Love is it?

1706 Words
I strode confidently into the Palace and was immediately met with a sea of eyes fixated on me. It was as if I had just stepped into a spotlight. My heart began racing as I walked through the crowd. It might feel strange for a girl who is used to being invisible in people's eyes to see all this. I wasn't accustomed to so much attention, so I was nervous. As I walked, some familiar faces from the neighbouring packhouse and I too acted as if I was seeing them for the first time. Everyone was murmuring the same question over and over again: "Who is she... Which pack she belonged to..." I found many famous pack Alphas were drooling at my glance. As I walked forward, my eyes locked with Clara's eyes. Her eye went to my face and then over my gown, I felt a little uneasy. Could she recognise me because of this gown? "Isn't it the same that Marina made for me?" Clara poked her elbow at Cherry. "She said that this is a premium gown and she has made only three such pieces in the whole world." When Cherry corrected her, a line of doubts disappeared on her face, I was relieved too that I didn't have to explain it. The crowd had already parted for me, and I walked forward confidently. It was my sixteenth birthday too, and now I felt like this party was held for me. The same feeling I had when I was three. I moved towards the stage. And that's when I saw them: the three princes, Rowen, Austine and Ethan. their eyes fixed solely on me. It was as if the entire world had faded away, leaving just the four of us at that moment. It was intense. It seemed as if they were holding their breath. Their eyes were not even blinking, all three of them looked completely lost. My eyes rolled over Austine, Rowen and Ethan. It was their sixteenth birthday, and all three of them looked quite handsome. Today, they looked like princes. As I gazed upon Austine, I was struck by the stunning brown brocade coat he wore. It was adorned with intricate golden embroidery. But my attention was quickly diverted as Rowen strode in, his figure cloaked in a sleek black velvet coat that extended to his knees from behind, with the same deadly smirk on his lips that exuded an air of mystery. I couldn’t able to hold my eyes on him for a long time and immediately moved towards Ethan, who was dressed in a blue satin jacket with a pale colour shirt inside and blue trousers. It seemed as though they had chosen their finest outfits for the day, and thus, they stood out amongst all. A group of women had surrounded the three of them, trying to flirt with them, but they didn't even care. Instead, their eyes were glued to me. "You are just like those f*****g girls who were always ready to sleep with us." Their words echoed in my mind. When he mentioned me like that girl or a girl like you, I did not understand what they meant. I was still holding the grudges for it. They must be waiting for me to approach them and congratulate them just like the girls were doing, I turned my back on them and walked away. I could bet my last penny that they must be thrilled to see it. I felt bad as I ignored them badly and then my eyes lingered on the food. I already imagined the cousin in my mind when Jaslee described its menu in the morning. The fragrance of the food already swayed my heart and I held my gown and walked towards it. My stomach began growling. I needed to eat something before I could deal with anything else. As I was about to grab a bite, I heard Ralph's voice behind me. "What do you want, madam?" he asked. He was one of the closest ones to my step sisters. Perhaps he might be sent by Clara to check upon me. Along with my three sisters, I had also become the slave of this Ralph. He had also insulted me a lot a few days ago. "Well.." Before I could answer, I noticed that the three princes were staring at me, anger etched on their faces. It seemed like they didn't appreciate the lack of attention. "Nothing. I am confused by the menu here." I told him. "Will you get me some food?" I asked Ralph, who seemed to be recoiling like a hungry dog. "Yes, of course. Madam" He hurried towards the plate and held it for me. "Just tell me what do you want to eat?" I knew he always ranked me lower than omega from our pack. I was enjoying a lot seeing that now he was dancing behind me with the plate. And on my instructions ready to fill my plate. "Your plate is ready." As soon as he kept it in front of me I got up from my seat. "Sorry. I don't feel like eating. Thanks by the way." I left without having a spoon. He got offended seeing my attitude. I began enjoying myself as if I had a new life today. I just turned back, and to my surprise, I was bumped into Ethan again. This hit was the same as the first time he bumped into me. My heart skipped a bit. "Hey there!" he exclaimed, stepping closer towards me with his hands outstretched. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows in surprise and stare at his hands. They were not the hands of someone who would normally initiate a conversation, especially with a girl. That’s what I heard about him. My heart was racing as I stood before them, feeling like a deer in headlights. "I've never seen you before.." Ethan said as Rowen and Austin joined him. I knew these guys were 10 times smarter than any other eighteen-year-old kids, and I needed to be sharp if I didn't want to get caught. "I too see you for the first time," I replied, trying to appear calm and collected. I avoided eye contact with them, fearing the questions they might ask. Rowen stood in the middle of them. I noticed his knuckles again. His knuckles were white and his long, slender fingers gave me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I quickly turned my attention to Ethan, hoping to distract myself, but his smile melted my heart. He looked so pure and decent, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of trouble I had gotten myself into. Why I was attracted to them so much? I never thought this way for anyone else. Right now I just shoo away Ralph, but with these three princes, I have an unconditional connection. “Woah.. Hold a minute.” Rowen's brows arched even more, "You came to our birthday party and you're saying you saw us for the first time? Do you want us to believe it?" he asked me with a sharp tone. I felt a twinge of nervousness as I struggled to come up with an answer that would satisfy him. "You seemed self-obsessed," I replied while grabbing a glass of wine and pretending to drink it. I hoped it buy me some time. "Not everyone knows you three. Come out of your bubble" The words seemed to strike a nerve with Rowen, and I could see the anger simmering just beneath the surface. I found it funny when I caught my three step-sisters eavesdropping our conversation from just a few meters away. I couldn't believe how much attention I was getting in a mere ten minutes of being here. It never happened to me before! Austin's words made me chuckle, "Are you sure you're not from our enemy pack?" he asked me. I couldn't help but tease him in response, "Maybe you should stop inviting your enemies to your birthday parties instead of worrying about me," I said and walked away. I ignored them and explored the room, but I noticed them staring at me. I decided to ignore them even more and drifted off to the other side of the hall. The lights went off in a sudden moment and I was left alone in the darkness. I felt an overwhelming fear creeping up inside me, as I had always been scared of the dark. My hands started shaking and I reached out to the table. I was trying to find something to hold on to. Suddenly, my fingers touched a warm hand! I felt a rush of comfort surging through my body, and I turned around to see who it was. To my surprise, I looked into the most beautiful, golden sparkling eyes that shined brightly in the darkness. Just as I was about to say something, a flashlight turned on, revealing the person holding my hand was none other than Austin! The warmth of his touch was enough to raise the temperature of my body. I immediately tried to pull my hand away, but Austin held it tightly, refusing to let go. "Would you be my dance partner?" He asked me and raised his hands ahead. I was excited, this day was more like a dream to me. I put my hand on his hands and he pulled me closer. Under the flashlight, he gripped my waist and pulled me closer, our faces were just a few inches away. The music began and we began moving our asses on the tune. I felt jealous. They had the looks and everything they wanted. Austin's touch was enough to melt the iceberg in my heart, I never imagined having such feelings. “This girl must be following us. Otherwise, who could draw us this way.” Austin’s tone was completely changed. "Why did you choose me to dance with you?" I asked him. "You look like a girl who is searching for a prince," Austin whispered and his lips were just a few centimetres away from mine. I felt the tingling sensation, his golden sparkly eyes were piercing through my heart.
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