5. Fears.

2160 Words
Maria'sOV: The Aeroplane is waiting for us. It is going to be my first ever flight. I'm scared of heights and I don't know what is going to happen. I prefer a window seat every time I travel but there is no way I'm going to sit in the window seat when the plane is going to fly high in the sky. It is terrifying! "Are you scared?" Sheryaar asked, wrapping his arm around my waist and I leaned to his side, nodding. "Ahm...a little bit," I replied. I have already told him about my fear of heights but he said that there is always something exciting and thrilling hidden behind the wall of fear and we only have to be brave enough to break that wall of fear. Fear prevents us from exploring the beauty of nature because Precious things are not for everyone but for those who dare to get them, to hold them, to be brave enough to achieve them. After delivering his lecture he demanded a kiss again but I refused him and he informed me that my refusal has increased the number of my already pending punishments. "You shouldn't be scared of anything but me." He whispered in my ear, squashing my cheek. I arched my eyebrow at him and he just smirked in reply. He was trying to make it funny to make me forget about my fear. We both settled in our seats, secured the seatbelts, and smiled looking at each other. The plane was now about to take off and my heart started beating like a drum. My legs are shivering and my hands are turning cold. "Hey hey relax wifey. I've got you. Everything is going to be perfectly alright." He said, holding my hand and I nodded inhaling deeply. "Yeah, I'm okay," I said, more like convincing myself. "Yeah, I can see how okay you are. Just hold my hand and trust me nothing bad is going to happen to you. I'm here, I'll protect you, wifey." He offered, bringing my hand to his lips and kissed. His words encouraged me a bit. The plane started running and my heart was now beating vigorously. Before any scream could have come out of my mouth, I held something that was in my hand and bit on it with all my strength. I felt my head spinning and the muscles of my abdomen clenched tightly. I curled my toes in fear and sunk my teeth into soft flesh. A few moments later, everything felt stable. The plane was in the air and my heart calmed a bit, I opened my eyes, and what I saw made my cheeks heat up with the shade of crimson red. My teeth marks were visible on my husband's hand. He was looking at me amusingly. "Look, what you did. You little lioness." His eyes twinkling and lips were decorated with a beautiful smile. "I'm sorry." I apologized lowering my eyes because my eyes weren't able to look in his playful ones. I started playing with my fingers but I could feel his gaze on me. "I didn't mind you biting me. Not even a bit." He said, placing a strand of hair behind my ear and teasing my beauty bone with his slender finger. I turned his face away with my palm when he didn't look away from my face. "So, How many countries you have been to before?" I asked him, changing the topic. "Hmm, I've traveled more than half of the countries in the world. I love to travel and explore nature. But nowadays, my whole concentration is focused on exploring the masterpiece of nature." Masterpiece? "And what is that masterpiece?" I asked him, out of curiosity. "You." He replied at once, tracing my hand with his thumb. His reply made me smile and I turned my face to the other side. I shook my head and closed my eyes realizing that no matter what I ask him, he'll drag the topic to the point where he wants it to be. So it's better that I shut my mouth. I slept for the rest of the whole flight. Sheryaar woke me up just before the plane was about to land. After landing, two men, wearing tuxedos were waiting for us who led us to the Car. "Welcome, Sir." Said the one who was driving the Car. "Hey mate, How are you?" He was his friend, I guess because of the way he hugs him and they both were laughing, he couldn't be his employee. "I'm good," Sheryaar replied. "Maria, meet my friend Armaan and Armaan, She is my beautiful wife Maria." He introduced us to each other. "Hi, How are you, Sister?" Armaan asked. "I'm good. How are you?" I questioned him back. "As usual, handsome and charming." He said spreading his arms. Sheryaar hit him playfully on the arm and he giggled like a child. "Come on, Lovebirds, get in the car," Armaan said clapping his hands in eagerness. I was more than ready because I was very tired and all I wanted was a comfortable bed. Sheryaar opened the door for me. We both settled in the car and the driver started the engine but Armaan was seen nowhere. "Where is Armaan?" I asked Sheryaar. He received us So he was supposed to be coming with us I thought. "He is coming in his car, wifey." He told me. I was too tired to ask anything further and closed my eyes. _____________ The light was hitting my face and I tried to cover my face with the soft blanket but someone snatched it from me. I tried again but the same. I opened my eyes to see the intruder but before I could have seen anything, I felt a soft touch on my forehead. My Husband! I smiled and felt his touch. He kissed my forehead again, making my smile wider. "Wake up, wifey." His deep voice makes me open my eyes and the first thing I saw was his handsome face. His smile is so good that I could see him smiling all day long without blinking my eyes. "I want to sleep more," I told him grabbing the blanket and covering my face. "No. You can't sleep on an empty stomach. I have ordered food for us. Get fresh, eat food, and then we will decide whether you can sleep or not." He said, grabbing my face. I sighed, leaning on his shoulder. "I want to sleep." I mewled like a cat and heard his chuckling in response. He caressed my hair and hugged me. "I have ordered Pizza for you. Your friend said you love Pizza." He said, making me look up at him. Riya told him! My stomach started rumbling at the mention of Pizza. "Someone is starving." He chuckled, getting up from the bed. Yes, I was starving. I nodded my head rubbing my eyes. "Come on then, I'm waiting for you at the table." He said, going out of the room. I slept in the car and now I'm on the bed, which means my husband carried me here. I looked around and started observing the beautiful & serene surroundings. The room is beautiful and comfortable. The walls are painted with white and grey color. It is very peaceful here and the room is filled with comforting silence which invites me to close my eyes and lose myself in the beautiful dreamland. All I could hear is the beautiful sound of birds and falling leaves. If the room is that beautiful then what about the whole house. I want to explore the whole of the house and for that, I've to get out of my room first. Though I want to sleep more I've to get up because my husband is waiting for me. He must be hungry too. ______ We both finished our food and now sheryaar is showing me the house around. The house is breathtakingly beautiful. Walls are decorated with expensive paintings. Everything here in the house is worth seeing. "Here is something for you." He told me, opening a door. I entered the room and what I saw made my mouth wide open. A Big, huge library with about millions & millions of books. Whoa! A heaven for a reader. The interior of was library is as appealing as the number of books. The glass window is letting the sunlight invade the woody interior of the room, giving it a magical appearance. "Oh my God!" It was like a dream for me. But before I could have picked any book, sheryaar hold my hand and turned me around to face him. "No wifey, We are here for just two weeks and I don't want you to spend your precious time with these books." Seriously? Then why did he show me the library? "Then why you told me that it is something for me when I can't even read any of them," I asked folding my arms over my chest. "Everything here is for you but you can read them when we will come here next time but now we are here for each other and I will not let anybody come in between us. Not even your books. For now, I want your full attention." He said kissing my forehead. "It's time to sleep. Tomorrow we have a lot of things to do and you need to rest for now." He carried to our bedroom in his arms. "Go change into something comfortable." I nodded and made my way to the bathroom. I changed myself into something comfortable and came out of the bathroom. Sheryaar has already changed into a T-shirt and sweats. I was very much tired and the soft and comfy bed was inviting me. I jumped on the bed and hurriedly buried myself under covers and heard the sound of his laugh. Why he is laughing now? "Sometimes you behave like such a baby." He told me removing the blanket from my face still laughing. "How will you take care of my babies when you are still a baby yourself." His breath was fanning my face and his eyes were shining as always. "Babies?" A whisper came out of my mouth unintentionally. Our babies. "Yes, Our babies but you don't think too much. You just sleep for now." He placed his arm under my head and his other arm around my waist. I didn't protest but hugged him back tightly feeling protected and comfortable. The room was very silent and I could hear the sound of our heartbeats. I always wanted a life partner like him and now I'm in his arms. It is like a dream that comes true. My life is perfect but there is a little fear in the corner of my heart. Fear of vanishing. Everything seems like a dream and I'm scared of vanishing each and everything around me when I open my eyes. If it is a dream then I don't want to wake up. Since my childhood, I have always wanted someone who loves me and always is there for me whenever I need him. Though my parents love me they were never there for me whenever I needed them. My mom and dad are both doctors and most of their time spent in hospitals and mine in my room all alone. I was scared of darkness and at night I wanted them to sit beside me until I sleep but they were mostly in the hospitals and used to come home at midnights. And even If I found them home, they were always too tired to do anything. So I never told them about my fears because I knew that they were busy enough to understand me. I used to sleep with my teary eyes and soaked pillows. They brought me each and everything but things are not necessary to live a life. It is love that makes you happy. Sometimes most expensive things can't make your content but few comforting words could do. Now I've sheryaar, who loves me and his hugs are something that no money could buy. Whenever he holds me I feel complete. I don't want my fears to eat my happiness. I don't want to lose Sheryaar. I want him to be my side always whenever I need him. His breaths were steady indicating that he was asleep and I hugged him tightly feeling him. He moved a bit and buried his face in my neck and my hand found its way in his soft hair and a tear escaped from my eyes. I'm more than thankful to my Almighty Allah for giving me sheryaar as a life partner. Oh Allah, protect us from evils and keep us always together. He is my better half in the true sense. I love him more than anything. I kissed his forehead and closed my eyes and lose myself in dreamland.
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