10. Mr. Arrogant

1477 Words
Maria's POV: Keep your eyes open. Stay with me. A soft voice reached my ears. I hissed as the pain erupted in my head. Everything was looking blurry and I was unable to comprehend what was happening around. Some feeble words managed to vibrate my eardrums. Someone hugged me tightly and I shut my eyelids, vanishing away from the pain stabbing in my head. Ouch! My eyelids were heavy and the head was hurting. I swallowed but regret my action because my throat was as dry as a desert. Swallowing caused a choking pain in my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut when needles of pain were piercing in my throat. "Water!" I managed to form a word. No reply came. I tried again but my voice vanished in the air, again. I opened my eyes with much struggle. The room was empty. Jug of water was placed on the side table, away from me, at the arms length. I extended my arm to reach the jug. My hand found the glassy material of jug and I dragged it to bring it close. The elbow hit the edge of the side table causing my hand to jerk. The jug slipped out of my grip and shattered in zillion pieces on the floor. I sighed rubbing my face. "Maria." The door wide opened and sheryaar entered with a worried look on his face. He examined the surrounding and his eyes landed on the scattered pieces of glass, on the floor. "Are you alright.?" He sat beside me and encased my hands in his large, protective hands. I nodded my head as my vocal cords had jammed due to a lack of lubrication. "Why are you so clumsy.? First, you hurt your nose and now head. What you were trying to do.? A Summersault.?" His words were bearing sarcasm but his face as stiff as a wooden plank. Not a single hint of amusement. Rude. That wasn't my fault but his. I was worried about him when he rushed out of the room in anger. I tried to go after him but my legs intertwined with the sheets and I landed on the floor with a thud. That's his fault and here he is taunting me for hurting myself. I wanted to explain all this to him but the dried throat wasn't helping. Observing my struggle in talking, he ordered a maid to bring water. His voice was coated with politeness. Instead of my dried lips, I managed to form a smirk. So, he finally learned, how to respect others. Good job Maria. I patted my shoulder in my mind. Soon the maid with water appeared. Sheryaar made me drink water and I gulped all of the water at once. The water was flowing from the edges of my lips, drenching my shirt. I sighed contently as my throat lubricated fully. Sheryaar was gazing at me without blinking. I cramped my eyebrows in confusion. Why he was looking at me like this? Did I do something wrong? "What?" I asked out of confusion but regretted it because he answered my question with his lips on mine. Roughly and hungrily. Well, I wasn't regretting because he placed his lips on me. No, not at all. I was regretting his action because he was doing this in front of the maid. The poor soul rushed out of the room like she had seen a ghost. Sheryaar satiated his thirst with my lips. "How could you manage to look breathtakingly beautiful even with your broken nose?" He whispered tracing my nose with his fingers. Broken nose? My nose wasn't broken. The wound wasn't as serious as the doctor had told him already. I have my nose in perfectly fine shape. He was staring at me with his thumb tracing my cheeks. His stare was intensively piercing through my soul. His eyes were fixed on my lips. I licked my lips and he gulped. "Sherry," I whispered his name. "Get ready we're leaving in fifteen minutes." He shook his head and escaped himself from the trance. He stood upright on his feet, lengthening his already tall figure and shoving his hands in pockets. Leaving? Oh for Beijing! But in fifteen minutes. Has he lost his mind? "In fifteen minutes?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Yes. All you have to do is to clean your face and wear something comfortable. You're perfectly fine. The doctor had confirmed. Hurry up now. We're already late because of your clumsiness." He blurted his bitter words out and went out of the room. Really? He just praised my beauty a few seconds ago and before I could absorb his words in my mind, he exploded the bomb of his arrogance on me. I hate him. I'm not going with him anywhere. But I should change my attire because the smell of blood is making me feel nauseous. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I washed my body and applied lavender oil. The scent freshened my mind. I put on my clothes and went back to the room. Sheryaar was sitting on the bed. He was wearing a three-piece suit and his hairs were jelled back perfectly. He was looking handsome as usual. I shut the bathroom door with a bang to draw his attention. His head raised and eyes landed on me. Our gaze meets but I averted my eyes immediately, ignoring him. My ignorance is the consequence of your arrogance, Mr. Husband. "Let's go. We're getting late." He said dryly. "I'm not going anywhere," I replied and sat on the opposite side of the bed. His head snapped in my direction. He raised his eyebrow and kept staring at my face. I was applying moisturizer ignoring his glares. He swiftly got up from the bed and took long strides in my direction. His sudden move caught me off the guard. I attached myself with the headboard of the bed. He stood in front of me. He said nothing but his stare was depicting the anger, burning inside him. "I want to see you in the lounge within five minutes."  Each and every word came out between his clenched teeth. Without waiting for my reply, he vanished away from my sight. Monster. If he is a monster then I'm his wife. So now Mr. Arrogant, I'm not going anywhere with you. If he wants me to go with him then he has to ask me in a polite way. I picked a book and relaxed on the bed. The clock is striking 9:30 pm. It is dark and cold outside. The gushing sound of air is making the environment suspicious. It has been fifteen minutes since he had left the room. No, any voice is coming from the other side of the door. Curiosity lured me in its trap and I put my feet on the floor and drag myself out of the bedroom. The unexpected sight was waiting for me to witness, outside the room. Contrary to my expectation, sheryaar wasn't in the lounge. Nobody was in the lounge. There was pin-drop silence in the mansion. The mighty air struck with the wooden doors and made them produce sharp sounds. Opening the main door, I bend my neck to scan the surrounding. Not a single living entity was present. Not even security guards. Oh My God! Did he leave me? Alone? I ran inside the mansion and checked almost every room. He really left me? He said he loves me. He is a liar. He is a monster. I hate him. Warm tears were brimming from my eyes. The Blood was rushing in my veins and body cells were vibrating. Everything around was haunting me. I'm already afraid of being alone and now the Thunderbolts are scaring me further. "Sheryaar.!" I screamed his name wrapping my arms around my body. My heart squeezed in fear and my body was shaking vigorously. My voice echoed in the empty hall and the hairs on my body stood upright as the shiver of fear vibrated my cells. I let myself fall on the cold floor and scan the lounge with terror-stricken eyes. I buried my face in between my knees and let the tears flow. I shouldn't have infuriated him. Though I knew his selfish beastly side still I provoked him. Why I'm so stubborn.? Or Why he is so egoistic and monster. My head was aching due to continuous crying. I clutched my head and tried to raise my feet. Mansion was already dark because of the night and suddenly the only light illuminating the lounge turned off. Darkness embraced the mansion and my heart forgot to beat. The air stuck in my throat and I fell on the ground with a thud. The main door opened and a muscular figure entered. I couldn't see his face due to darkness. The lights from the garden were forming a huge, dark shadow of the man standing in front of me. He shoved his hands in his pocket and shut the door with his leg. And the mansion again drowned in darkness.
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