracie..” she answered after pausing for a few seconds. “are your scared of me?” I asked again. She just nodded as an answer. I raised an eyebrow at her. “ I mean y-yes” she replied quickly. Good she needs to be scared of me. I had ideas swirling in my head now, of all the things I would do to her. I left her in the room and went to the office which was mine now. I arrived to see damein waiting for me. I took off my black leather gloves and handed it over to one of my man to get it cleaned. “capo, the boys are waiting for their next order.” I smirked, these blood thirst bastards just killed over 60 people and they want more. Just how I want my men to be. ” well party’s over. Tell them to clean up the mess and take care of the bodies. Also inform them we are gonna be here for a while.” I smiled. “gotta make the london’s underwold bastards know who’s the bloody king is now. My reign starts now.” “they wont like it capo. An outsider taking over. There will be lots of opposition.” Damein, always the brain pointed out. I smirked. “so?” I asked him. “we f*****g kill them.” Damein grinned. “correct. Whoever stand against us kill them, everyone of them. Don’t leave the family. That will teach the others to better stand with us or end up in the gutter with the others.” I directed him. “si capo.” “also start buying the police and the officials. Give them whatever the amount they ask….” I lit up a cigarette, took a long puff and breathed out. “…and the ones you cannot buy, you know what to do with them.” Damein nodded in understanding and I waved at him to go now. I sat down at the brown leather chair to enjoy the cigarette after a successful work. It was easier than I expected it to be.  The thought lingered. Disappointed it wasn’t that thrilling as he was hoping it to be. I closed my eyes taking a long puff again.   Gracie’s POV The big scary man had just left leaving her alone in a big room. I looked around the room and saw a big bed behind me. It was so beautiful. I walked towards it and touched the sheets. It was so beautiful and so smooth. Like silk. It was white silk with golden flower patterns on it. I wanted to lie down on but I was afraid I was gonna dirty it. I was still looking around when I heard someone coming, I looked back frightened expecting to see the scary man again but it was jasmine. I sighed in relief. “oh, poor gracie” she hurried towards me tears streaming down her face. “im okay” I told her. Unexpectedly no one had hurt me. I was expecting to be beaten black and blue but it didn’t happen. She just shook her head and after calming down she said, “i was ordered to have you get cleaned up. Let’s go and get you cleaned.” I remembered being told to get myself cleaned up by the scary guy. I nodded and followed jasmine who took me to another big room which she told me was a bathroom. My eyes widened, “are all bathroom like this?” I asked. “no. master was a very rich man. Rich people usually have bathroom like this.” She told me while taking off my dress. “where’s my father jasmine? And who is the man who brought me here? Why am I being freed after so long? Does father finally wanna see me? Am I going to be killed after this? Is something going on?” the questions finally poured out of my mouth. There were so many questions in my head but I knew better than to ask anyone. All the questions unanswered. And most of the questions starts with why. “shhh… dear, one at a time.” she placed me down at a big tub. As soon as I stepped my foot in the warm water welcome it. I melted. Jasmine placed hand on my head and stroked it gently. Then she told me what had happened. My father was dead. I didn’t feel anything. Remorse, hate there was nothing. Not even a twinge of happiness. Jasmine stared at my face looking for some kind of reaction but I had none. What I did feel was a little satisfaction and relief. The monster who was also my father had died. He just paid for his crimes I thought. The crime of killing her sweet mother Who was her everything. I was also relieved that I was finally out of the cell. “jasmine, how long have I been inside the cell?” I asked as she was scrubbing my back with a loofah. It smelled amazing. “I think dear around 13 years.”  I calculated in my head as to how old I was now. “so, I am 20-year-old now” how did the years pass by? How did I survive for so long? I wondered. Jasmine didn’t say anything but I could hear her sniffle a cry. I didn’t day anything. I didn’t feel anything. The rest of the time cleaning me up was quite as my mind wandered off to the big scary man. I wondered how someone can look so scary and fearsome but at the same time beautiful. My mind started remembering the image of his face. His chiselled jaw, grey eyes, his full lips, his deep voice and his domineering aura. He gave her the shivers and she wondered what he was gonna do with her. 
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