Chapter 14

1150 Words
Kaia’s fists pounded against the pad Bas held in front of her “keep your arm steady” he encouraged but she didn't pay too much attention. Her mind was swirling about the memories from two days again she was trained for this role but every turner she seemed to turn made it harder. The sneers and looks of disdain hung within her mind from the meeting with the close allies of the Alpha, it was playing on repeat. The beautiful elegant woman somehow made her shrink under their gaze, the men weren't much better and their endless favour towards Actaeon seemed endless “So your the one who will be Luna” the distaste practically dripped from the woman's mouth as she spoke “You weren't what we were expecting at all” another spoke. She had spent years spending most days in her wolf form, she promised herself not to go back yet somehow being in this place was dwindling her self confidence by the second. Kaia thought about home standing in front of the mirror repeating ‘She sells seashells by the seashore’ over and over until her mother approved her pronunciation, in the back of her mind she could steel here the sound of the ruler her mother would tap against her palm as she instructed her, she had the same look that everyone had... That she wasn’t enough, now she wondered if Valen simply saw what the rest of them did. “Easy now” Bas chuckled pulling her from her deep thoughts. She quickly stopped striking and Bas shook out his hand “got a mighty punch there when you focus, Luna” he complimented. She had grown to appreciate Bas he was the only warrior willing to help her train, Kaia didn't think she could thank him enough for it. “Sorry, Bas. My head was just somewhere else” Kaia sighed wiping at her sweaty forehead before leaning down and picking up the water bottle that sat by her feet. They had been up before sunrise on the grassy training field, It had been so long that the sun was now beginning to peek over the treeline casting its glorious ray of light across the land. Despite the troubles, at the moment Kaia could admire the place for its sheer beauty. “Is everything okay?” he questioned. He seemed genuinely concerned and as found as she had become of him, Kaia was beginning to learn this place wasn't one where you find someone to trust easily. “I'm sure it will be fine” she attempted to smile but she found herself struggling. Kaia was struggling to even remember a time when she was happy “some wolves and Lycans here just seem to need time to adjust to me..” Bas sighed and nodded in understanding “there is always reluctance for change around here and there has been a lot of hesitancy since the last Luna” he began to explain. “What happened to her?” Kaia questioned she never actually knew what happened to the last Luna. “She died during childbirth” Bas sighed once again this more sadder, however “she was beloved and once she passed the Alpha” Bas shook his head “well it was hard on him especially being a single father, he spoilt Actaeon to no ends” he seemed to quickly clamp his mouth shut however thinking he went too far “apologies Luna I shouldn’t speak like that about your mate” he bowed his head. Kaia simply waved him off “don’t worry” she spoke before sitting down cross-legged on the grass “what about his cousin... Valen?” even saying his name made her almost shiver “where are his parents?” she attempted to seem nonchalant about it but struggled, however, Bas seemed to pay no mind to her behaviour and sat down a few feet away from her. She quickly attempted to compose herself “I’m sorry I shouldn’t be so nosey” she corrected herself. “You are future Luna, you can ask anything you please” Bas chuckled “Our Commander...” he suddenly fell more serious “His father died in an attack ten years... Goodman, strong just like Valen. His mother sadly was hospitalised after his father's death and passed not long after” Bas explained. Kaia’s heart sunk at the information she really knew nothing about her Mate. The news of Actaeon being spoilt wasn’t a surprise at all but she knew barely anything about Valen. “Why do you ask?” he questioned. “Just curious... I don’t know much about them” Kaia vaguely explained. Trying to casually shrug it off “I was taught names and where they stood in ranking and how to behave that was all.” “Are you an only child?” he inquired a curious look across his face. Kaia only nodded in reply “it must have been lonely” he seemed to sympathise and gave a small smile almost in understanding. Bas had been kind to her and she truly hoped she had finally found an ally amongst the hostile wolves and Lycan’s in the packs. They sat for a little longer mindlessly chatting before a loud bellowing noise began to ring out throughout the air “s**t” Bas grumbled jumping to his feet. “What’s going on?” Kaia questioned looking around the area attempting to figure out where the sound was coming from. “It’s the emergency alarm an incoming attack” he also glanced around the area. Clearly listening out for sounds in the distance though even with their impressive hearing it was difficult with the sound of the loud bell-like noise. “Someone is attacking?” Kaia was almost surprised she didn’t think anyone would really dare to attack the Lycan Alpha. “It happens occasionally, Luna but don’t worry it’s always dealt with quickly. They just take advantage of the situation when they find out the Commander isn’t here” he shook his head at the sheer idea of it. The noise finally stopped and Bas seemed to listen closely before he began to disrobe. “What are you doing?” Kaia gasped at the sight of his bare chest while he was already ready to take off his pants. “I need to shift to fight, Luna. If we are attacked we need to be defending it” before he said anymore Kaia herself tugged off her tank top “Luna...” he began to protest. “This is my pack to I want to protect it” Kaia insisted. Her confidence and morale were still low but this was still her future home, these were still her people and she needed to defend them even if they didn’t accept her.
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