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"Are you sure you are okay, Reina?" Kayomi clenches on the strap of her bag as she looks at the seemingly sluggish Reina. She must have barely slept, looking at the dark circles forming under her eyes. And she cannot help but get worried. Aside from taking care of Ritsu, it is also the ninth day where they didn't receive any letter or call from her father. Even though he promises to get in touch, he doesn't seem to live up to their expectations. An entire week with nothing. And neither of them can do anything to find out.  "Yes, don't worry about me." Unconvinced, Kayomi puts down her bag and attempts to get back inside the house. She would rather accompany Reina at home than go to school right now. Moreover, she is also scared about her father's safety. Truthfully, she is also restless. "Perhaps I'll stay with you here. Then maybe we can ---." "You should attend your school, Kayomi. I swear I am fine here," Reina smiles, handing the bag back to the girl. Kayomi reluctantly takes the bag from Reina. Reina seems determined to go on with their regular life despite the current dilemma with her father.  Even yet, Kayomi couldn't stand up against Reina. This behavior has to be Reina's coping mechanism for the whole situation. Apart from her knowledge that her father would join a delegation for the peace talks, she knew nothing else.  And no one in Hanneau most likely knows the problem in the southern region. Except for Reina, who has been anxious since Mitsuei told her about his departure. "I understand." Kayomi sighs in defeat. "However, I think you need a change of pace. The lodge also needs a visit if you can." "I will do that." Reina sends off the young girl by the foyer. Luckily, Ritsu is still asleep, so she has a lot of time to clean up. She only hopes that Ritsu won't wake up while she is in the middle of taking a bath. Right now, she only has herself to rely on. Rio is unable to stay because they require additional assistance in the lodge. Even though she still gets her meals delivered three times a day, she makes sure that she cooks the food herself on some occasions. Scurrying on her feet, Reina peeks into her room. Ritsu is still fast asleep, considering he woke up around four in the morning today. He returned to sleep only a few minutes past six. Seeing how Ritsu is still dreaming, Reina rushes to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. It's only a few meters away from her toom, so she'll be able to hear Ritsu's cries if he wakes up. She swiftly takes a bath, not wasting any second.  Relief floods her when she arrives in her room with Ritsu sound asleep. The boy must have been too tired to care about his surroundings. His pillows are everywhere, and his blanket is already on his feet.  Even during spring, the temperature tends to get cooler at higher altitudes. But Ritsu doesn't seem to mind a little bit of cold. Reina then prepares some snacks for herself, as Ritsu didn't require any attention. She had breakfast with Kayomi earlier, but she feels famished for some reason. Because most meals are prepared ahead of time, she has little to do at home. Laundry is also done in the lodge, and it is already ironed and folded when it arrives. So whenever Ritsu is fast asleep, all she does is wipe the floors. There weren't many belongings or furniture in the house for her to redecorate. There are no photos on the walls, either. "Maybe we can set up a schedule with a professional photographer once Mitsuei returns," Reina mutters to herself.  She keeps looking around with no signs of anyone's photograph.  Does Mitsuei perhaps hate the idea of having his image taken?  Is he one of those people who believe that the camera will absorb his soul? "Pfft! Oh my. That would be quite a scene." Reina laughs, imagining Mitsuei in such a situation. It would be something to anticipate. After all, he's a man who rarely lets his guard down. He depicts himself as a nonchalant individual who would never be caught in a compromising situation. "That would be spectacular," Reina mumbles, constantly laughing at the idea. As soon as she is done cleaning the wooden floors, Reina returns to her room to check on Ritsu.  To her surprise, the boy is wide awake. Yet, he isn't sobbing in tears, knowing that there is no one around when he wakes up. "How long have you been up, my sweet, handsome boy?" Ritsu chuckles in excitement. He keeps bouncing up and down while waiting for his mother to pick him up from the crib. A baby's smile is contagious. Reina can't help but smile from ear to ear when she sees her son. It is like they both feel the same intensity of enthusiasm while gazing at each other.  “You seem like in a pretty good mood today, Ritsu. Will there be good news for mama today?” “Mmm…Ma… Mmm…Ma.” “Yes, that’s right! Mama,” Reina yelps with enthusiasm as she hears baby Ritsu’s attempt at talking.  “Aahhh!” Ritsu bounces back and forth again after seeing his mother’s proud face. Reina looks so elated as her face beams brightly. “Again, Ritsu. Ma….ma.” “Aaaah! Mmmmm…” “Maaa…ma.” “Say, maaa…ma.” “Ahmmm. Mmmmmm.” Reina surrenders. Ritsu can barely say mama now. He just keeps creating playing with his tongue, to the point where his saliva is spitting out of his tiny mouth.  He has nothing but sputtering noises as his drool rains on her. He looks adorable, trying his best to follow the words his mother has been trying to teach him.  “That’s alright, Ritsu. You can learn it all over time.” Reina exits her room and brings Ritsu to the garden. They watch the birds and butterflies fly around the trees and bushes.  The daffodils that she has been caring for are still blossoming. Some of them are yellow, but the majority are white. She had not anticipated it growing. Mitsuei had created a massive plant box for the daffodils to thrive and propagate. The entire garden looks magnificent.  The cherry blossom trees are on the top, and the daffodils are at the bottom. The house looks less gloomy for her when she oversees the garden. Aside from the greenery, there are also animals roaming around aside from the koi fishes in the pond.  Somehow, it makes her forget about her troubles. Even for just a short time.  She has been on the edge since Mitsuei left. The uneasiness kills her, knowing Mitsuei will march into something chaotic and could potentially be deadly.  He may not directly participate in the war. But having a role as an escort in a troubled town will most likely be as troublesome as being a soldier on the battlefield itself. No one knows when they will be attacked. Or how many enemies are waiting? Or what kind of treatment they will all receive once they arrive at the destination.  Reina unconsciously tightens her grip on Ritsu. Thinking about Mitsuei in a faraway place gives her too much anxiety. Most especially that they haven’t received any news yet from him.  She has tons of sleepless nights that her head starts to hurt from excessive deliberation in her mind.  “Mrs. Sou. Your meal is here.” Reina swings to her right side when she hears a familiar gentle voice.  She would not have noticed the time if it hadn't been for Kiyoko. She must have been thinking too hard again, for she is completely oblivious to her surroundings. Kiyoko is carrying a tray filled with a wide selection of foods. But what caught her attention is the piece of paper alongside the ceramics.  Kiyoko smiles, seeing the interest on the missus’ face. “This letter was sent a few minutes ago. Addressed to you from the owner.” Reina heaves a sigh after hearing the letter was from Mitsuei. And not from anyone on his delegation. It just means that her husband is doing well.  Hopefully.  Reina lifts her dress with one hand as she hurries towards Kiyoko.  Her lunch is delivered to the dining room, but she is entirely focused on the old washi paper alongside it. When Kiyoko took Ritsu from her, she instantly grabbed the letter. Turning it over, she sees the familiar seal bearing her husband's initials with an engraved pair of koi fishes around it.  Knowing the letter to be personally made and sent by him, a rush of relief flooded her.  And so, she didn’t waste any more time reading the contents of the letter. She badly wants to know anything or something about her husband’s situation.  Dear Reina, As she reads the first line of the letter, Reina almost chuckles out loud. Mitsuei was the last person she expected to open a letter like that. She had always seen him as someone who would simply say To Reina rather than Dear Reina. Nonetheless, she continues reading through the contents. She has different kinds of emotions circling in her mind and soul as she knows the details of his journey.  He had successfully rendezvous with his acquaintance on the second day since he left. However, it took him a while to write as they needed to be on the road right away towards the southern region. The journey was long, and they barely passed through any town with a postal service.  And so far, he has not met any establishment or household with a telephone. So he had to wait until they arrived in Satar, their landing place, which is the center of the chaos in the southern part of the country.  Towards the end of the letter, Mitsuei wishes them well. But no telling on when he will return. Or if they made any progress on the peace talks.  “How is the owner, Mrs. Sou?” Trying her best not to frown, Reina forces a smile when she turns to Kiyoko.  “He seems well in the letters. It took him a while since communication is a bit difficult from where he is right now.” “Is that so? Hopefully, he returns soon. Safe and sound.” “I hope so too, Kiyoko.”
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