Chapter 6 The Establishment of the Largest Bang

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Mu Qianmei stood at the highest place. She silently thought about the somethings while quietly watching the people entering below. It was as if in the former world of film festivals or awards events, a group of stars walked the general red carpet. At this moment, many people were slowly stepping into the wide square and walking towards their long-arranged positions under the guidance of the hosts. The two beautiful girls walking in front with Dongfang Lanzhu were the two precious granddaughters of Nangong Yao, who was the old master of the Nangtang Kingdom ancient martial arts family, and they were called Nangong Qi and Nangong Yin. Nangong Qi was dressed in blue, and Nangong Yin was clothed in red, both of whom were beautiful girls with delicate facial features. Dongfang Shaohong, Ximen Long, Ximen Hu, Ximen Pao and other young boys followed closely behind. The expressions on each face were different. Several were happy, and several were sad, while not all of them were happy. With the entrance of the three major ancient martial arts families, the people from the five major gangs of Yugu also arrived one after another. The Qinling School of Dongqin Kingdom, the Wanhua Valley of Xichu Kingdom, the Secret Buddha Sect of Nantang Kingdom, the Xuanqing Faction of Beihan Kingdom, and the Piaomiao Pavilion of Zhongwu Kingdom. Each g**g sent their younger generation disciples to come. A group of people dressed in various styles and colors, including swordsmen, chivalrous women, Taoist priests, monks, and nuns. Some people from small gangs also dispatched disciples to come. Feng Tianyu and Ouyang Bo only personally hosted people from the three major ancient martial arts families and the five major gangs. And those from other small gangs were received by the vice master Zhuang Shujun and the eight elders. After all the guests were arranged one by one, the noon hour would soon arrive. Mu Qianmei suddenly had the illusion when looking at the scene below, as if watching ancient martial arts movies in a previous life, which felt both quite interesting and unreal. She stood alone on the top, as though she was in a different world from them. She felt like just a transient in this world and had not really integrated into it. Could there be one day to integrate into it fully? Mu Qianmei felt that it was too difficult. The ideas were different, and the concepts were different. How easy was it to really fit in? She remembered that she also had performed in ancient costume films, but the director was always yelling at the acting scene, plus all kinds of staff in the crew, so there was no sense of immersion in ancient times on the shooting set instead. But was it really in ancient times now? Why was it always like in a dream? By thinking and considering, without realizing it, Mu Qianmei felt some soreness in her legs and feet, so she moved a small stool and sat by the railing. She watched the scene going on in the square, but her heart couldn't be quiet, and the thoughts were rambling alone. At this moment, a white-clothed Zhuang Shujun, with a warm and gentle smile on his face, stepped with a calm pace and slowly walked up to a wooden platform built in the middle of the square. He clasped his fist in salute first, while later bowed and then slowly spoke, "Today is the official establishment of the Beggar g**g. Because this decision was rather hasty, when the wide release of the master invitations, some gangs and persons could not be notified on time. I didn't expect everyone to come, and I apologized to the friends who did not receive the master invitations and came to the scene. Also, I thanked you for your arrival and support." "In fact, the original intention for us to create the Beggar g**g was just to unite the beggars worldwide together. When the brothers in the g**g have difficulties, or when they are bullied, we can help each other and face together, that's all." "At this moment, there are so many martial arts friends who come to support us. I want to express my deep gratitude, and I hope that everyone can take more care of our Beggar g**g's brothers in all corners of the country for the future. Thank you!" "The next, please invite the predecessor Feng Tianyu to walk to the stage and begin his ceremony for the inauguration of the g**g leader, for being the first generation of our Beggar g**g leader!" After saying that, he bowed again and walked slowly off the stage amidst the cheers of everyone. Someone took the lead and shouted, "The Feng g**g Master is mighty!" Immediately, more people echoed the shout, "The Feng g**g Master is mighty!" "The Feng g**g Master is mighty!" "The Feng g**g Master is mighty!" Today, Feng Tianyu was also somewhat spirited look, white beard hair fluttering in the wind, wearing a body full of patches of a beggar's outfit, with brisk steps, walking up to the stage in the shouting of the crowd. A clean and crisp look. In the seventy years of age, he was hale and hearty, showing the demeanour of a world outside expert. He was in an extremely happy mood, not because of the position of the g**g leader, but because he thought that Mu Qianmei could have such a powerful g**g as a backing and that her life path would be much better in the future. Also, it would be much easier for her to deal with if she encountered some unpredictable things. The old guy had a frank expression on his face, his gleaming eyes looked around for a moment, and then he said brightly and loudly, "Thanks for the support of all my friends. I have been a beggar for half of my lifetime, and I can say that I have a deep understanding of beggar life." "In the streets and alleys, we are always the lowest class, without identity and status. Whether it's a snowy day in the cold winter months or a hot summer day in June or July, we are in the dirtiest corner, waiting for someone's charity. Many people look at us coldly. They always bully and humiliate us and don't even take our lives seriously!" "No one wants to be a beggar, and no one is born as a beggar. If there is a house and land, who is willing to suffer this?" "So I think that we have so many beggar brothers, why can't we unite and form a big family. We all work together, not only let ourselves no longer be bullied, but also let those who need assistance get our help!" "So, the establishment of the Beggar g**g and the purpose of it is to manage the world's injustice and help the world suffering people." The last sentence was powerful and righteous. Many people's ears and hearts shook and trembled by it as if a blow to the head had hit them. The people below uncontrollably let out a loud shout of approval. "Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" The disciples of Beggar g**g were, even more, had a burst of fervour with high passion. Everyone was shouting at the same time, "To manage the world injustice!" "To help the world suffering people!" "To manage the world injustice and help the world suffering people!" Feng Tianyu looked at these people below with intense enthusiasm and showed a smile of satisfaction. Mu Qianmei, who saw this, also made a smile on her face. It seemed that in any era, the power of words was great, and a few simple words could mobilize the passion of the group. It was actually similar to the time when I hosted the major evening party. The rare thing was that he could make almost everyone hear without a microphone. It seemed that I should also hurry to practice the internal magic. When Mu Qianmei was in thinking... Feng Tianyu suddenly took out his black wooden stick and raised it on high. It was a stick made of hard and tough wood. It looked like a whole stick with a trunk, about three feet. The handle was the root of the stick, and the trunk was straight and smooth, seemingly having some years of history. "This is a wooden stick that I've been carrying around since I have been a beggar, both as a walking stick and as a weapon, which is often used to beat dogs, so I call it a dog beat stick." As soon as Feng Tianyu said the three words of "dog beat stick", there was a heartfelt laugh from below. Because as beggars, almost everyone had a stick that was only suitable for himself. However, Mu Qianmei had a depressed expression because she never saw Feng Tianyu used this wooden stick to beat the dogs, but he often used it to lesson her. "This wooden stick of mine is a treasure that has been passed down from generation to generation in my Feng family. Back then, my ancestor used this wooden stick to practice the Flying Dragon Thirty-six Sticks. It has been passed down to me for twelve generations, but unfortunately, I'm not filial, and my Feng family has no one to succeed me." "From now on, this dog beat stick will be as the suppressing object of the Beggar g**g, and everybody has a look. The root of this wooden stick has a 'Feng' character. In the future, it will be handed down from generation to generation. Every Beggar g**g leader will take this as a token, and all my Beggar g**g disciples, see this stick as seeing the g**g master!" Feng Tianyu solemnly announced in a serious and full of vicissitudes tone. "Greetings, the g**g Master!" Suddenly, almost all the beggar disciples below, under the leadership of Zhuang Shujun, performed a half-kneeling salute and shouted in unison. It was "almost" because there were a small number of beggars who did not attach but stood there with a discontented face. Of a sudden, a long-faced beggar around seventy years old said loudly in a dissatisfied tone, "so why shall you be the leader of the g**g? On seniority, you were middle-aged before becoming a beggar. On experience, you didn't lead the beggars to do any significant thing. On martial arts, no one saw you walking in the corners of the country for decades. Who knew whether you were still like that? So I propose that the Beggar g**g master should be elected by everyone!" This person was known by many people and was said to be the most senior beggar in Dongqin. He had been in the ranks of beggars from birth, relying on beggars to bring up and then doing a beggar. Because the person who grew him up surnamed Zhao, everyone called him Zhao Qi'er, and He was called like that throughout his life. He had high prestige and influence among the beggars in Dongqin. "That's right, that's right! It should be elected by everyone!" "I think it's better to have a match, and the winner is qualified to be the g**g leader." "The g**g leader has to be great in terms of martial arts, prestige and influence to do so." "Since it is the Beggar g**g master, it should be elected by the members of the g**g, otherwise how can we convince the public?" "The predecessor Zhao Qi'er grew up as a beggar since he was young. I think he has the most seniority, so he should take up the position of the g**g leader, which is expected by all!" "Yep, yep, yep, we'll just accept predecessor Zhao. He's been leading us for many years. He's very righteous and highly respected, and he's the only one who can be the leader of the gang." "It's better to decide in a match. The person who has the highest martial arts skills is the most qualified to be the master of our Beggar Gang." For a while, those who did not kneel were echoing the sentiment, while those had already kneeled, a number of whom began to waver. Feng Tianyu was just a predecessor who played through life, but Zhao Qi'er had already been very famous in Dongqin. The group of beggars under his leadership, in the beggar world of Dongqin, was an absolute hegemon! Finally, there was an accident.
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