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  So you met the person who helped you?" Kanaya asked.   Sabrina nodded, smiling to herself. Her mind seemed to wander, filled with beautiful hope.   "You'd better be careful, because something is strange," advised Kanaya.   Sabrina turned around while frowning. "What do you mean?"   "That man, he keeps going to the hospital just to see you again."   "Why? Isn't that romantic? Faithfully waiting even if it's uncertain."   Sabrina's answer made Kanaya take a deep breath. Her partner was still so young. So green with romance. Although Sabrina can be said to be qualified as a detective, Her love experience is almost non-existent. After breaking up with Arya, that girl seemed to close herself to a creature called a male, but this guy named Luke seemed to have managed to win Sabrina's heart in that fast.   "That's the strange thing. Did he expect you to be sick, so he kept waiting there?"   "That's definitely not the point," said Sabrina.   "Then there is one more thing. The beating incident, he managed to fight the thugs, even beat them to a pulp, and all of that was done alone. Then, you also saw the thugs seemed afraid of him? Can you feel is that very strange?"    Sabrina shook her head. "Maybe it was just a coincidence."   "It's no coincidence, Sabrina. I don't think that Luke is an ordinary person, but I don't know which side he is on, truth or evil."   Sabrina was silent and pensive. The ringing of the phone alerted the two detectives. Kanaya's face changed after picking it up.   "What is wrong? Is there a problem?"   "There's another murder. This time in a police safe house. The victim died in the same manner as the murder case we're working on." ***    Reina sat opposite Luke and glared at the man.   "So you actually did it? Approaching that detective girl? Isn't that too risky?"   Luke folded the newspaper he was reading. "I'll be very careful. She won't know anything."   Reina was still staring in disbelief.   "What? Is there anything else you're afraid of?" Luke asked.   "You're the one I'm worried about. You're playing with someone's feelings. What if it turns on you? What if you fall in love with her?" Luca grined as he shook his head.   "That's impossible. Feelings like love are one thing I'm incapable of feeling, so there's no way I'd be attracted to a girl. All i do is to found out about the killer. It's been so long, now suddenly someone appears to take revenge for all of us. I want to know who he is and if I can, I will help him."    Reina was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, I will trust you for now."    Silently, she observed the man again. How long will everything be like this? Why did those bad people have the heart to make Luke so heartless as he is now? ***   Sabrina and Kanaya arrive at the house. The whitewashed floor and walls were now turning red, because of the fresh blood that had flooded over the place. The two detectives immediately searched the place, but still couldn't find anything that could be used as a clue.   The officers who fainted and the damaged CCTV clearly could not provide any meaningful information. A piece of paper that says 'DIE!!!' Sabrina again found beside the old man's body. The brownish red color of the writing indicates that it is increasingly clear that this case is related to the serial murders they are working on. ***   The well-built middle-aged man stood while occasionally holding his head which felt heavy. In front of him, stood Kanaya and Sabrina. As a leader, he wants this case to be resolved as soon as possible. However, on the contrary, the killings continued, while they were still walking on the spot, because there were no clues about this murderer case.   The last murder that happened to Mr. Yudi and took place at the police safe house, made their condition worsened. The public no longer hesitates to criticize the security officers who are considered to failed to protect someone so the victim lost his life. Currently, on social media what is discussed is only their failure. Now, the investigator and the police has become the butt of and the laughing stock of the people.   "We have to find a way to catch the killer at all costs. Sabrina, go back to the hospital and tighten the guard! The killer will probably be back there."    Sabrina nodded obediently and hurried off. "Kanaya, find out as soon as possible who the remaining colleagues of the victims are. Coordinate and provide extra protection! Don't fall victim again!"    Just like her partner, Kanaya also nodded obediently and rushed out to do her assigned task. ***    Sabrina's cell phone rings. The girl immediately picked it up.   "Hello, it's me, Luke. Do you remember me?" asked the voice on the other side.    Sabrina chuckled and feel happy hear that man's voice. "Sure, I still remember you."    The noise was clearly heard behind Sabrina, due to the increased number of guards, as well as several cameras being placed to anticipate the presence of the murderer. "You're busy, aren't you? Am I interrupting?"   "No," Sabrina said as she gripped the phone tightly, afraid that Luke would suddenly hang up and she would not have the courage to call him back.   "If you're busy, I'll call you later."   "No, I'm not busy, really. Just on guard at the hospital."   "Did something happen? Did your relative get sick or did something happen to you?"   "No, it's nothing. It's just about my job."   "I see, I'm really worried. Can I stop by there? I'm afraid something will happen to you."   Sabrina smiled more. "Nothing will happen to me. You calm down! No need to come here! Everything is fine."   "Okay, I understand. I'll see you next time. Take care! Don't get hurt!"   "Yes, of course. I will not get hurt."   A small smile still graced that girl's thin lips, even though the phone line had been disconnected. ***   Luke was standing not far in front of the hospital, staring at the cell phone in his hand. That man's eyes then turned to the building in front of him. A small smile appeared.   'I've been here, Sabrina. I really wonder if you guys are really capable of protecting that villain? Or will the killer win again?' ***   A medical officer on guard came in and checked the condition of Mr. Iwan who was still unconscious.   Slowly, his hand reached for something inside the uniform pocket. An injection. Quickly, he injects the entire contents of the fluid into the patient's IV fluid. After that, he rushed out.   The alarm siren sounded loudly. Doctors and medical officers immediately went to Mr. Iwan's room to save lives, while Sabrina and the others immediately hunted down the medics who had just left.   "Hey, you!!! Stop!!!" shouted the officers as they continued to chase. The bustling atmosphere of the hospital made it impossible for them to shoot the person they chase.  Not long after that, they managed to make the person pressed. Just as Sabrina and the others thought the person was about to give up, he suddenly jumped to the down floor.
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