Chapter 37: Good Morning

1386 Words

The trip back to Jakarta was faster considering it was midnight. Chan, Yuri, Jason, and Andrew arrived at the apartment in the early hours of the morning. Aaron stayed with the guards near Antony Budiman's house to help with the transfer process.   Yuri was fast asleep in the car when she arrived. Chan did not wake Yuri, but he carried her down from the car to the apartment unit. Andrew helped Chan open the door and elevator in silence so as not to wake Yuri.   Chan gently placed Yuri on the bed. He opened her shoes and covered her body with a blanket. After changing clothes, Chan turned off the lights and laid down next to Yuri. He looked at Yuri’s face who was sleeping peacefully. Chan smiled happily. Yuri, who was fast asleep, indicated that she felt comfortable with him.   Chan r

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