6. Problems At The Meeting

1033 Words

       "Kain, wake up!" Kieran shouted.        I sat up on the bed and looked around. My eyes zoomed in on my brother, standing at the door. Then, I turned my attention to the side of me. When Naomi was nowhere to be found, I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room, bumping into Kieran on my way out. I got to Naomi's old room and did not have turn on the light to realize that she had taken him out of there.       "Kain, we have a meeting man, let's go!" Kieran shouted. "What's wrong with you?"              I walked out of my room, fuming. I went back to my room and gotten ready. I took a shower, freshened up and gotten dressed for work. I grabbed my wallet and my phone before I followed Kieran out the room. We walked down the stairs and Karla was there, sitting on the couch.    

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