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Xander and Kevin are working in the new laboratory, which is shifted after the accident. Ashton finds a blueprint from the remains after the explosion and changes the design to create the weapon of his dream. “Buddy, do you think this time it will work out?” Kevin asks worriedly. “I thought I am the pessimist one.” Ashton replies with a smirk. “This is not funny, dude! I mean, you put another fortune in creating this weapon, starting again from the bottom. This is a risky, man!” Kevin states. “Of course, it is risky, but this is my dream.” Ashton stares at Kevin’s expressionless face. Kevin averts his gaze and works on his part. “I heard your brother is missing from few days.” “He is not missing, just went away from his will. I have better things to focus.” Ashton ends the topic. Ash

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