Vampire bite!

1648 Words
The air between us was thick with tension, and I found myself at a loss for words. The only sound that could be heard was deep, heavy breathing of Gideon. It was as if the very silence around us was building up to something explosive. More like a silence before a heavy storm that was going to shatter everything around us. Rowen caressed Gideon’s hair, staring at him with full eyes. There was some affection in his eyes. "He looks so cute when he sleeping. but I miss the time when he was awake." Rowan said it was all like a dream to me. Rowen, I must say the coldest person in the world. Who considered so highly of himself and everyone else so inferior, could love his son so much that he can buy an entire amusement park for his son. Strange. "When he will have the next breastfeeding?" Rowen asked me, I raised my brows. Does he think he can join us again? "I have a right to know the routine of my baby." He said, with a colder tone. I was about to answer him, then suddenly my phone started ringing, I thought it must be Maya. I didn't even tell her my whereabouts. When I looked at the number it was unknown. My lips curled down, and I received the phone. "Hello." And the voice that came from the other side left me shocked. It was Ethan, I was surprised how Ethan called me at this hour. I mean it was almost six in the evening and he didn't have my number. "Daisy, Where are you? It's been an evening and I haven't heard from you. I was worried about you." His voice was full of concern. I had never seen anyone this worried about me, it was rare for someone should call me and tell me that he was worried. "Ethan.." As I took his name from my mouth, Rowen's gaze tightened. Those sharp eyes looked at me as if I had heard the name of a ghost. Those cold glares were enough to tremble my hands. "Well, we have come with Gideon to the amusement park," I replied, Rowen was not saying anything but his eyes were saying a lot. His palm has shifted into his fist. "What, amusement park? Who is with you? Where is it? tell me." Ethan was speaking so loudly that Rowen could barely hear his voice. Ethan appeared so tense, but it was not a matter of being tense. "With Rowen, I and Gideon are here with Rowen," I said, continuously feeling the heat of Rowen's glare. "Which amusement park? Tell me where you just went." It felt as if Ethan had sat in the car and started to leave. Rowen got up from his place and started looking at me. "Don't tell him we are here," Rowen warned me. "Just hung up the phone." Rowen was so commanding, and the more I was getting late, the more I saw his purple eyes turn darker. "Daisy, tell me. Which amusement park are you in?" He kept asking again and again, but Rowen's eyes kept haunting me. I decided to listen to my heart. That night not only Rowen but Ethan also slept with me. His chances of being Gideon's father are also the same as that of Rowen. What if Ethan turned out to be the father of my baby or three princes? I ignored whatever Rowen said and continued to talk. "We both are At.." Before that I felt a push on my shoulder, Rowen gripped my shoulder and placed lips on mine. It felt as if lightning had struck me. I was almost lying on the bed as Rowen pushed himself over me, The phone in my hand was thrown away, and Ethan was still online. "Ahhh.." I screamed when Rowen recklessly began kissing me on my lips. It was harsh, it was unbearable. I tried to get rid of him, but it was useless. His arms were tightening me more and more, making it impossible for me to move even a finger. It felt as if his kiss was keeping me from breathing, I was trying to hold my breath, and his hands were squeezing my shoulders as if he was taking out some kind of anger. The fragrance of his breath had completely dissolved in my breath. He was so careful that Gideon would not wake up from his sleep, but he was giving me some kind of torture through the kiss. "Ahhh.. Rowen. Don't do this." When I felt unbearable, I started pushing against his chest. But my mouth was covered by his mouth. My words started disappearing in his mouth and only mild moans came out. It felt awkward as Ethan's voice on the phone grew louder. "Daisy, are you okay?" Ethan was yelling on the phone. He was quite concerned, Rowen stopped kissing me, looked at her phone with sharp eyes and started kissing me again. This time it was more intense than before, his hands began moving around my waist, slowly to my curves. My breathing turned heavier, his hand touched my skin and I felt like an explosion in my heart. Now I could not resist him, I just stopped pushing him but my hand went on his collar. I gripped his collar and pulled it close to me. "Umm..." Moaning sounds started coming out of my mouth. My wolf turned active as she was kissed by my mate. I began grunting. A strange heat started circulating in my body. Rowen was completely above me, and now our curves almost locked into each other just like a solved piece of puzzle. "Daisy.. please tell me the name of our park." Ethan's voice came from behind. Ethan must have thought that Rowen and I were having s*x, so the phone was turned off. Rowen grunted happily, his sharp vampire teeth breached the skin of my delicate lips, and blood started gushing out from it. I felt his tongue continuously sucking that blood like a hungry carnivore. It was weird for me because I never heard any wolf doing that, this was new for me. Rowen was kissing my lips, biting me and sucking the blood out of them. He was biting my lip so hard that the taste of iron was filling my mouth. Rowen was kissing them passionately, his tongue was touching every corner of my mouth. My body was feeling so much pleasure, it was making me feel bad. I wanted to give up my body to him, just a kiss could make me wonder. Now I can understand what a vampire bite means. "Rowen, you are hurting me." I pushed at his chest and turned him away from me. I started breathing harder. I looked at his face, his lips had a tint of my blood. Even my lips were bleeding like crazy. He wiped my blood with his thumb and started tasting it. There was a different smile on his face, a different satisfaction. I was wondering how much happiness he got by doing this. "You tasted my blood? Are you crazy?" I asked him this and he started smirking at me. I quickly went and grabbed my phone which was lying on the floor. The screen was almost broken. I found its screen was no longer working even if I tapped it for a while. But one thing I noticed was that Ethan was on the phone for quite some time. Maybe he heard my moans. "Why did you do that?" I was angry, for a while I was actually under Rowen's control, I was starting to feel very good about kissing him. He was my mate so my wolf started responding on its own. He was not in control of me. "What are you worried about?" Rowen asked me, his brows furrowed. "Ethan had heard me moaning. Now he won't see me like before." I told Rowen aggressively. Rowen grabbed my phone and pulled it. "I don't want anyone to see you. Not even like before." Rowen told me and threw the phone back on the bed. After some time, Gideon left and we both sat in Rowen's jeep. We drove the row car and headed towards the Euphoria packhouse. Everything had changed. This one-day trip had brought me and Rowen very close. I touched my almost swollen lips, I couldn't help but wonder what Rowen would have done to me that night. One kiss from him made me crazy and I was very excited and drugged at night. "Open the jeep rack," Rowen said to me, I was shocked and started looking at him. He pointed towards the box. I opened it. "Take out that cigarette and put it in my mouth," Rowen said and I felt a little strange. "What?" I knew that Rowen was a chain smoker. This is what I heard from the school itself, he craves it and they say he could not stay without it. "Why do you act like I ask you to make me wear a condom?" He asked me sarcastically. I knew he went aggressive like any addicted person would be. While we were on the ride, he went for a moment just to take a few puffs of cigarettes. I twitched my lips and stared at Gideon. "Do you know how harmful it is for Gideon? Do you want him to inhale it? He is just one and a half years old." I told him, Rowen's face turned calm. Seemed he tried to control his addiction. I smiled as he continued driving the jeep. In a short while we reached the Euphoria packhouse and something was already waiting for us. As soon as I went inside, I found Luna Betty and my step sisters, Maya, Austin and Ethan were already waiting for us.
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