11. His wrath

2000 Words
Maria's POV: Clicking the sound of his shoes was speeding my heartbeat. I shrink myself in a ball and sheltered my head in between my knees. I closed my eyes and muffled my sniffs by putting my hand over my mouth. He kept moving in my direction with his steady pace. I was praying in my heart that he won't see me but the luck wasn't in my favor. He stopped just in front of me. I could feel him. He sat in front of me and I attached myself with the nearby wall. My head was already hurting and now my restraint in crying is exploding my brain cells. He touched my arm and I jerked his hand away. He chuckled. His voice was familiar and he is smelling like Sheryaar? Sherry... I raised my head up to scrutinize the person in front of me. Darkness was hindering the sight. The mysterious man clicked the button of remote in his hand and the lounge illuminated with the lights. I closed my eyes when the lights directly hit my retina. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to the sharp lights. The mysterious man was standing on his feet. I moved my gaze up to see his face. My heart jumped in joy and relief as my eyes landed on his face. He was sheryaar. I jumped on my feet and crushed him with my hug and broke down in his arms. He caressed my hair and kissed my head. "So, will you go with me or stay here?" He asked smiling devilishly. His eyes were sparkling with amusement. I punched him on his chest repeatedly. "You're a monster." "You're a beast." He gripped my hands, kissed them, and bound them behind my back. My chest hit with his hard chest. He was taller than me and my forehead was reaching his jaw. I inclined my neck to see his handsome face. I narrowed my eyes as a tear slipped from my eye. He kissed my eyes, one by one. I let his lips wander over my face, closing my eyes. "Shall we go?" He asked clutching both hands in his single hand. My eyes opened and I scrunched my eyebrows. "No. I'm not going with you anywhere. I'm staying here, alone. You don't have to worry about me." I blabbered my words out, sniffing. "Okay, then I'm going.  I just came here to pick up my phone." He said showing his cell phone. "Why were you crying, baby? Is everything alright?"  He asked adjusting his black coat. Really, he just came to pick up his phone and here I'm flattering myself that he cares about me. I tried to form some valid reason that could compete with his mean reason for arrival but failed. I opened my mouth but close it again when nothing equitable came out. "Whatever, just take care of yourself and don't wander here and there when lights are off. The heavy rain is expected So it is better that you stay in your room and keep an emergency light with you. Guards are going with me, so keep the doors shut and don't open for anyone except it's me or Armaan. Understood." He rattled with his index finger pointed at me. Is he really going to leave me here, Alone.? He turned and strode in the direction of the main door. I debate with self that whether should I stop him or not.? I fidgeted with my fingers and stomping my foot on the slippery marbles. He didn't even look back for the last time. I can live without him. If he has arrogance than I've some courage hidden somewhere in me. It's time to show courage. I inhaled deeply and turned in the direction of the room. The clouds strike with each other and a dreadful striking sound followed by lightning shuddered my body. "Sheryaar.!" I screamed with all my strength. He turned and looked at me with a questioning expression. The playful look was prominent in his eyes. "Ahmm... Stay with me, please." I asked him with my best pleading look. My eyes were fixed on the floor. I lift my head up and he smiled. He took slow steps in my direction. He reached in front of me and inclined his neck towards the right to observe my face. He didn't say a word. Instead of arguing with me further, he carried me in his strong arms. I didn't protest because I don't want to stay in his haunting mansion. The black Aston Martin was shining in the light of thoroughfare. The guard opened the door and sheryaar made me sit in the car. He closed the door and entered the car from another side. The driver started the car and I sighed in relief. At least, I don't have to live alone. After some time, the car stopped in the big empty ground. I roamed my eyes to observe the surrounding. A private plane was standing in the middle of the ground. Sheryaar helped me to get off the car by offering his hand. The cold hair was flying my hair. The weather was really bad. The greyish clouds were covering the sky. I clutched sheryaar's arm with my tight grip. "Relax." He said caressing my hand and I nodded. The guards were standing in a queue. We entered the jet. The interior made my eyes wide open. Luxury comfortable seats, smooth wooden tables, and a bedroom. "Do you like it?" "It's Awesome," I replied spreading my arms. "So beautiful." He smiled looking at me. I spin myself to get a quick view of my surrounding but during spinning, my back collided with his chest. His arms instantly locked me in a tight embrace. His lips found their way in the valley of my neck. "I love it when you're happy." He whispered in my ear. "I can do anything to see that beautiful smile of yours." "Then why did you  left me alone in the mansion?" I turned around to face him. "Who said that I left you. I'm always there for you. You just have to look around." He kissed my forehead. His every word was touching my heart, creating a pleasant sensation. His mesmerizing eyes were looking through my soul and his smile was forming butterflies in my stomach. I closed my eyes by placing my forehead on his. The comfortable silence was like a lullaby to my ears. I felt myself drowning in it. *Bang. A loud thud made me open my eyes. I narrowed my eyes at the intruder. It was Armaan. He was standing there with his hands on his hips. "Bro, I want to marry." He said like a child asking for candies. I tried to make some distance between Sheryaar and me but he clutched my waist tightly. "I can't live like this. Seeing you both getting romantic every other second makes me jealous. Either you both stop making me jealous or find a girl for me." He said intertwining his fingers. He is handsome and good looking then why he hasn't found his partner yet? Any girl would have married him if he had just asked her. "So you don't want your freedom anymore?" Sheryaar asked him raising his eyebrow. Freedom.? What does his question mean.? "Look sister, your husband is trying to say that you have snatched his freedom and he is living a life of the slave," Armaan said squeezing his lips to prevent himself from laughing. I look in the face of my husband. He was looking back at me. I raised my face up in a questioning gesture. He just shook his head in No. I smiled at him. I unlocked myself from his embrace. Armaan and sheryaar talked with each other for some time when I was gawking around the jet, examining every other thing. A hostess also made his appearance a few minutes ago. Her persona was radiating negativity but I can't judge someone by just talking with her for only about two minutes. "Bhooo!!" Armaan screamed in my ear and I jumped at sudden encroachment. My heart was hitting my chest vigorously. My foot collided with the chair and when I was about to hit the floor, Sheryaar caught me. Armaan was laughing like a maniac while sheryaar was glaring him with his dangerous look. Armaan raised his hands up in surrender and made himself comfortable on the chair still laughing. "Sir we're about to take off. Please fasten your seatbelts." The blonde hostess said with her seductive voice, ogling at my husband. Sheryaar was still securing me in his arms. He made me sit in the seat, fastening my seatbelt. Sheryaar fastens his seatbelt too. The hostess was still towering above us. I looked at her with a confused look but she ignored me. "Leave." Just a single word from my husband and the hostess flew away like a housefly. I didn't mind his rude behavior this time because it wasn't rude at all. The engine roared, breaking the trail of my thoughts. I inhaled deeply to calm my mind. "Everything is going to be fine" "Everything is going to be fine" "Everything is going to be fine" I kept repeating the mantra. My limbs were trembling uncontrollably. Sheryaar gripped my hand to relax my shaking limbs. This time when the plane elevated, I bit my hand to prevent myself from screaming. The plane finally stabled in the air and I sighed in relief. "Come, Let me show you something." Sheryaar stood in front of me offering his hand. His smile bound me in its spell and I tried to stand on my feet accepting his hand without thinking further. Something around me retrieved me back. I got confused and sheryaar chuckled at my eagerness. The seatbelt was still secured around me which I didn't realize. He bends and freed me from the clutches of the seatbelt. He led me to the bedroom. The interior was just remarkable. The soft bouncy mattress was covered with pitch-black sheets. Though the room was small as compared to the bedroom, back at the mansion still it felt protective. The small area was as embracing us in its coziness. I was lost in the comfort that the room was providing when the arms of my husband locked me in his protection. "I want to end the meeting as soon as possible So that I can spend some time with my wifey." He whispered and I smiled at his zeal. The surrounding heated up with the intensity of our emotions for each other. Everything felt like a dream. I sneaked my arms around his neck to bring him closer. I can't live without him. In just a week, this man has conquered my heart. He made my dream, of being loved, a beautiful reality. He made me feel protective and secured. His smile, his love-filled stares, his Every action strengthening the bond of our love. "Do you wanna kiss me?" His melodious voice ringed my eardrums. I was so lost in his thoughts that I nodded my head without understanding his words. He crashed his lips on mine, eagerly. Our lips moved in sync. He held me with his firm grip behind my neck. Our kiss interrupted by the clicking voice of the door. The door opened revealing Air hostess. Seriously? She didn't bother herself to knock? "What the Hel-" sheryaar shouted at her but I placed my hands on his chest to explode his anger on the blonde. She shuddered at the outburst of my husband and ran on her heels closing the door. "Let me handle this." He said going out of the room but I gripped his hand. He was fuming with anger and I don't want him to frighten someone with his wrath. He stopped and looked at me. I continue the kiss which was interrupted by the blonde. He replied to my kiss roughly, as pouring his wrath in the kiss. It calmed him. I hugged him tightly and he kissed my hair. I have to do something about his anger issues. Whenever he is angry, he could blaze the world with the fire of his wrath. He has serious anger issues.
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