Chapter 7 Zhao Qi'er Scrambled As A g**g Master

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For many people who were just growing up, the story of Feng Tianyu could be only considered as a legend in all corners of the country. For the legend, some people would consistently believe, such as the descendants of the three ancient martial arts families. Although they had never really seen it, they knew many things from their family elders. Some people were half-believing and half-doubting, such as the man who dared to challenge Zhao Qi'er. Although he was in the same generation as Feng Tianyu, they did not live on the same levels, and Zhao Qi'er never witnessed the elegance of Feng Tianyu. One was the famous master in all corners of the country like a sun in the sky, while another was the insignificant little beggar in the beggar team as if a mole cricket on the ground. Their lives did not converge at all, and Zhao Qi'er even rarely heard his name. Because at that time, he didn't know where he was going to have his next meal from day to day, so how could he have the time to pay attention to what was going on in all corners of the country. As the saying went, the ignorant were fearless, which was why he wanted to challenge Feng Tianyu's authority. Some people were moving with the wind. They followed the wind when the wind was heavy and followed the rain when the rain was heavy, such as some young people who had just grown up. They always felt that all those stories about Feng Tianyu were too far away from them. Many people were expecting... Looking forward to witnessing him! Most of the people who came to participate in this Beggar g**g Establishment Conference were young persons, and they were worried that this calm and quiet g**g Establishment Conference was too boring. It had never occurred that someone would really dare to challenge Feng Tianyu's authority. Even young people, who were in the three ancient martial arts families and the five major gangs, could not hold back their excited expressions. There were lively things to see, and everyone was obviously excited, especially when it was related to the Feng Tianyu, who hadn't been in action for decades. He was a man that the elders had praised countless times and a figure that was incredibly magnificent. Would this man, who had been blown up by the elders as a figure in the sky and not on the ground, finally make his move? Was he so powerful as the legend said? Feng Tianyu looked at Zhao Qi'er. Without anger, without excitement, there was only a calm face. There was even a faint hint of pity. Those who had the same misfortune should sympathize with each other, but why made things difficult for each other? He didn't say anything for a long time, and the noise below was then gradually reduced. After a while, it finally returned to complete silence. Mu Qianmei quietly sat on the edge of the railing, with a cloudy and breezy look. Only by looking at the situation below for a few moments, she was almost certain that this Zhao Qi'er could not raise any significant waves and was not worth worrying about. The weather was good in this early summer at noon. The breeze was light, the warm sun shone, and many people felt comfortable. Mu Qianmei watched it soothingly while enjoying the warmth of the sun. But the atmosphere at this moment was a little embarrassing. Feng Tianyu just looked at Zhao Qi'er peacefully, and the atmosphere started to become really depressing. Many people inexplicably had a sense of heaviness. Zhao Qi'er was also very apprehensive under this calm gaze, and he had high mind pressure. Unconsciously, his forehead was soaked with a thin bead of sweat. However, since the words had already been said, he had to continue saying, "Anything wrong with what I said? Before, beggars were divided into geographical areas. Brothers within the same geographical area were able to unite, and everyone was at peace with each other. But now you want to unite all the beggar brothers in the world with one single command. Why should everyone listen to you?" Zhao Qi'er became increasingly nervous, and he felt that an invisible pressure seemed to envelop him, weighing him down for a breath. After finishing speaking with courage, he turned his head to look at a group of brothers surrounding him, and then a few of them echoed in a whisper and said, "Right, that's right. Why should we listen to you?" That sounded as if it had been said to the people around them. Those who were farther away would not be able to hear at all. Feng Tianyu looked at them. He didn't even speak yet, and they would not be able to hold on, so he gave a faint smile and then calmly said, "You are Zhao Qi'er, right? I know you have a high status in some Dongqin beggar brothers` hearts, but I guess that you have misunderstood my meaning in establishing the Beggar g**g. Although I call on all the brothers to join the g**g, it doesn't mean that you must join the Beggar g**g. Whether you want to join the Beggar Bang or not, it is decided by yourself, and it is free." "As for the Beggar g**g Master, since I have founded the Beggar g**g and called everyone to come, I have the responsibility to lead everyone in taking care of the Beggar g**g. It is more than an honour but a duty. I'm also only a temporary act as the g**g Master. Once the development of Beggar g**g becomes normal, I will quit the position of the g**g Master, allowing a more suitable person to serve." These words of Feng Tianyu were not only saying for Zhao Qi'er but also everyone in attendance. As Zhao Qi'er didn't know how to answer it, he heard a wild laughing sound in the distance, from far and near, and came to the square instantly. It turned out to be three older men in black clothes, who were all probably about sixty or seventy years old. Just by looking, it could be seen that they were excellent martial arts masters. The voice just came over, they reached in front, and many people secretly applauded. They were indeed peerless masters! "Haha, Feng Tianyu! You finally failed to be patient, and in such a lively scene, you did not even notify us to participate. You really forget about the old friends of yours, don't you!" The thin older man who stood in front said with an enigmatic smile. The two men following him were also thin and bony appearance, looking like a skeleton combination. "Who I thought it was? So, it was the three evils of Chuyun. I thought you had already gone with the King of Hell. I didn't expect that you were still plaguing the earth!" Feng Tianyu also replied nonchalantly. It turned out that these three men were three evil schoolmasters in the contemporaries of Feng Tianyu. When they were walking in all corners of the country, they got together. Since two came from the Xichu Kingdom and one from the Yunyu Kingdom, they called themselves "The Three Masters of the Chuyun." But these people bullied the weak and hurt the strong, burned, killed, robbed, scaled the walls and households. They had done almost all evil things, so people in all corners of the country called them "The Three Evils of the Chuyun". Over time, their real names had not long been known, and everyone called them the Evil Eldest, the Evil Second and the Evil Third of "The Three Evils of Chuyun". The one who just talked was the Evil Eldest. When seeing them appeared, Zhao Qi'er couldn't hold back some excitement on his face, but it flickered, and many people didn't notice. "Feng Tianyu, we come here today because we think that the Beggar g**g should choose a person with rich experiences as the leader since you want to establish it. In recent years, you have just taken a little girl to beg for food. How can you possibly lead the Beggar g**g to develop and grow? So why don't you step aside and let the experienced person be the leader? Isn't it more promising?" The Evil Eldest said with a serious face. "When did the three evils of Chuyun start to care about the affairs of the Beggar g**g? This is not the business for you guys, and this is the matter within our g**g. We will solve it by ourselves. You should go busy on your own things!" Feng Tianyu said with a smile. "The people under the world should manage the world affairs. We are all in the same world. How can we not think about the future for the Beggar g**g brothers! We have seen that Zhao Qi'er has been begging for all his life, and he is also the chief of beggars in the great kingdom of Dongqin. Although he has not established the Beggar g**g, he has always been doing the Beggar g**g Master's jobs. Isn't it more appropriate for him to lead the Beggar g**g to develop?" Evil Eldest then said. With his evil face yet words of compassion, people could not hold back their strong feelings of revulsion! The persons around Zhao Qi'er could not stop their faces from showing joy, as if they had found a mountain to lean on. "Well, let's leave the decisions to the Beggar g**g brothers as you guys said then!" Feng Tianyu also didn't want to pester with them endlessly and said with a loud laugh. The brothers in the square immediately shouted, "Support the Feng g**g Master, support the Feng g**g Master!" Mu Qianmei stood in front of the railing, looking down like a farce with scenes. She could not stop shaking her head and sighing that the original all corners of the country were cute. But when thinking about the previous appearance of the three evil of Chuyun, she secretly worried about Feng Tianyu. As the saying went," Without the real abilities and powers, how dare they could be drive to do something!" As they dared to come, they must have made adequate preparation. Not sure if Feng Tianyu could handle their backstabbing either. Sure enough, the Evil Eldest later said loudly, "These are the brothers who have joined your g**g, and of course, they will all support you. There are still many beggar brothers outside the valley who have not come in. How about letting them come in together for a joint election?" "Our beggar g**g has just been established. If we want to take more brothers, it also needs a gradual process. For now, the valley can't accommodate that many brothers, so for the time being, we can't let all the brothers come into the valley. However, I believe that shortly, we will be able to accommodate all the brothers in the world who are willing to join the g**g so that all the beggars in the world will have a warm and strong family!" Feng Tianyu said with a strong spirit. "You are keeping pushing back for many reasons, and I think you're just afraid to engage in a fair competition with the prestigious Zhao Qi'er! Haha! Is this the 'Flying Dragon' Feng Tianyu back then?" The Evil Eldest ridiculed loudly. "I didn't expect that after hiding for so many years, the Evil Eldest had developed a mouth that could turn black and white and confound people. As for whether I'm still the Flying Dragon of the past, I think you will know sooner or later! If Zhao Qi'er has the great ability to lead beggars, he can also establish his own Beggar g**g in his Dongqin. Why bother to come here fighting with me?" Feng Tian Yu said impatiently, unable to resist the pang of disgust in his heart. In this g**g Establishment Conference, Feng Tianyu was being provoked repeatedly, and he had lost some patience. "Why wait for the future? It is the right time to do so. Perhaps we should make a few moves today. If you win, we will leave without saying a word. If by chance we win, then let Zhao Qi'er be the leader of the g**g, is that okay?" The evil boss spoke confidently. "Good, so let me practice with you today! Haha! How many years haven't I practiced the muscles and bones already? It is just the right time to stretch and relax." Feng Tian Yu answered loudly and heroically. "Damn!" "Damn!" Two people thought eagerly in their minds at the same time. One was Mu Qianmei. Another one was Ouyang Bo.
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