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  Reina was both surprised and worried, when Luke came home soaking wet.   "What are you doing? Did something happen? Is everything okay?"   The man nodded. "All is well now." Moments before...   Luke woke up and seemed to wake up from a dream.   'What have I done? I almost killed her,' he said to himself as he stop the choke.   Before, it seemed as if everything was dark and there was only hatred. The anger was so overwhelming that he didn't recognize who was standing before him.    'Why is it like this? Didn't Reina say I've recovered? My condition has also improved. Is that why Reina is always worried about me, since I haven't really recovered yet?'    A chuckle brought Luke out of his nagging questions. He looked back at the person who almost became his victim.   "I'm sorry," Luke said quietly. He knew this woman was someone who came to him frequently and blatantly approached him aggressively.   Shelly shook her head. "It's okay. You must be in trouble, but as a sign of apology, can we get acquainted? My name is Shelly," she said as she held out her hand.   "Luke," answered Luke briefly as he returned the woman's outstretched hand. However, Shelly unexpectedly pulled and kissed him.   "What are you doing?" said Luke angrily as he pushed Shelly away.   Shelly who use sexy dress smiled slightly. "It's a sign of our introduction and so you don't forget me."   "Disgusting!" Luke muttered as he rubbed his lips to erase the traces of the kiss.   Luke was about to leave. He didn't want to deal with the shameless woman. However, Shelly did not want to stop. She begin followed Luca.   'Today I have to know where you live,' Shelly decided. Luke was really annoyed.   Suddenly, someone came and reprimanded the woman. "Shelly, what are you doing here?"   That man then turned to Luke. "So, he's the one who's been making you so hard to contact lately?"   "No, Adrian, you misunderstood. Let me explain first!" Without saying much, Adrian grabbed Shelly's hand and led her into the car. He then approached Luke. "Stay away from my woman!" he hissed. He then hurried back behind the wheel and sped off.   Luke just smiled a little seeing all that. He was actually relieved to be free from Shelly. If not, maybe he really will get rid of her. ***   Adrian slammed the things on the table angrily. Shelly was really scared. The woman covered her ears with her hands and sat with her head down looking at the floor. Tears streamed down her face.   "Why are you doing this to me? How could you even be alone with another man, even though my feelings are so sincere for you!"   "Sor-ry, I-I'm sorry," Shelly sighed in a trembling voice. Adrian took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. He then sat next to that woman.   "Tell me! Tell me! What am I lacking so you are chasing after another man?" he said in a barely audible voice.   "You're wrong, Adrian! I wasn't the one chasing after him, but he was the one who kept chasing me. He kept asking me to be his girlfriend, but I always refused. , even strangled me," said Shelly while showing the strangulation marks on her neck.   "Is that true? Honey, you should have told me. Do we need to report him to the police?"    Shelly immediately shook her head. "No! I told him I'd report him to the police if he kept bothering me. Looks like it worked. He freaked out and promised not to bother me again."    Adrian nodded as he hugged her. "Calm down, Honey. I'll protect you." Shelly nodded with a sigh of relief. Adrian trusted her again.   "You must be scared. Don't meet that man alone again! He's not a good man. A few days ago, he seduced my wife, now approaching you. I don't know what his goal is."    Adrian's words made Shelly gasp.    "Is that true?"    Adrian nodded, then showed a photo of Kanaya and Luke together at the restaurant at that time.    Shelly almost laughed out loud in disbelief. A young man as handsome as Luke was after an older woman who was ordinary-looking.   'So, he likes the older woman? No wonder he always rejects me.' ***   A man with gray-white hair ran with all his might. His breath hitched, but he didn't want to stop. No, he can't stop. If that happens, it means that he will suffer the same fate as his friends. Dead. The figure smiled not far behind the old man. He remained calm, knowing that the old man would not be able to go far. no one can run from the death.    The old man's steps stumbled and fell. He tried to get up, but his legs hurt too much to move.   "Are you done? You know you can't run, but you're still trying to get away," shouted the chaser.   "No!!! Please don't kill me! Forgive me! Or do you want money? I have a lot of money.    The figure in front of him laughed out loud.    "Do you want to bargain with death?" he said as he crouched down and drew his knife. "Then how much would your life cost?"    "Whatever you want, I'll pay for it."    "Well then what about the lives of your entire family? In exchange for your life, I will kill your family members one by one?"   "What do you mean? I will pay you a lot of money, not with the death of my family."   "Then I'm not interested. No matter how much money you give me, even if you give me all your money, it won't be able to buy your life. We'd better end this nonsense and I'll make you go to hell right now!"   "No, do not, please!" cried the old man as he shuffled to his feet, but too late the knife had stabbed him again and again. A flood of blood filled the deserted place. The old man's eyes open widened as if he couldn't believe death had come to pick him up. ***    Kanaya and Sabrina were still in the office when the call came. Both of them want to immediately solve the serial murder case they are working on, so they haven't gone home even though the night has almost turned into morning.    The two detectives immediately rushed to the place where the man's body was found. Apparently, news of the murder had leaked out before the police arrived. As a result, the crime scene is no longer sterile and leaves traces of many people from the general public who want to see the victim firsthand.    The investigation cannot be continued at that place and can only wait for the results of the autopsy. Kanaya looks annoyed. All this is in vain. There should have been a possibility that they would collect traces of the culprit, but now that couldn't be done.    From a distance, someone saw all that with a happy smile. He did this on purpose, so the detectives and the police couldn't find anything. His cell phone beeps an incoming message. He rushes away from there. There are important things to do, other than just wasting time in that place.
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