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Days passed when Reina and Mitsuei finally mended their misunderstanding. The atmosphere among them and the workers became lighter and brighter. No heavy feelings could drag everyone. In fact, the married couple seemed closer and more comfortable than they ever did before. “I am happy they finally made up,” Sora whispers as he joins the line in the staff room.  The majority of them have already gathered in the room for a quick lunch break. Imagine their shock when the usually confined owner personally went to the staff room to get his wife’s meal. He was already by the door when the first person arrived, carrying a tray filled with both their meals. He even profusely refused when Sora offered to bring the tray to his house. ‘Reina regrets not working here and eating with all of you. For some reason, she cannot handle the crowd. She easily gets dizzy. She is even afraid that she might lose consciousness standing up. She is struggling.’ Sora was relieved the moment Mitsuei smirked at him. For a moment there, he looked like he was enjoying himself despite the possible trouble it might cause him. After all, he has to juggle work and family.  A pretty rare view, honestly. “Me, too. Though, it got me curious on what happened for the owner to avoid the missus,” Kairi further comments, whispering as Sora did. “No one knows. But I heard Mrs. Sou crying in his office one time, a few days ago. She seemed really upset,” Sora shrugs. "Whatever the reasons are, it's a good thing they have worked things out. Missus should be more sentimental and emotional in her current state. Even the little things can bring her to tears," Akari adds to the conversation as she serves meals. “Ehem!” Kiyoko clears her throat, interrupting them with a sneer. “Their issues are none of our business. So quit the chatter and just be happy with the present.” Sora pouts his lips while the others immediately turn on their backs, pretending not to exist.  “We know. It felt like walking on eggshells whenever the other gives a cold shoulder. I’d rather them fight verbally than silently like that. It makes me anxious than I already am around him. And you know, he has been extra vigilant. I’m not even sure if he was mad at her or me since he’s been giving me glares whenever I approach Mrs. Sou.” Akari snaps her fingers in realization, surprising Sora.  “Perhaps the owner was jealous.” “Oh! I thought so too!” Sora adds, glad that he wasn’t the only one thinking the same thing. “But who would have thought that the intimidating owner actually has the ability and patience to pamper anyone? Talk about personality gap.” “Oh, leave them be! Just eat your portion of the meal and return to your respective jobs,” Kiyoko interjects once again.  She lets out a frustrated sigh.  If the wrong person overhears their excessive conversation, it could put them in a dangerous scenario. Moreover, she didn’t want to put either the owner or Reina in an awkward situation. Considering the missus personality, she will feel bad for making everyone anxious. She didn't want to cause any more complications that could lead to another misunderstanding now that the matter had been resolved. People can come up with pretty much everything from the littlest information. Rumors can be a nasty thing to deal with.  However, unbeknown to everyone, there is one person who still wasn’t happy despite the wonderful atmosphere. Kayomi clenches her hands while remaining still by the slightly open door of the staff room. They should have been more careful if they wished to gossip about her family.  At first, she didn’t have the gist of their entire conversation since they have been whispering among themselves. However, as they continue, it all became clear to her. They were talking about the progress in her father and stepmother’s relationship. Her father made his actions so obvious that he forgot that everyone’s eyes were all over him. He now pampers his wife like a child.  While his real child barely gets his attention. ‘Liars. In the end, I’m still left out,’ Kayomi mutters with a sigh.  This was what she was afraid of when she discovered her father’s plan on taking responsibility. Neither her father nor Reina was giving her attention. They are trapped in their world together. And without her. Kayomi takes a step back, away from the room she initially intended to visit. She no longer has the appetite after dwelling on the worker’s words.  As she continued to walk away from everyone, her little legs brought her outside the inn. She didn’t have anywhere in mind. She just wanted to getaway.  But as soon as she stepped out, an enticing aroma surrounded her. The sweet smell floats around her, so she can’t pinpoint which direction it was coming from. At least not until she reaches the middle of the stairs.  The fragrant fruity smell is coming from her left side. There was a narrow path leading deep inside the forest. Unconsciously, she follows the small bumpy road towards where the strong scent is coming from.  “Oh, my goodness,” Kayomi exclaims in both surprise and excitement. What stands before she is a line of peach trees. A row of peach trees stands in front of her. The pleasant odor comes from overripe fruits being recovered by various forest critters. Birds, small rodents, and even the fruit itself scatter on the ground like breadcrumbs. Kayomi is so amazed by the view that her mouth fell on her feet. She had no idea such a place existed near her home.  It’s like she is standing in a whole different place. The hue, the sunlight, and even the breeze are nothing compared to Hanneau’s environment.  It wasn't a competition, but the wide-open space surrounded by trees provides a unique level of relaxation. “I see someone also found my favorite spot.” “Who’s there?!” Kayomi confronts the voice. She jolted from the shock of suddenly hearing someone present beside her. She is even unsure where the voice came from. But she refuses to be intimidated by such a trick to scare her. “You must be Mr. Sou’s daughter, correct?” “Who are you?” Kayomi questions with no hint of fear.  “On your left, Sou Kayomi.” The voice mutters again, leaving Kayomi in awe. She turns abruptly in the said direction.  Unconsciously, she takes a step back as the boy emerges out of the bushes that he was hiding in.  “Looking at your reaction, you don’t seem to remember me,” the boy smiles. The stranger is right. She has no memory of ever meeting this boy. “I’m afraid I don’t recall you,” Kayomi utters while taking another step back. If this person is a creep, then she needs to bid herself more time to run.  “I figured much.” The young man grins sheepishly, showing an unusual dent on both of his cheeks.  “It’s me Kayomi. Shiro. I sure do hope you at least remember my name.” Kayomi’s eyes widen in surprise after hearing a familiar name. She can now see the similarities between the boy she once knew.  “Shiro! I apologize for not recognizing you earlier.” She squeals in excitement as she leaps into his open arms. Shiro was the big brother of her next-door neighbor when they were still living on Moulen.  He needed to move away since his mother moved out of their home to be with another man. How can she forget such an event when she cried her eyes out that time. She even blamed her uncle Tomohisa for his departure.  Shiro’s mother used to work as a host in her uncle’s club. She went head over heels to some rich man thus, leaving her poor husband alone.  It had been four years since he left Moulen. She thought that he was never coming back. For years, she only received one letter from him. And that was when they finally settled in their new place. So no one can blame her if she thought that it was the end.  “Are you here for a vacation?” Kayomi questions, still beaming with delight. “Well, I’m going to live with my father again. My mother had just given birth to a baby boy, and she seemed to be too troubled to take care of two children at the same time. So, I decided to return here myself.” Her smile immediately dropped to a frown. She is thankful to hear he is living here again permanently, but the reason behind it must be harsh on him.  “Don’t look so upset. I would rather struggle with poverty than live on a family’s riches that does not welcome me.” “I am sorry to hear that. It must have been rough on you.” “It was. But never mind me. How are you? You seem a little upset earlier,” Shiro scoffs, desperately wanting to change the subject. Kayomi slumps her shoulder, recalling the reason why she was outside. Both of them were practically raised together. He was present when at her birth. As a child, he spent most of his time at her house. His father was in the military while his mother worked at a bar. The familiar guilt overcame her. The man who took away his mother was an old acquaintance of her uncle Tomohisa.  “I don’t know if you heard about my father remarrying,” Kayomi states, looking down on the ground.  “I did. It was the first thing I heard when I moved back here three days ago. What’s the matter? Is your stepmother rigid towards you?” “Oh, no. No. Reina has been nice and considerate to me.” “Right. The foreigner from Haran.” Shiro had heard the news since moving, but he is still in awe. Her father was a full-fledged soldier of the empire. He fought Westerners, so he assumed that he must also hate the foreigners who now dominate their lands.  ‘Perhaps, love can do wonders,’ He mutters to himself. Who would have thought that the stern soldier of the empire would also be caught in a foreigner’s charms?  Pretty ironic. 
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