Chapter 4

1022 Words
It had been three days and Kaia longed for her wolf form and the days of spending all her time on four paws, she had spent a lot of her time with Luca while he recuperated and a lot of that time was staring out into the woods but finally, Luca was back on his feet a relief to Kaia. In the small visit she was beginning to think Actaeon had been right to delay her introduction until she was twenty-one in no way did she feel ready though she wasn’t sure if it was the nerves or if it was to do with Valen and that her mate wasn’t who everyone had thought it was. Kaia had decided to do one thing before leaving however and that was to talk to Valen. It was still early as she scurried down the many hallways getting odd glances from workers as she passed they didn’t know who she was no doubt since it wasn’t officially announced and most who knew about her didn’t know her face but seemingly on instinct they bowed their heads even as she hurried passed them. It was strange she didn’t even know where Valen’s room was or where he was but somehow she knew, on instinct, she knew where to find him. Kaia found it odd she could have such a switch from disliking someone but she supposed it was the mate bond after all. Kaia wasn’t sure if he was awake when she got to what she assumed was his chambers but it wasn’t as though she had seen where he slept and the more she thought she realised there was little she even knew about Valen, Kaia didn’t get to think about it very much when the door in front of her suddenly opened. He seemed surprised for a moment was quick to hide it as he stood in front of her already prepared for the day not surprising considering his position. “Valen...” Kaia spoke it was much softer than she intended but with his eyes staring down at her it was hard to remain composed. “Kaia” he spoke so formally it almost stung “what are you doing here” Valen stepped out of the room closing the door behind him before giving her his full attention. “I...” being close to Valen seemed to trip up her tongue. She was so confrontational with him once upon a time and now it was difficult to even speak “I wanted to speak to you.” He watched her thoughtfully for a moment before nodding “what about?” he asked before beginning to walk down the hall to which Kaia followed. “Us, Valen the fact that we are mates we need to talk about this” she let out almost frustrated at his intentional ignorance. “Do we have to talk about this now...” he sighed. “Yes! Valen, we have to talk about this. I’m leaving today and I want to get this all out” and just like that the mate bond, the flustering that seemed to cloud her judgment slipped letting reality sink in facing his relentless denial. “Kaia... We’ve already talked...” “Talked about what? How you want to deny reality, Valen. Well too bad it’s here and you need to start accepting it” she lectured. Valen rubbed a rough hand over his face before stopping abruptly “I can’t...” “Why not?” she ordered. “Because I can’t, Kaia” he growled out. Kaia stared up at the man who was so strong yet now seemed nervous and agitated. “You command over the warriors of the Alpha Lycan pack. You lead them into battle, to war” Kaia shook her head “yet somehow your still a coward” she didn’t bother waiting for a reply before walking away she knew she was right. He was letting his fear get the best of him. Valen was meant to rule by her side she just wasn’t sure how he would step up. ::: Going to goodbyes to the Alpha she wasn’t nervous, however, if anything relieved she wanted to go home especially to get away from Valen, his denial was a hard pill to swallow. Kaia curbed her issues and put out her pride as she entered the large hall, The Alpha was already there waiting to see her with a wide smile “Ah Kaia” his smile only widened when he saw the young woman. “Alp—- Damone” she quickly corrected herself greeting him in return with a smile. “Beautiful Kaia” Actaeon gushed beside his father. “Actaeon” Kaia greeted politely still unsure how to interact with him. “When Actaeon came to see me this morning I was thrilled at the news” her eyes widened slightly despite his denial to her... Which she now wondered if it ran in the family had he confessed the reality to his father. “News?” Kaia was a little confused. “Well I was quite upset to hear you were leaving so soon but Actaeon told me you are planning on staying” the Alpha seemed to beam “that you will be starting your studies to become Luna” Kaia was even more confused considering she never had that conversation with Actaeon at all “you will be a wonderful leader I know it” he continued before she could even get out a word. The large man pulled her into a hug “I apologise for the lack of formalities” he was quick to compose himself once again. “It’s fine, Damone” she insisted confused still however what was going on. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by one of his pack members calling for his attention “if you would excuse me” he pardoned himself. Kaia kept the smile until Damone was finally out of the room. Then her eyes were set on Actaeon. “Looks like we need to talk...”
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