Chapter 38: Andre’s Laptop

1933 Words

The next day, at the office, Chan checked access for servers located in Gemilang Jaya Company. According to Antony's words, the Gemilang Jaya Company server could only be entered by the Gemilang Gelora Department Head and the IT Security Staff of Gemilang Jaya.   To be able to check into the server, Chan needed to use access from IT Security from Gemilang Jaya. Chan checked his agenda. Usually once a week, there were regular meetings with cross-company IT Security teams within the Gemilang Group. What a coincidence this week's meeting schedule was today at 10 a.m.   This meeting was held in one of the meeting rooms at Gemilang Gelora. The room used has transparent glass as a barrier. Meeting participants in the room could see people passing by outside the meeting room clearly.   Chan

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