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POV: SONIA Jael has been sleeping when he starts coughing in a rather scary manner. Maybe, he is on the verge of giving in to the ghost. I have been running on fumes, but this sudden strange cough rejuvenates every aspect of me. I stand up speedily, rushing to him. "Mate!..Please stay with me." " Jaeeeel! Jaeeeeeel!!" "Mother!" She answers the second time with a rush to the scene. Poor girl! She has just retired to bed after spending about 6 hours watching over him and making sure he's given whatever he feels like taking. "Get me a glass of water." I order her out as soon as she enters Alpha Lingard's room. The room is well furnished with exotic cushions and life-enticing rugs. The walls are well tiled, and the television hung in an opposite direction, facing the four-cornered couch as would wrestlers, who are about to bump into each other. She rushes off to the kitchen and returns as fast as possible. "Here, Mom," she says as she hands over the water to me. I quickly grab the glass of water and give it to my mate. After a moment of silence, I consider asking how he is feeling. "Huhhh, huhh, huhhh, huhhh…." His breathing range is just like that of a tired athlete. He breathes with his mouth open. After some moments of high-pitched breathing, he managed to reply to my question. "M-mate, I won't die. Maybe not tonight." He replies with a slight grin. That is enough to put me up. Jael stands looking intense. I can tell from her sullen eyes. Should anything happens to her Father, she would cry for as long as she remembers the fond moments they both had. I mean who wouldn't? When the father is more concerned about the lives of the people around him. From my understanding, I can't let go of the thought that what might have led to his fight with Nonsio must've concerned his pack. He is the type who won't compromise anything that's not adding up to the lives of the members of his pack. Whichever way, I wish him a speedy recovery. I'm to keep watching till midnight. I have to cut Jael some slack, she has not been sleeping well since our Alpha, husband, and father, took a hit. ******* The clock chimes out loud; its hand dances energetically in a left and right motion. My time to go to bed has come. I stand up drudgery, staggering like a winebibber. I stop by the bed where my Alpha lies, he's sleeping. Before I get to the door, Jael walks into the room in a like manner. She walks in with her eyes half-opened. I step out of her way to avoid a collision. It's her turn to take over. Before I exit the room, I stop at the door and utter. "Be watchful Jael" "I'll, Mom. Goodnight" "Good morning, Jael, It's already midnight. Remember, be on alert" I leave to rest my tired *ss. POV: JAEL "It's been a month of Sundays since I had these overlapping sets of less sleep at night. One of the omegas should be assigned to this responsibility, Mom." After getting no response, I came to my senses. Gosh! She's gone to bed already. Did I just speak to myself thinking instead of my mother? Sleep, you do this one. It's indeed my turn, but what should I do when he's sleeping? ********* Each time I look at my father, I feel like crying. This is not the same man who was still strong some weeks ago without any sign of frailty. It saddens me to see him in this state. An incoming call on his phone cut off my attention. I reach out to pick up the Samsung, buttoned, mini mobile phone. My dad is not a fan of Android or iOS devices. He prefers buttoned phones and says they're given to easy operation and long-lasting power supply. The caller is Prof. Hogan, my dad's business associate. This call must be business-related, or by chance, did he just call since my dad got injured? I stand looking at the phone as it rings and drops. The boundary has to be maintained. Not a guess though, the only thing my father doesn't compromise is his business-related dealings. Not even my mother would've picked up the call. I remember the last time she did that. That night was just a "mind-your-business" one. Mother had thought the caller to be one of my father's sl*t. Dad was in the restroom. However, he heard everything that transpired from the moment the phone rang to the moment my mother ended the conversation. When he got out of the restroom, he went straight to the phone. The said caller was still Prof. Hogan. Before that day, none of us knew he co-owned establishments and enterprises. His reaction was on the ground that my mother has crossed the boundary. "Never again should you access my mobile phone. Nobody should." He extended the warning to me as well. So, since that day, none of us ever get near his mobile phone. So I keep off the phone and the call. I return to my sofa and sit absentmindedly. I'm tired. Running on fumes has not been my thing. I do it my way. One minute I get carried away by the fast-paced alluring hand of sleep, another minute I'm awake. I don't know how long it's going to last but I have to sleep since he is sleeping. ****** The ringtone of the mobile phone wakes me up. It is accompanied by vibration which gives way for the device to move to and fro without direction. I quickly glance at the wall clock. The time is 2:15 am. I've slept for more than 2 hours. Going to see who is calling doesn't make any sense since I'm neither answering the call nor returning the call. I walk to the bed. Something doesn't feel right. I take a step closer. I still can't believe my eyes.
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