Chapter 18: I Always Love You Little Girl

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Chan paused the video and hugged Yuri tightly.   "Yuri ... baby ... calm down first ... be brave ..." Chan said while kissing Yuri's cheek gently.   Yuri nodded while crying. She tried to stop her tears.   Chan kissed Yuri's lips gently. Yuri accepted Chan's tongue dancing in her mouth. The kiss gave a feeling of comfort and calm in Yuri's heart.   "Are you okay?" Chan asked.   Yuri nodded. "Come on, let's continue the video."   Chan pressed the play button to continue the video. Rosalia's face reappeared on Chan's cellphone screen.   Rosalia looked at the camera awkwardly.   [Little girl, if you watch this recording, chances are I'm kidnapped or even dead. The case of fraud in the office was forcibly terminated by Hendi Wicaksana. Gemilang Jaya's head of internal corporate auditor Heru Wicaksana also ordered the case to be frozen. Because of an order from the head office, Gemilang Gelora's Head of Internal Audit Antony Budiman was forced to close this case. He suddenly resigned yesterday and is not coming for work again today. I think he was forced to resign.]   Rosalia was silent. Yuri concentrated on listening to Rosalia's explanation in the recording. Chan hugged Yuri while occasionally kissing her forehead. The two of their bodies clung tightly together as if they were inseparable.   [Head of Finance Gemilang Gelora, Tasya Wisesa called me this morning. There was an order from Gemilang Jaya's Head of Finance corporate, Roger Susanto to Tasya to stop this case and to write off or delete the book as if the recording of this fraud was erased just like that.]   Chan was struck by the name Roger Susanto. That was the name of his father's cousin. Why did the name Roger Susanto appear here? Chan needed to find out.   [I saved some of the data in Google Drive with a new e-mail I just made. I save the email address and password in a file that I have protected. I put the file in the flash drive that I was hiding. Only you who know my habits can guess where I hid the flash disk. But, the data I have is only a part of it. The complete main data for fraud cases handled by internal audits stored by Antony Budiman. I don't know how to access it.]   Chan remembered the name. Antony Budiman. He was the key person who knew about this case. Chan needed to investigate this person later.   [I made 1 flash drive and printed version of this report. I secretly left it to someone. If something happens to me, that person will automatically send it to Surya Gemilang about 9 months from the incident. I'm doing this so you don't have to get involved with, little girl. That way the enemy will think this document is from another party. I'm worried about the safety of your life, little girl.]   Chan counted the timeline. More or less the data would arrive at his grandpa almost simultaneously with the change of company owners from the Gemilang family to the Wicaksana family. Chances were the data came late, Chan thought. If the data was received by Surya Gemilang, chances were, that data was the reason for his grandfather's death. Various possibilities crossed Chan's mind.   [Little girl, if you find the flash disk, send it back to Surya Gemilang's email through an internet cafe far from home. Thus, you are safer. I think there are enemies who want to launder money and take over Surya Gemilang's company in a dirty way. Don't get further involved. Remember, just send it according to my instructions.]   Yuri took a deep breath. Surya Gemilang was dead. This message arrived late.   [Little girl, you remember twelve years ago, our parents died in an accident. I'm still in college and you're still in school. I'm 19 years old, you're 9 years old. It was Surya Gemilang who saved our lives by giving me the scholarship to finish college. He also gave me a job at his company so we could live. So, for someone as good as him, I also try to do what I can to repay his kindness.]   Yuri just understood why Rosalia was very loyal and defended the interests of Surya Gemilang. Chan also learned that his grandfather and Rosalia had a relationship like that.   [Little girl, I think I'll be asked to resign soon. I don't know what will happen next. But, if the worst happens to me, don't hold grudges. Continue your life, honey. Live happily. Look for a handsome man who loves you so you don't live alone. I always love you, little girl. Oh, why am I crying ...]   Rosalia cried sadly on the screen and the recording was finished.   Yuri and Chan were silent. Yuri sobbed in Chan's arms for a long time. Chan let Yuri cry until satisfied even though his clothes were soaked with tears. He hugged Yuri while stroking her hair.   "Rosalia can already guess what happened next. But, she was quiet. What kind of suffering is she hiding from me?" Yuri asked, crying in Chan's arms.   "What do you want to do next, Yuri?" Chan asked.   "I have no idea. I don't think this is all that important anymore. Surya Gemilang already died. Even if the flash disk is found, who should I send it to?" Yuri asked desperately.   "Yuri, do you believe me?" Chan asked, stroking Yuri's cheek gently.   "Yes, Chan. But what can you do?" Yuri asked.   "We are looking for the flash disk. Give it to me. I will help you uncover the truth," Chan said while kissing Yuri's neck.   "But, Chan. This mission is very dangerous. Maybe Rosalia was killed and I want to find the killer," Yuri whispered.   "I will find the killer for you Yuri," Chan replied while playing Yuri's earlobe with his tongue.   "Aah ... Chan ..." sighed Yuri.   "Do you know where you can find the Rosalia flash drive?" Chan asked, his hand slipping under Yuri's shirt and rubbing her stomach slowly.   "I think ... Aaah ... maybe in the penguin doll, Rosalia gave me. She knows I love that doll very much," Yuri answered with a blushing face.   The penguin doll just lay on the bed, accompanying Yuri all this time. Chan reached for the doll and then wrung its soft surface. Inside the penguin doll, Chan felt that there was something hard there.   "Yuri, it looks like it's here. Look, there are very neat stitches on the doll's bottom," Chan said.   Yuri took her favorite penguin doll and looked at the doll's buttocks. There were very neat traces of stitches there.   "Yuri, may I investigate further?" Chan asked.   Yuri nodded.   "I think your situation is worse than I imagined. We can't be here any longer. I think we need to move to my apartment. I'll ask Andrew to pick us up soon," Chan said.   "Right now, Chan?" Yuri asked confused.   "Yes, pack all the important items. We move out tonight. This is a big case! You can get killed if you stay here," Chan said with a serious facial expression.   "But ..." Yuri said speechless.   "I will protect you, Yuri. Believe me," Chan said with a soothing smile.   Yuri put all the important items in a large suitcase. Chan helped her pack up. All valuables have been taken. When Yuri cleared up, Chan installed a number of bugs and mini cameras in Yuri's room, as well as several corners of the house.   Andrew picked Yuri and Chan in a large Alphard car. Andrew put Yuri's belongings in the back of the car.   "Your car is very luxurious, Andrew. I think you didn't come with Alphard before," Yuri said confused.   Andrew just smiled. "Nothing left?"   "I think so. Sorry to trouble you so much until midnight like this," Yuri said.   "It's alright, Yuri. It's my job," Andrew replied with a friendly smile. He wanted to tease Chan who managed to invite Yuri to move. But seeing the tears on Yuri's face and swollen eyes, Andrew did not dare to ridicule or tease Chan. After all, Andrew had seen Rosalia's recording with Jason in the apartment. They knew Yuri had to be protected and Rosalia held the important data they needed.   "No problem, sweetie. We're going," Chan replied calmly while continuing to hold Yuri's hand.
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