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  The loud noise startled many people. They immediately turned to the source of the voice. The medics who were on the spot rushed to help, but it was too late, the life of the person who had just thrown himself from above could not be saved.   Sabrina and the other officers immediately followed downstairs. They really did not expect this event to end tragically.   One of the nurses approached and said in a hushed voice,   "Aaron, you... you did all this?"   "You know him?" asked Sabrina. The thin young girl nodded.   "He's also a nurse here." ***   Luca was about to approach when the horrendous event happened, but then he stopped his intention. He had to be careful. After all, Sabrina must be heading to that place. The young man decided to leave immediately. ***   Reina looked at Luke in disbelief.   "Suicide?" She said doubtfully.   Again, her brother nodded.   Reina was silent for a moment, like she was thinking about something.   "There's no mistaking it, it must be the organization that did it. Brother, you better stop looking. Otherwise, they'll find out about us and we'll be in danger."   "But, Rei...."   "That's enough! When I say stop, you must stop. Luke, please just obey me!"   Luke's gaze turned sharp. "I'm not your puppet, Rei! Don't just because you become my closest person, you have the right to order me. You're nothing to me, Rei." ***   Sabrina reports everything that happened at the hospital. Her leader just stared in silence.   "This case is definitely not over. The nurse is probably just an errand guy. The killer we're looking for is still out there," said Kanaya.   "I also feel that way. Because of that, I investigated everything. According to some of her colleagues, that nurse looked strange the previous day. Hee even daydreamed a lot, but they didn't dare to ask further, thinking that he was feeling depressed because of hid son's troubles. His son is sick," Sabrina said.   "Maybe someone threatened him with the life of his son or someone gave some money to pay for treatment his son on the condition that he did their orders, including ending his life if caught," Kanaya said again.    "I will investigate further."    "Then I will go with you." ***    Adrian had just left Shelly's house when he ran into Luke again.   "This insolent man! Just watch out if he dares to do anything!" he said softly as he walked away.   It's different with Shelly who is interested in Luke.   'Young and handsome. I have to find out who he is,' that young girl decided. ***   Reina was still speechless, after Luke left. The man was not her real brother, but since childhood, she had always thought of Luke as her older brother. Her own brother had died in an accident what is claimed to her was caused by irresponsible people and he is then being targeted for murder.   'Maybe I was wrong. Always taking care of Luke, treating him not as an adult, but like a child. However, I did it all because I was worried. I want to protect him. Don't want bad people hurt him again, but this just makes all Luke misunderstood.' ***    Sabrina and Kanaya received information that Aaron did receive some money from someone, but no one knew the identity of the money giver. The money was of course used for the treatment of his son.    That man's life is sad. The wife leave him. The painted wooden house that was rented also looked dilapidated and not well maintained. When them went to the hospital to visit Aaron's son, the thin boy looked cheerful. A smile always appears to decorate the pale and thin face.    Sabrina could no longer hold back her tears as she left that place. The boy doesn't know what happened to his father and what he did to treat his illness. Aaron's path may be wrong, but as a father, he has sacrificed so much for his son. ***   Elsewhere, a man looks so angry. He slams things that are within reach. A younger man appears to be kneeling on the floor.   "Failed again! Failed again! Why is it so difficult to kill that old fart? He should have given up and gone to hell instead of surviving," he shouted angrily.   "I'm sorry! It's completely my fault. Next time, there will be no more failures," replied the kneeling man.    The angry man shook his head. "No, no, better carry out the next plan!" ***   Shelly walked slowly towards Luke. The young man was really handsome. He is really tempted her. Sharp black eyes shaded by thick eyebrows combined with a square jaw made the girl not get tired of staring.   Luke who was annoyed with Reina didn't realize that someone was watching him.   "Hi," said Shelly warmly. Without awkwardness, she touched and gently stroked Luke's hand. She was used to doing that, the men with her before were never angry, they will felt happy to get special attention from a girl as beautiful as her.   "b***h!!!" Luca hissed as he put down the half-drinked coffee cup as he quickly got up and left.   Shelly just kept silent and looked angry.   'You'll see, you'll be mine too. You'll even go crazy and beg for love from me,' she whispered with a smug smile. ***    Adrian felt annoyed and angry. 'Where did Shelly go? Why is the girl suddenly difficult to reach and not answering the phone?' he complained.   Soon the phone rang. Adrian's face, which was originally smiling, turned annoyed when he found out that the call was from Kanaya. His wife said she was going home tonight, though it might be a little late.   "If it's too late, you should just stay at the office," he said.   "No, I'm going home. I miss you and Kayla already."   "You usually don't miss us. Isn't it just work you love? So eager to get praise from many people as a great detective, to the point of sacrificing me and Kayla."    Kanaya was silent in response to Adrian's words. It wasn't the first time the man had said that, if Kanaya argued, they would only end up fighting. The woman didn't want that to happen, especially if they had to have an argument over the phone and be heard by a lot of people.    Seeing her partner just speechless, Sabrina immediately approached.    "What happen?" She asked slowly. Kanaya just smiled weakly as she shook her head.   "Okay, honey, see you tonight," he said to Adrian who was still on the other side, then quickly hung up.    "Adrian. He really misses me. Earlier he had flirted on the phone. I didn't know what to answer. He was really a good husband," Kanaya said while wiping away tears.    "See, I'm so touched," he continued with forced laugh.    Sabrina just stared silently. She felt Kanaya was lying. Her relationship with Adrian must be not fine. However, she didn't want to pressure Kanaya and interfere too much.   'They love each other. Whatever the problem, it can be overcome as long as there is love in it,' said Sabrina silently.
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