Destiny will take you there!

1599 Words
As the sun went down, the sky turned into a canvas of deep blues and purples. The stars twinkled, and the moon shone brightly in the dark sky. In the midst of all this, the entire household was bustling with excitement as they were getting ready for the party. I was rushing to gather their belongings. "Daisy, go iron these clothes," "Daisy, shine my shoes," Not only order but also some scolding because I messed up with few things, not able to iron the creases of Luna betty's gown, and messed up Cherry's hair braids. I guess they must have started getting ready from the morning and ended in teh late night. Slowly the Packhouse began to empty. Everyone who was ready, began leaving with the cars that was arranged by the Vampire packhouse. Cherry, Clara, and Catty were ready and about to leave the Euphoria packhouse. Clara had to wear the red gown by the famous designer, Marina as first one was spolied by me. They stood by the gaint gate of our pack and eagerly waited for the black limousine to arrive. I stood beside them holding their purses. As it pulled up, they each took turns getting in. When I was asked to make their bags placed in the car, I found it was so luxurious. Luna Betty and Alpha Newton had already left earlier. I was ready to bet my last penny that it was going to be an amazing night as I already heard them gossiping about it. The Packhouse felt eerily quiet after they left. I helped Jaslee with her new dress. "I am going to dance with my lover, He told me to wear black dress." Jaslee rolled her eyes, I smiled in response. I sluggishly made my way to my room as a pit formed in my stomach. If only my mom hadn't been arrested, Everything would have been different. Luna Betty won't have right to stop me just she did. I also had dressed up well and got ready for the partu. To lift my spirits, I made myself a steaming cup of coffee and settled down near the window. That's when my gaze fell upon the beautiful ice-coloured gown that I'd been eyeing for days. Maya was hanging it in the garden, to dry it well. As the caffeine rushed into my blood, a brilliant idea struck me! What if I don't allow to attend the party. I quickly went took the gown off the hanger. Luckily, Maya was fast asleep, or else she would've never let me do this. She had her insomnia medicine so I don't think she would wake up anytime soon. This was an opportunity for me to be myself, today I have not to scared about anyone else. I took a cold shower and washed off the layer of oily mud texture from my body. The mud was stubborn, clinging to my body for a second skin. I scrubbed the charcoal away and revealed my soft skin underneath. I dried my body and stood in front of the mirror. This was my best moment, staring myself naked in the mirror. Watching my real self with my eyes. I have gotton beautiful curves and pinkish beautiful n*****s. It was amazing if my mate found me this beautiful. As I slipped into a stunning gown, custom-made by Designer Marina, I couldn't believe my eyes. The fit was perfect, accentuating my curves and making me feel like a million bucks. I pulled up the zipper and looked at myself in the mirror. It felt like Designer Marina made this just for me but the final touch was still missing - a magnificent set of real pearls that I had collected myself from the depths of the river oyster. Selling pearls was a small gig for me, by doing this I used to arrange some money for my books, colours, and canvas. I've made pearl necklaces for several members of the Pack but I never got a chance to make one for me. I wore the pearl necklace around my neck along with the earrings. I had nothing but talcum powder and some greasy cream. I had not a single lipstick, but I knew a few things going to work. I slowly stepped out of my room, making sure no one is in the main hall. Luckily, few omegas were standing at the gate and waiting for their car to arrive their. Must be sedan or something. I heard Vampire King was sending the cars according to the ranks of the members. Higher the rank, expensive cars. I checked the dustbin where already finished and expired products were thrown. I grabbed one that had enough lipstick that I could put on my lips. I used the same as my blush and eye shadow. It was the first time I was getting ready on my own, and it felt like a new adventure. Even though Maya was snoring softly in the background, I was fully alert, ready to take on whatever the night had in store for me. As I peered into my wardrobe, my eyes fell upon a pair of dazzling heeled sandals that once belonged to Cherry It was broken for me. She had given them to me, and I had repaired and polished them to look brand new. Anyway, branded items don't get damaged quickly; Cherry had given them to me just because they were out of fashion. After getting ready, I looked very beautiful. I'm not praising myself, but I looked like my mom, Alana, the Princess of the Giant Moon Pack. I posed like a princess. The world would be so beautiful if I could live like this. If only my mom hadn't poisoned Dad, our lives would have been different, and I could have lived freely like those three. The Packhouse was empty, which meant I could roam around freely in my attire. I stepped out of my room and began exploring the entire pack. As I walked, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be the future Luna. Suddenly, I decided to make a pretending announcement to everyone: "Attention, everyone! Princess Daisy is coming!" I headed outside and decided to enjoy this rare opportunity to breathe in the fresh air and be free. As I stepped out, I started roaming around Th h packhouse. The feeling the excitement coursing through my veins. I was so lost in my happiness that I had no idea what was going to happen next. On the way, a car stopped in front of me, and seeing that it was the Euphoria Packhouse's car, I got scared. My hands and feet started trembling with fear. The car door opened, and Gamma Sandy stepped out. Gamma Sandy was responsible for managing the food and drink supplies for our pack, and she knew me well because I used to give her the list of items in the kitchen. As soon as I saw her, my hands started sweating, and my face turned pale. Hundreds of questions were racing through my mind. "Who are you?" Gamma Sandy asked me, and I felt confused. "What?" I thought I must have misheard something. Then the car's window rolled down, and Beta Zoe was there. Beta Zoe was very kind and nice. She had saved me from Betty's anger several times before, but today it felt like she couldn't recognize me. "Who are you? Are you going to the party?" Beta Zoe asked me, and I had no answer. "Yes... Yes..." I couldn't say anything. Gamma Sandy gestured for me to get into her car, and as it started moving, my hands and feet became very cold. I couldn't believe I was going to the party where they all were. “So what’s your name?” Beta Zoe asked me, I pressed my lips. I almost forgot that they were going to interrogate me. “Diana..” I answered, just because I have watched Princess Diana often when I was small and she was my favourite. “Diana..nice name.” Beta Zoe praised me. “The name suits your personality.” She said, a smile automatically appeared on my face. I never knew that someone could praise me. Otherwise, I always listened to curses in my life. I could feel my heart beating fast as I walked towards them, hoping they wouldn't recognize me. I had changed so much that even my voice sounded different. It was like I had become a completely different person, unrecognizable to anyone who knew me before. Beta Zoe looked at me and asked, "So Diana, which pack do you belong to?" I froze for a moment, thinking about what to say. I couldn't say Blue Moon pack because she knew every member of that pack, and if I did, I would be caught right away. I decided to take a chance and said, "Super Moon pack." It was a pack that didn't even exist, and even if it did, I bet they wouldn't know about it. Gamma Sandy looked puzzled and said, "We've never heard of that pack before." Beta Zoe added, "Yeah, we've never seen you here before. This might be the first time we've seen you in this vicinity." I just smiled, trying to avoid any further conversation with them. It was exhilarating to know that if someone who used to see me four times a day couldn't recognize me, then nobody else would either. I finally had a chance to go to a party that I never could have before.
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