6. You are safe with me

2124 Words
Maria's POV: Listening to the Voice of birds and falling leaves I opened my eyes. Sunlight was penetrating through the thin curtains and the room was glowing with morning energy. Everything in the room was bathing in the golden sunshine. My eyes landed on the beautiful creation of the mighty creator. My husband. A few rays of light were hitting his face. His lips were parted a little and breaths were steady and calm. His dark and thick hair was shielding his eyes from the sunlight and long, thick eyelashes were kissing his cheeks. He is just perfect. My Mr.Perfect. I uncovered his eyes removing the dark hairs from his face. He moved a bit and tightened his grip around my waist and buried his face in my neck. I was playing with his soft hairs and he moaned enjoying it. I moved my hands to his arm where I felt something rough on his smooth skin. Scar. Upon examining carefully, I noticed that it looked like a hole that had filled afterward. It looked like a scar left by a bullet. Bullet? No, it can't be a bullet mark. Why someone- "Good Morning, Wifey." He murmured in my neck breaking the trail of my thoughts. His breath was tickling my skin and I giggled moving a bit away from him but he pulled me back and tightened his grip making no room for my escape. "Good Morning." I greeted back with a smile and ran my hand through his soft hair. "I Love you, my sunshine." He mumbled. My heart jumped at his confession. I smiled ear to ear and kissed his hair as his cheeks were hidden in my neck. "Play with my hair, Kitten." He asked me in his husky voice. Greedy. "Why?" I asked teasing him. "Do as I say if you don't want me to start your punishments now." He said, smirking. Something was running in his mind.  I kissed his forehead teasing him. He lifted his eyes and looked at me. A playful smile was prominent on his face. He pushed a strand of hair away from my eyes. "You want me to start the punishment. Don't you, Little lioness." He threatened, playfully. His hand massaging the side of my face. I shook my head from left to right repeatedly. "Then why don't you do as I say?" He inquired. "Do you love to tease me?" "Yes," I replied instantly to which he laughed. I didn't mean to say that but it just came out of my mouth and I closed my eyes shut with embarrassment. "Open your eyes, Sunshine." He asked. Before I could open my eyes completely, he captured my lips. I squirmed under him but he didn't stop. So I bite him hard on his lower lip and he pulled away instantly. "My wild lioness loves to bite me. Hmm." He said with an amusing tone rubbing his lower lip with his thumb. "Now Let me return your favor." He placed his hand under my neck and made me sit in his lap. What kind of favor? "Favor?" I was confused by his statement. He ran his fingers through my hairs and I closed my eyes enjoying it. He has magical fingers. "You bit me, little lioness. Now it's my turn to do the same." He whispered in my ear and a shiver ran down my entire body. I shook my head in No and he nodded his head in Yes. No Yes No I tried to get up from his lap but he held me tightly with his arm around my waist and bit on my arm gently. "You're a Monster," I said, punching his chest. He started laughing and looked in my eyes amusingly. I turned my face to the other side. He held my face and turns me to look in his eyes. He was smiling. "No baby, You haven't met the true monster yet." He was smirking. I was about to answer him but then his phone started to ring. Sheryaar was too busy to hear the ringtone or maybe he was ignoring. I pushed him away and he looked at me confused. I pointed my index finger in the direction where his phone was ringing. He groaned and then got up from the bed to receive the call. "Call me later, Armaan." He told Armaan on the call hurriedly and was about to remove the phone from his ear but stopped. His facial expressions changed, eyes turned red in fury. His hand turned into a fist and others holding the phone in the harsh grip. He went out of the room leaving me alone. What's going on? Why Armaan called him and what did he told him? Should I go after him or stay here? Before I could have made any decision, the door opened and there he was standing. He smiled when I look at him but that wasn't the true smile. He was just pretending. "Everything okay?" I asked him getting up from the bed. "Hmm Yeah, Everything is fine. Don't worry." He said kissing my forehead. "No something is bothering you. Tell me." I asked him holding his face. "Nothing can bother me when you are with me." He said holding my hands kissing them. He hides in my neck kissing me again. "Are you ready, My love?" He whispered. Ready? For what? "For what.?" I voice my thought. His lips formed a breathtaking smile and his fingers playing with my hair. "For exploring." He was smirking. Nowadays, my whole concentration is focused on exploring the masterpiece of the creator of nature. His words echoed in my mind that he said to me during our flight. His presence always rejoices my heart and his touch makes me feel special. His touch makes me want to handover myself fully to him and lets myself drown in the deep ocean of love. "Don't look at me like this, Wifey. I'm talking about exploring Rome." He smirked and I bit my lip. "What is running in your pretty, innocent mind? Hmm, Let me guess, Your innocent mind is thinking about something dirty." He wiggled his eyebrows and kissed my nose and I buried my face in his neck to hide embarrassment. "Don't do this wifey. You are testing my patience. You have no idea what my dirty mind is recommending me right now." He said with a quick kiss on my lips. "Let's get ready before I change my mind and we both end up in the bed for the whole day." He warned me and went to the bathroom. ____________ "Fasten your seatbelt, wifey." His hands gripping the steering wheel and his eyes looking at me until I did what he told me to. We are in the car ready to head to The Vatican museum. I always wanted to visit that place and now I'm on my way to the Museum. Sheryaar turned on the music player and the car filled with a soft voice. I was looking outside the window. The sky is covered with clouds hiding the Sun behind. But the sun rays are penetrating through the fluffy layer of clouds, glittering the earth with a golden shade. Beautiful flowers are dancing with the air enjoying the weather. "Do you have any interest in History?" Sheryaar asked me. His lips, as usual, presenting a beautiful smile. "Yes," I told him. History always seemed interesting to me because there is always something mysterious hidden in the history which guide us about our future, which prevents us from making mistakes the early people did. That's what my history teacher used to say and I totally agree with my teacher. "Hmm, So I hope you are going to enjoy the visit." He smiled. His eyes were focused on the road. The black shirt was making him look breathtakingly handsome. My eyes were not ready to stop staring at him. "Wanna explore me, Wifey?" He was smirking. "Uhh, Ye- No No I - I was just- just—Nothing." Words were out of my reach and it made him burst into laughter. His laughs filled the Car & I turn my face to the other side hiding my red cheeks. "Don't be embarrass wifey. I'm all yours. You can do anything with me. Trust me I'm more than ready for you." He clutched my hand tightly. I tried to free my hand but he holds it tight and placed on his thigh. Shit. I tried to free my hand but all in vain. Suddenly an idea clicked in my mind and I started making circles on his thigh with my index finger. He shivered under my touch and let go of my hand. I chuckled and he smirked. "So you want to play with the fire wifey?" He asked me, stopping the Car. His eyes turn dark and grab me by my neck and crashed his lips on mine. I hold his forearm and tried to push him back because we can't do this on road. It's so weird. He is So weird. But he not even moved a bit. His lips made me forget each and everything around us and I began to kiss him back with the same intensity closing my eyes, feeling him. My heart filled with immense pleasure and - Gunshot. We heard a gunshot and he moved away observing the surrounding. A mark of the bullet was visible on the glass of the window from my side but the glass was still intact because we were in the bulletproof car. Two black cars came in our view. Both cars stopped in front of our car and about seven men in Black suits, wearing sunglasses were standing in front of the cars. The scariest thing about them was guns. Those all men were holding guns and shooting bullets in our direction. I looked in the direction of Sheryaar but fear was seen nowhere on his face. He said some incoherent words under his breath and started the engine. He reversed the car and drove away from the shooters. He was fuming with anger and his eyes red with fury. He was scaring me with his expression. "Sher-" "Shhhh Don't worry. Keep your self, calm. We are safe now." He silenced me. Safe? I could see the cars chasing us and he is saying that we are safe. Is he in his senses or lost all of them? "But sheryaar they are right behind us." My voice was shaking because of fear. "Maria, Just keep silent. I know they are behind us but nothing is going to happen to you when I'm with you." He told me gritting his teeth. He took his phone, dial a number, and then spoke something in a language completely unknown to me. After driving the car for about fifteen min he took the car to a lane where only broken, useless cars could be seen. Both black cars were still following us. After passing through the lane a big ground came in our view where a helicopter was ready to fly and about five black cars were parked and in front of them stood a line of men in a black suit wearing sunglasses holding guns. The view in front of me frightened me to death. My eyes were wide open and the body was shaking. "Sher- Sheryaar." My voice was low and tears were flowing from my eyes and I hold his hand tightly. I closed my eyes waiting for the shooters to attack but nothing happened and our car stopped. There we go. "Come on Baby Let's go." Sheryaar came to my side and opened the door offering his hand. Instead of holding his hand, I hugged him tightly and let my tears flow. "Shhhh, Everything is okay, baby. Don't cry." He hugged me back. I could hear the sound of gunshots. I observed my surroundings and realized that our car was standing behind the Five black cars and the men who were standing in front of these cars are protecting us and shooting bullets at the cars which were following us. A car stopped in front of us. The door of the car opened revealing Armaan, Sheryaar's friend. He was Smiling. Surely, he is not in his senses. "Come on Sheryaar, Let's go," Armaan told him. Sheryaar held my hand and made me sit in the copter. They both sat in the helicopter too. Sheryaar gestured at Armaan to do Something, I don't know what but Armaan seemed to understand him because he nodded his head and start searching for something in the bag. Sheryaar hugged me tightly and buried my face in his neck. I instantly wrapped my arms around his torso. My tears were soaking his shirt and he was rubbing my forearm. "Shhhh baby, Stop crying. You're safe now. Take this napkin and clean your tears. I'm with you." He said giving me the napkin. I took it from him and as I rubbed it against my face, the black spots started appearing in front of my eyes and the darkness enveloped me taking me away from the fear.
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