chapter 4: daily life

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The next few days had gone unexpectedly peaceful for her. She hadn’t seen the scary man. Maids came and went giving her foods to eat and preparing the bath for her. Occasionally they would ask her for further instructions but she was too shy and scared to talk to them so she would just keep mum until they would go away. Gracie was confused with her being treated well, she was expecting to be beaten black and blue because that’s what everyone always seems want to from her. She saw the big scary man which she came to know that his name was Leonardo, only twice after her first encounter with him. It had been a month since she was living in the room, she never went out afraid that it will anger the people around her. She wanted to go out but she was content watching the outside world from the big balcony of the room. The first time she saw Leonardo after the fateful day was when around midnight when she woke up from the sound of someone opening the door of the room. she looked up to see a very blood-soaked Leonardo. She was very terrified and scared of the sight. “are you terrified right now or concerned right now? I can’t tell from the expression you are making girl.” Leonardo had said while taking off the gloves. Gracie was obviously terrified thinking that her day has finally come. He was here to kill her. “I don’t think it’s the later” he chuckled. “don’t worry you have been a very good girl so I won’t hurt you yet.” Leonardo continued taking off his blood-soaked shirt. “prepare the bath for me.” He commanded taking off his shoes now. Gracie hurried to the bathroom and prepared his bath. She had seen the maids do it for her so she was getting familiar the process. She waited till the water was warm enough, once satisfied she hurried back to the room to inform him that the bath was ready to get the shock of her life. He was standing stark naked with his back facing gracie. She knew it was inappropriate to watch but her eyes stayed glued to his tan Greek god body filled with tattoos. Her eyes went to his firm round butt and she didn’t realise she was staring hard until she heard him. “like the view?” Gracie’s face flushed with embarrassment. She didn’t look up and kept staring at her feet. “follow me.” Leonardo told her as he made his way to the bathroom. She followed him like a good little pet she was. Leonardo sat down on the big round tub and rested his head on the edge of the tub. “strip and get inside.” He commanded closing his eyes. Gracie was hesitant. She didn’t know where this was leading. What was he planning to do with her? After hesitating for a few seconds, she slipped off her night dress. She was only in her undies and bra now. she joined him in the tub. Luckily the tub was big enough for two people. She was sitting in between Leonardo legs. She avoided looking at his member in between his legs as much as she could. She focused her eyes on his tattoos instead. “aren’t you gonna clean me up?” she looked up to see leonardo who was noticeably irritated. Then she realised what she has to do, she quickly picked up a clean white small towel and brushed it at his skin. She watched him relax with the corner of her eyes and sighed with relief. She continued cleaning up the bloodied skin. She had started with his shoulders, she noticed how it was broader than the other men that usually walks around the house. Watching people from the balcony had become a habit of hers now. her hands slid down to his chest to clean it, her right hand holding the cloth. She noticed the dragon tattoo on his right chest that went down till his naval. Without realising her free fingers traced the dragon tattoo. Her fingers slowly traced down from his chest to his perfectly sculpted abs. gracie heard him taking a sharp breath, she saw him looking at her. His grey eyes turning dark with…what is it? Gracie couldn’t understand. She flinched as he took a hold of the hands that was tracing his tattoo. “you are not that innocent as you look. Are you huh?” he growled “i-i-im sorry. I didn’t realise. I didn’t know what I was doing anymore. Im so sorry.” She whimpered finding whatever voice she could find. “I was going to let you off the hook and just enjoy the bath but you asked for it.” Leonardo said as he placed her tiny hands on his big member between his thighs. Gracie’s eyes widened. This was so inappropriate. She tried to wank her hands away but one look from Leonardo and she quietly obeyed. Her fingers couldn’t even cover his whole member. “move your hands up and down” Leonardo directed her helping her move her hands. She did as she was told. “use both of your hands.” Gracie obeyed. When she moved her hands too fast accidentally, she heard Leonardo out a small growl. He seemed pleased with her doing that. Gracie continued moving her fingers pacing from slow to fast and then slow. “don’t tease me little girl.” He growled. Gracie stopped afraid she made mistake. “I didn’t tell you to stop.” He looked at her. His eyes now looked almost black. She quickly starts moving her hands again. After a while he stood up. Gracie moved to stand up but he stopped her. “stay like that and look at me.” Gracie was too scared and shy to look at him but she knew better than to disobey. She met his eyes and it was staring back at her intensely. “kneel. open your mouth and stick out your tongue.” He commanded. Gracie blinked. What was he trying to do? She opened her mouth mouth slowly and stuck out her tongue. “wider!” he barked. She obeyed. Leoanardo was stroking his member now. the sight of him was too overwhelming and embarrassing for her and closed her eyes. “don’t you dare close your eyes!” he hissed making her eyes flow open instantly. She watched him pleasing himself while her mouth stayed open. Her jaw was starting to hurt when she heard him grunt and curse and something spilled out his c**k. The white liquid splattered all over her face and tongue. She was surprised and quite shock at what had just happened. The white milk kept spilling for a few seconds and when it stopped, she saw him relax. He seemed satisfied. “clean up and come to bed.” He told her as he stepped out of the tub grabbing a towel and walking out of the bathroom. Gracie cleaned her face and washed her mouth. The taste still lingered in her tongue. The saltiness and bitterness. She took off her wet underwear wearing a fresh dry one and slipping on her night dress and went back to the room. gracie saw Leonardo was in his pants and putting on his suit. She stood there watching him not knowing what she should do. “a-are y-you going s-somewhere?” she stuttered. She wished she wouldn’t but in vain. Leonardo looked at her surprised that she made the first move to talk to him. He walked towards her and gracie flinched. She was obviously still very scared of him, the fact amused leoanardo. He held her chin and made her look to him. “you are looking better compared to when I first met you.” He smiled when he saw her blushing. “are they treating you well?” he asked. “y-yes.” Gracie replied. “yes what? Don’t tell me you have forgotten your place just because I have been treating you well” he frowned. Of-course gracie hadn’t forgot. “y-yes m-master.” “good girl.” His expression changed telling her that he was pleased. With that Leonardo had left the room and gracie again didn’t see him for days. The second time she saw him again was around 3 in the morning. She was sleeping when she felt someone getting inside the sheet. She was startled but before she could wake up, she felt a big hand around her waist and yanking her to a big body behind her back. “stop moving. Im tired as f**k right now. just go to sleep.” Realising it was leonardo’s voice she relaxed a bit. Gracie didn’t know anyone and never talked with anyone. But Leonardo hadn’t hurt her and was treating her good. She didn’t know the reason why he was doing that but she was thankful to him. His big body had fully wrapped gracie’s tiny body. His left hand was on her waist holding her to him and his right hand under his head. He felt warm and gracie soon lumbered to sleep. She woke up alone in the big king-sized bed. She blushed when she remembered last night’s event. she remembered he felt warm and it felt good to sleep beside someone. After that she didn’t see him again for the next two months. Her daily life was now waking up, eating in her room, watching people from the balcony, reading the books she got from the maids. That was pretty much. She was still scared to go outside or talk to people. The only people she talked to was now jasmine who frequently came to visit her and the maid who prepared her meals and her bath and pretty much everything. At first, she had refused her to her helping her but she said the orders were strictly given to take care of her and her needs and that it was ordered by master Leonardo itself. When she heard his name she accepted, she could tell the first time she saw him that he was not someone to be disobeyed. Gracie decided that the next time she sees Leonardo she was gonna thank him. her mother had always taught her to say thankyou to people who gives her nice things and does nice things for her and for gracie Leonardo had done a lot more than just free her from the hell she was living. She was sleeping in a nice big bed, she had lots of clothes although some were too less to be called a piece of clothing, she was eating good food everyday and she was clean every-day. She was very grateful for the life she was living at the moment. She still wanted to visit the garden and the lake she saw the first day she stepped outside of the basement. She decided she was gonna ask his permission the next time she sees him. She walked over to the balcony to continue her daily thing to watch the people. By now she had remembered every workers face and the guards so it piqued her interest when she saw an unfamiliar face heading towards the house. A man as tall as Leonardo was walking over the house, he had guards with black suits and glasses walking behind him just like Leonardo except Leonardo’s guards don’t wear all black. He must be the leader, gracie thought. She noticed; unlike Leonardo this man was blonde. His hair was slicked cleanly at the sides, chiselled jaw. The man must have felt someone staring at him, he looked up to meet gracie’s eyes. Green eyes. She noticed. Her eyes widened when she realised the man had noticed her watching him and she rushed back to her room. unknown to her she had captured the eyes of the mayor of London.
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