Chapter 5

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What did you do!?” Kaia’s attempt to refrain from shouting didn't go over too well once they had made their way to a secluded spot off of the grand hall. Kaia stood facing him, she was furious at him, he had known her plans to leave and he had foiled them though reality began to dawn on her as he squirmed uneasily underneath her harsh gaze. Kaia was still young and some of her stronger emotions were yet to be dealt with but watching him squirm made it dawn further that he wasn't her mate, he could never because right before her eyes just under her angered gaze he was struggling from submitting to her “you knew I was leaving today, Actaeon” she spoke in annoyance “why would you do that...” “Kaia, let me explain. I thought perhaps it was time you start preparing for your duties here” he began to explain. “That is my call to make not yours! We agreed on when I turned twenty-one” she grew irritated even further at him. Her eyes glared daggers at him. “I know but since you've been here you are fitting in so well I thought perhaps we should start your transition” he continued to explain which only dug his grave further with Kaia. “And you don't think I should have been consulted about that? It's my life--” “Our life” he corrected but she could see the hesitancy in his words. His averted gaze even for a moment she picked it up, however. “Stop... We've danced around this the last few days already” she began. Kaia had been hesitant to bring it up before but not now. Now she couldn't stand dancing around the subject anymore. His eyes darted away once again “I don't know what you mean...” “You do! Actaeon... We aren't mates” she finally said. The weight lifting over the unsaid words. “Kaia...” “You know it's true. You feel it as do I, We aren't meant to be together” she confronted him further with the truth. He was taller but she stood firmly against him. Actaeon’s jaw tensed at her words “you wish to talk about this now?” “Yes, we need to deal with it sooner or later and if you’ve forced my hand into staying here longer it may as well be sooner” Kaia reasoned her large eyes watching his unsettled movements. “Sooner it is...” Actaeon let out a sigh. She sighed as well at his clearly upset state. Her empathy tended to get the best of her “Actaeon I'm sorry.” “Sorry for what?” he seemed to question in confusion. His eyebrows turned to a frown on his perfectly shaped face. “For... This, you not being Alpha” she pointed out the obvious. A little confused herself wondering if he really didn't understand that. Actaeon began to laugh “Oh Kaia” a wide grin across his lips “I will be Alpha of course.” “Actaeon we aren't mates--” she began but she fell short when he reached out and his fingers brushed through her wavy hair. “Kaia...” before she could even register what was happening his hand seemed to grip onto her hair. Yanking at the roots she struggled to hold back a yelp at the sudden sensation as he practically dragged her closer ” I think it is you who is confused” he leaned closer, so close his mouth was beside her ear, his hot breath hitting her skin sending an unpleasant sensation through her body “I will be Alpha, I was born to be Alpha. I don't care what you say about it you will be my mate, Kaia understand me now you will be my mate even if I have to force you. You will not take my rightful place from me” he snarled “and as soon as you find this supposed mate of yours I will rip them limb from limb.” “You wouldn’t...” “Why not? I got rid of my own mate” Kaia turned her face twisted to shock and horror at his words however a smirk was settled in its place as he turned her face to look at him “you are mine, Kaia you best remember that.” Kaia growled lowly she felt her eyes beginning to burn but not of tears of anger. Her rage forced him to back away “remember your place” a more feral voice came from her mouth. “My place” he laughed but the pain of fighting her push for him to submit was obvious on his face “you should remember your place this is my kingdom” raising her hand to slap him Actaeon was quick to catch it “your still young, Kaia not properly trained, still weak don’t think I won’t hurt you to make you submit” his grip tightened around her wrist “and if you don’t I may not be able to kill you...” he yanked her closer “but I can kill everyone around you” Actaeon shoved her away causing Kaia to stumble into the pillar behind them, Actaeon stared smugly at her “remember that if you dare open your mouth about this” he took a few steps closer till he stood by her side “I have eyes and ears everywhere” then he sauntered off leaving Kaia dumbfounded. He was right on one thing she was only trained to be a Luna, not a fighter she felt so young and lacking any sort of real knowledge so she decided to do the one thing she at least knew. She ran. Deep into the woods finally let loose the wolf from within her who had been desperate for release.
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