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POV: JAEL I stand by the foot of his bed, admiring how loving he is. The sight of a photo we snapped together caught my attention. The photo is about five years old. It was shot on the day when The Domania celebrated another year of mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace. My dad is him. Among all the wolf packs in the state, The Domania has the longest record of zero-internal conflict. The night we shot this photo was fun-filled. Everyone stepped out in their element. Mates had fun to the brim. Some even went to the extreme by engaging in sensual episodes. Michelle and Lawrence for instance, f*ngered and s*cked each other in a car. They both moaned out loud. No one cared. I was just concerned because I'm not mated. Perhaps, everything is often allowed on the peaceful night anniversary. This picture must be his favourite of all the pictures we've snapped. I don't doubt it. My smile is enough to pull him into it. I walk back to my sofa, as he's still sleeping. ******* As soon as I sit down, the battle with sleep begins. We go again. Is this fight even necessary now? No! I have to sleep, mother will not come to see if I'm awake or not. I lie down on the sofa, and the sight of "Nothing lasts forever" caught me up. My father finished writing this book three weeks ago. The cover page is enticing. I quickly open to pick one thing before sleep takes me away. Before I get to the "Acknowledgement," something hits me. Why this title? Or is there something I don't understand? The man who wrote and published this book some weeks ago is on a dead end. Did he see it coming? I quickly do away with the thought and move on to read the acknowledgement, his death would leave me in despair. It's wrong to think this way. It reads. "Putting out this great piece didn't just come without the support of God, my family, as well as my friends. The road to completing this project was tough, but here we're, victorious." It's not different from what I expected. He has always been a grateful soul. I quickly remembered that someone called earlier. It wasn't answered. Is it still Prof. Hogan or someone else? This thought propelled me to walk to where the phone was. I pressed it and peep to see who called the second time. "Mtcwwwh….It's still him" I react and leave to my vantage point. The thought of what time it is made me take a look at the wall clock. It is 15 minutes to 3.00 am. I manage to lie for 5 mins before my greatest rival takes me away. ******* I see someone in my dream, the floor is bloody, the character's countenance is not visible, but the voice sounds familiar. He sits at the head of the round table and everyone's attention is given to him. I'm one of the minors. He stands up boldly to address the crowd. The message comes in pieces. Understanding what he says requires proper attention. "Some people spend their days living to please others, while others live to please nobody" he begins. "Not every ruler is a good ruler, some don't care about who they rule. And most of the ruled don't recognize a good ruler until he is gone.". He did not land when one of the minors ask him a question. "My lord, are you travelling out?" "Traveling comes with a different understanding. While some travellers have a destination, some travel for travelling sake. And my idea of what travelling is all about is likely not to be the same as yours." He did go on to speak in vague terms. However, his résumé got me wondering. "Take heart all of you and look out for one another." These are the exact words he used in the dream. I woke up immediately after he stopped speaking. Everything he said lingers, but I'm yet to get it right. What does he mean by "Take heart all of you and look out for one another?" The message must not be what I'm thinking. I stand up rushing to my father. Something doesn't feel right here. I reach out to touch his neck, a point where I have to be sure what I'm seeing is true. As I touch his body, the stiffness is another strange thing to start with. After reaching out to his pulse, I realize he just consoled me in the dream. I didn't leave the spot when my mother rush into the room. She must've seen the dream as well. Maybe every member of the pack does. When she sees it herself, she turns to me and says "He's gone, Jael." I hug her tight and let it rains. I have to, if not for anything, but for having him as a father and a good leader. ******* POV: SONIA He was a good man. It saddens me to see him die without allowing his death to be avenged. Sometimes being good comes with prices, some of which I can not pay. He fought a good fight, and the entire Domania would forever be proud of him. I didn't finish speaking when a call on his phone cut me off. I pick up the device but his words regarding this device kick hard. He once told me to keep off his phone. Should I still do that now? No! I have to answer on his behalf. It's Sentinel. I put him on the phone and listen to what he had to say. "Hello?" "Hello, Mother Sonia" he doesn't need to be told before he recognised my voice. He continued. "I bring you good news" I pause to think about what news would be good enough to outdo that of my husband's death. "Good news you say?" "Yes. A very good one." "Let me hear."
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