Chapter 10

1144 Words
Kaia just wanted her family safe and sending Peter and Luca home was what she felt was best. No doubt the word they were leaving would get back to Actaeon in no time and she was hoping they would be gone by then, Kaia would still have Gatlin but she needed her by her side “Please call me when you get home” Kaia insisted to her uncle. It probably seemed like typical worry but there was genuine concern hidden under the small smile she was willing to show him. “Of course, we will Kaia” Peter hugged her once again and she embraced the warm comfort of her uncle. He had always been a better father figure than her own. He was always a cold distant man, if she didn't meet Lycan’s who were kind she would have probably assumed that is what they were all like just from her father demeanour though he was only half Lycan. “Good, make sure Luca gets the care he needs” she insisted for her cousin. The young man was still not himself and probably never would be again. That snarky spark inside him had seemed to of died those few years at the Skodati he still stood tall despite the fact he was so thin he seemed as though the wind could break him in half. “I will be fine, Kaia” Luca suddenly spoke up. His voice was still raspy as though his throat was constantly aching from a bad flu. “I want to make sure you are” she pushed her cousin simply smiled in return. It wasn't the same, nothing was the same with him but what could she expect apart of her wanted to hate the Skodati Lycan’s for what happened to Luca but there was just no point to carry that weight especially since he was back now and she had much more pressing matters on her shoulders. “Take care of yourself alright” Peter whispered before pulling away from her. “I will, of course, make sure you take care and when you get back. Start a new schedule with the warriors, harder training” she practically ordered. “Why I thought you would want them to prepare for the move” Peter looked a little confused on her sudden order. “I won't be moving those wanting to follow till after my coronation and proper introduction into the pack and no doubt this has already got around I want to pack properly protected” she explained it was a partial truth of course she wanted them safe but she wanted them prepared if they were the arrive and she hadn't sorted things with Actaeon yet. “Of course” Peter simply replied before they all exchanged farewells once again and left. ::: Kaia thought about it as she soaked in the bathtub of the grand ensuite off of her room she could definitely get used to the room it's beautiful beige tiling along the floor, the cocoa coloured tiles in the large walk-in shower room, her favourite was the bathtub however it sat by a wood-lined wall with large windows that looked out over the pack grounds, it was a beautiful site and at night sitting in the room surrounded by candles looking out into the darkness with the moon high into the sky was something to enjoy. The bubbles that had surrounded her had begun to dissipate but the water was still warm, her long tan legs were stretched out with her ankles perched on the edge of the bath and her head almost submerged “I do say I could get used to this site” the lazily spoken words almost made her jump out of her skin however she jolted up in the tub. Kaia was tempted to pull her knees to her chest and shield her body but she wasn't willing to show that sort of nervousness, so she settled on embracing his unsettling gaze. “What are you doing here?” Kaia spoke through gritted teeth. Actaeon smiled that oh so smug smile he so often had as he made his way closer “can I not come to see my mate?” “We are not mates, Actaeon” Kaia sat up straighter in the tub her eyes watching his every leisurely move. Actaeon sat himself down on the edge of the bathtub he circled a single figure around her knee and Kaia had to force every simple part of her being not to flinch “but we are, I am the future Lycan Alpha, Kaia. I was born and raised for this position do you understand?” “We are not...” “We are” he snarled out already aware of what she was going to say “we are mates. I don't care what they say about you, Kaia I am the Alpha, I am meant to be Alpha my fate doesn't lie in the hands of some silly naive bitches feelings” his fingers moved to her jaw clutching it tightly in his grasp “if you think sending your uncle and cousin away would somehow get a step up on me you are surely kidding yourself” Acteon leaned closer, so close their foreheads almost touched and Kaia found herself wondering if she manoeuvred well enough could she drown him in this bathtub “I have been planning my future for a long time and I will not lose it so you may as well give up now and accept your fate. We could have a good life together, Kaia or a miserable one that is up to you but either way, you are mine and will never outplay me so get that stupid thought out of your head now” he stood abruptly ripping his hands from her face so quickly she felt the scratch from his nails opening her skin. Blood trickled down her jaw and to the neck but only a few drops made it before the small scratch healed itself “good talk” he smiled smugly looked down at her. It was the perfect example of what he really thought of her as though she were beneath him. He made his way to the door and she watched him through narrowed eyes as soon as he opened the door to leave she spoke. “Actaeon, a True Alpha doesn't have to keep saying they are an Alpha. Their power does that alone” he froze for a moment over her words before growling and slamming the door behind on his way out. Kaia let out a shaky breath, she couldn't let him deter her. She just had to keep going she knew she had to risk it all than fall into the grasps of that monster.
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