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‘What to do? It seems difficult to convince this one.’ Reina sighs in frustration when Leonard refuses to leave her alone. Even when she tried so hard to persuade him, he didn’t believe her. They only go on and on like in an endless loop. She reassures him while he insists on staying. An exhausting encounter, if she can be honest. It was like he could read her like an open book. “I appreciate your concern for me. However, rest assured I am not sick nor troubled by anything,” Reina reiterates, maintaining her stand.  For some reason, her encounter with Leonard only arouses negative emotions in her. She is afraid that if she stays any longer, she might say things she will regret later. “I say no. You will never be alone in a place like this if you don’t have something on your mind,” Leonard insists. Reina fakes a laugh, hoping her actions will convince him. “I think anyone, with or without troubles, will find this place relaxing. After all, our establishment is a place for comfort.” “Hmm, you may be right there. But did anyone tell you how transparent you are? I can see through your facade.” Reina presses her lips. She is running out of excuses, and her patience is also running short. Yet, the man before her refuses to back away. If she stays here any longer, she can either lash out at him or finally give in to his persistence. And she didn't want for either to happen.  Moreover, she will feel terrible for compromising the lodge’s operations. No one will surely reprimand her, but she knows how hard it is for others if a single person is absent from the job. Reina opens her mouth once more for another set of excuses so she can finally escape Leonard’s persistence. However, even before words could escape her mouth, she heard heavy footsteps heading their way.  “I do tell her that on a few occasions, but she never gets better at hiding nor lying. Still, her inability to keep a secret is part of her charms. Any man would find it as a guarantee for faithfulness and loyalty. Do you think so too, Sir Leonard?” “Mitsuei,” Reina murmurs under her breath.  She is unsure of how to act in front of him right at this moment. She felt somehow guilty considering she is alone with another man. She should have done better at brushing Leonard off. Now, she is more afraid of what Mitsuei will think about her.  With long strides, Mitsuei now stood beside her. He raises his hand, placing it over her stiff shoulders.  Whether his actions contain purpose or just an act, this only made Reina’s anxiety grow. Her husband may look casual in front of an esteemed guest, but the strength of his hand over her shoulder tells her that he has other things in mind.  Reina is afraid. He has been upset with her for days now, and the incident today only made him hate her more. Just when she thought that their relationship was becoming more friendly.  She considered that day invitation from him an opening to improving their communication and relationship. But now, this happened.  Small steps forward. Huge leaps back.  It seems to be a fitting description of their entire affair.  Their relationship appears to be going around in circles. They get along, yet even minor missteps seem to cause more harm. And it frustrates her every single time. “So nice of you to visit our establishment regularly, Sir Leonard,” Mitsuei says, showing displeasure contrary to his words.  Leonard was aware of the hatred but chose to disregard the fact that the owner saw him as a threat. Not that he has anything bad in mind for the couple. He was merely trying to make friends. Perhaps his tenacity this time grated on the nerves of others. “What can I say? This place seems to do wonders. No doubt business is doing well.” “And I am glad for the business. After all, we will be having an addition to the family in a few months.” ”Ah, yes. I remember you telling me about getting things for the baby when we first met at the shopping district.” Mitsuei nodded at Leonard before turning his attention to Reina. He gives her a soft smile, a smile merely reaching his eyes. “If you are still feeling unwell, I can take you home right now.” “No. I’m fine now,” Reina responds.  She is unsure of what to do, considering Mitsuei’s terrible mood for days now. She has this intense urge to explain herself. She didn’t want this to end up as a misunderstanding to create a larger distance between them.  So before Leonard could utter more words, she turned to him with a smile. She slightly bowed to him, thanking him once again for his concern.  “I need to return to my tasks, Sir Leonard. We are looking forward to your next visit.” Reina immediately turns her back, not giving Leonard a chance to reply. She awkwardly looks up at Mitsuei, awaiting his next action.  He briefly stares at her before shifting his gaze to Leonard. This time, the smile he gave him was the one he usually gives her family whenever they are conversing.  Mitsuei expressed his gratitude to the guests once more before excusing himself and Reina.  The walk from the pond bridge to the door feels like a long and silent journey. No one dares to utter a single word.  Even if Reina wants to do so, the aura Mitsuei gives off stops her from being reckless. He may appear nonchalant, but she has the impression that he is even more disturbed than he was a few days ago. And she just confirmed her suspicions when he almost dragged her as soon as they reached the hallways. The hand clutching her shoulders earlier are now on her arms, forcefully making her walk fast. ”I believe I told you to consult with me if you have something bothering you. No matter how abnormal our situation is, I expected you to keep your side of the bargain and behave as a real wife should,” Mitsuei gritted his teeth, unable to cover up the overwhelming anger inside him. He was so mad that he can’t think straight. He can’t gain control over his emotions. Nor is he able to hold on to his words. Words that he knows he might regret soon after. As they arrived in his office, he immediately closed the doors behind them. He takes a deep breath as he repeatedly bangs his head on the door. He acted so immature minutes ago, and he barely gained control over his actions.  What would Reina think, given he has been purposely avoiding her for days now? Unconsciously, his grip on Reina’s arm tightens. The force on his hand coincides with the emotions stirring inside of him. As he contemplates his previous actions, the more he gets confused. He gets deeper and deeper into the abyss that he has almost forgotten the current situation.  The only thing that woke him up was Reina’s whimpering.  “I’m sorry. Please forgive me, Mitsuei.” Reina cries over and over again, screaming at the top of her lungs that surprised Mitsuei.  “Reina, calm down.” “I don’t know what I did wrong *hic* but please *hic* don’t be mad at me.” “Reina, please. Lower your voice.” “I am sorryyyy!” Mitsuei wants to punch himself this instant. Reina continuously sobs like a child, shedding tears like there is no tomorrow. It was a good thing his office was isolated from the other rooms and facilities. He just hoped that no one is nearby.  Anyone who could hear them now will surely think that he is treating his wife with cruelty. Worse, he could be suspected of hitting his pregnant wife.  “Calm down, Reina. I am not mad.” “But.. but.. *hic* you kept ignoring me for almost a week now. I don’t know what I did, but I’m *hic* I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way.” Mitsuei takes an exasperated breath. It was his fault for taking out his confusion on Reina. But his behavior made her think it was her mistake.  ‘Hah! I’m not doing well with this.’ He takes another deep breath. He takes her other hand, pulling her to the couch. She obediently sits beside him even in the middle of crying. “Reina,” He calls out for her, holding her by the shoulders. “If anyone is to apologize, it should be me. I am sorry, and believe me when I said that I am not mad at you.” “Really?” Mitsuei grins, letting himself lose in the misty blue eyes staring back at him with disbelief. Reina now looks like a child who has been appeased with candy. He nods in agreement, “Yes. If anything, I am mad at myself now for making you cry like this. It feels like I’m no different from my brother.” He wipes the tears rolling down her cheeks. Yuuma gave him a warning regarding her possible mood changes during pregnancy, but his selfishness got the best of him. He feels terrible for adding up to her stress and troubles.  “Nonsense! You are far better than Tomohisa. I may barely have experience with relationships and men, but I know you are different from them. And I mean it in a good way,” Reina abruptly replies. She didn’t like to hear him comparing himself to his whimsical brother. Mitsuei can’t help but smile at how Reina defended him without reservations. He always thought that she was indecisive. Yet when the situation calls for it, she can speak her mind without hesitation. But then again, this pregnancy has been working wonders for both him and her. They seemed to have exchanged roles. Him being indecisive, while Reina is the bold one. It was funny how it all turned out since the evident phase of her pregnancy. “Your father and Haru will surely kill me this time if they saw you like this. More so, knowing your tears was my fault.”
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