Chapter 15

1188 Words
In a small cleared area amongst the trees, the warriors huffed and puffed around the campsite. It was the first time since they set out they had time to take a break. They were filthy from the relentless tasks amongst the packs, dirt and dried blood was still tarnished on their flesh one of the reasons for the rancid smell coming from the group. “Commander!” Ales, one of the warriors shouted as he rushed towards the man who was casually perched on a log. Spraying water over his head from his bottle of water attempting to at least rid himself of the mess on his face. “What is it?” he barked at the younger man who stopped abruptly before him and bowed in greeting. “We have word from the Kingdom. Apparently, there has been an attack” the young man explained. “A pack must have found out you weren’t there” Jaxon explained it was something that happened but Jaxon’s face seemed to deepen with concern. Not surprising since his mate was back there. “Do you want me to keep on top of it, sir? Make sure the warriors have it covered?” Ales questioned Valen sat there for a moment taking in his words. “No need we will head back” Valen spoke and casually began packing away everything. “The warriors at the Kingdom didn't sound overly worried, sir they weren't saying they acquire assistance” Ales began to explain before Valen shot him a sharp look. “I said we are returning. Now get packing!” he shouted his order causing all the men to hurry. Valen sighed he wouldn't do this usually only if the warriors holding down the fort requested him to return would he do so but now it wasn't the same his mind kept drifting to Kaia being there, he had no idea if she was even trained to fight granted when he first met her, her attitude, especially towards him, was one to not back down it didn't help his worry, however. At the end of the day deep inside would never rest if he wasn't there to protect her, to defend her. ::: “What is the future Luna doing here?” a young warrior snapped once Kaia and Bas got to the forested grounds and turned back into their human forms. Growls and snarls could be heard throughout the air as soon as they were closer. “She wanted to come with me” Bas simply explained as he kept his eyes peeled on the area around them. “She’s the future Luna” the warrior looked in obvious concern eyeing the blonde “she should be taken back immediately--” “This is my pack too” Kaia snapped at the young man “I will be Luna--” “And we need to protect you--” the man interrupted. “Yes, and as the future leader I need to protect my people too and fight alongside them” she explained. She was an Alpha once that kept slipping her mind since the role here was so much different but the warrior seemed to understand and almost smiled at her words. There seemed to be a sudden silent understanding before another word could be said Kaia shifted once again. Her little grey wolf, she wasn't large but certainly sprightly. Darting through the trees and ready to take the front lines. She heard a howl not too far away but she knew who it was. Gatlin must have found out where she was, she was thankful for their friendship she was always ready to stand by Kaia’s side if she needed her. Soon three wolves were running with her through the trees before finally making it to the grounds of the fight. Growing and snarling, blood was running like a river from slaughtered wolves as more seemed to emerge from between the trees. The warriors were on the attack, Kaia and Gatlin were quick to join in on the front. The pair teamed up against wolves neither of them was the best fighter after all. It felt like hours had passed as things continued Kaia had somehow gotten to a clearer area outside where the doctor of the pack seemed to be struggling with the wounded. Kaia was able to take down one more with Gatlin before making her way to the overwhelmed man who was compressing the spot where the man's arm should have been. “Is everything okay, Doctor?” Kaia spoke as soon as she shifted. She was still covered in dirt and blood as she ran to the man. “Future Luna” the doctor gasped shrugging off his coat he was quick to hand it over to Kaia who slipped it on quickly before kneeling down with the man. “Do you need help?” she questioned looking around at the men who were groaning on the ground. “It's just me, the other doctor is in the pack while the nurses are trying to run the men back to the infirmary” he sighed wiping the sweat from his brow as he wrapped up the man's torso where his arm was now gone. Kaia glanced over her shoulder Gatlin, Bas and the other warrior she met Ales had followed her and kept any wolves that got closer at bay “how can I help?” she quickly asked the clearly overwhelmed man as he went to work on the next patient. “Oh no Luna--” “Please... You need help what do you need?” she questioned the doctor slowly nodded before he began giving instructions and Kaia followed the best she could trying to help the men, she had never been in such a battle and never been witness to such wounds but she pushed that fear aside attempting to help, Kaia called for Gatlin to retrieve herbs from the infirmary with her knowledge in plants “it won't stop bleeding” Kaia exclaimed it was embarrassing amongst a fight with her inexperience but there wasn't much to be done. “Calm down, Luna just breath” the doctor instructed as he attempted to wrap a mangled foot. Wolves healed quicker yes but when the wounds were bad or limbs missing it still needed to be treated. Nurses were running back and forth, Gatlin was called to remain in the infirmary helping with herbs they were clearly struggling into exhaustion, the fight behind them was fading into the distance with the focus on the wounded “just clean up the area” the doctor explained. It was large bites wounds, the flesh was torn away from their thigh and side and blood seemed to endlessly gush. Kaia complied listening to the doctor focusing on the task at hand, her hands shook and the man groaned in pain at each touch and suddenly Kaia stilled suddenly as a loud howl sounded throughout the woods seemingly shaking the trees. Her eyes widened already knowing before someone even shouted. “The commander has returned!”
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