Plotting Scandal

1624 Words
Waking up lying next to Derek was something I never knew I needed. I felt so complete with him next to me. It was if a hole had been in my life that I didn't know existed, and now it was suddenly it was filled. Today was Saturday, and usually a day I would be at the docks with my Dad. It was early, and Derek stirred as I got up from my warm, comfortable place by his side. "Get up, Derek," I said as I nuzzled his cheek. He instinctively reached out to me and pulled me to him. I giggled. He breathed in deeply as he smelled my hair. "You smell like you belong on a tropical island," he said as he gripped his arms around me. "Have you been to a tropical island?" I asked him. "A few times. I do, however, prefer the woods and hills." "Well, either way, my dad will be knocking on my door soon, and I'm quite sure he doesn't want to find his new deckhand in bed with his daughter." I suddenly realized he had showered and had on some of my clothes. "When did you change?" I asked. He rubbed his face and sat up. "Sometime in the night. I realized I still smelled like yesterday's catch. I only have one outfit with me and I haven't had time to go shopping." "I will tell you what. How about I meet you at the docks and then go shopping for you? Since my dad has you to help today, he doesn't need me." Derek stood and grabbed his old clothes from the floor and went to the bathroom to change. When he returned, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out several hundred dollar bills. "Will this be enough?" he asked. "Where did you get this?" "Our royal treasury keeps all types of currency on hand." I put the money in my purse next to my nightstand and he went to the window. "I will see you in a bit," he said as he climbed out of my window. He stuck his head back in and called me to him. He gave me the most gentlest kiss on the lips. He smiled at me, and then he was gone. I sighed to myself as I felt the tingle of his kiss still lingering. I got dressed quickly and went into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee, and started breakfast. It would be a long day for both of them, so I made them both bacon and fried egg sandwiches on toast and then packed two lunches of two p,b,and j sandwiches, chips, and an apple each. It wasn't much, but maybe it would get them through today. I made a mental list that I also needed to go get groceries. I had not cooked since the night before prom, and I figured it was time to give my dad a home cooked meal. I sat down to my own breakfast as my dad came into the kitchen and poured a huge mug of coffee. "Are you going with me to the docks today, kiddo?" he asked. "That's the plan," I said. "Hey, dad. Derek mentioned to me last night that he doesn't really have anywhere to stay right now. Do you think he might could stay on the boat for now?" My dad smiled. "I'm proud to call you my daughter. You have the kindest heart. You are always thinking of everyone but yourself. I guess it will be ok for him to stay in the cabin of the boat. I finished my own breakfast and then filled a thermos with the rest of the coffee. I picked up the breakfasts and lunches and put them in a plastic bag, and handed them to my dad. "I'll drive," I said. When we arrived at the dock, Derek was propped against the wall of the dock office waiting patiently. "Good morning, Mr. Oakly," said Derek. "Good morning, Regan." "Please, call me Bill," said my dad. When he said my name, I giggled. I had grown accustomed to him calling me Skeeter. "Are you ready to head out?" asked my dad. "Yes, sir." "Hey, dad, before we head out, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked. "Sure, Skeeter, what is it?" I watched Derek walk on to the boat. "Dad, he has the same clothes on he had on yesterday. I have some money saved. Why don't the two of you go out today, and I will go see what I can find him?" My dad smiled at me again and then kissed me on the forehead. I handed him the thermos of coffee and then headed back to the truck. I was going back to the house to get my grocery list and then I was going to find Derek some work clothes and some nice clothes. Perhaps a new backpack as well. Several hours later and several stores later, I found myself walking out of my cell phone provider with a new phone under my contract that I actually did pay out of my savings. I thought it would be a nice gift for him. I was a thrifty shopper and had managed to get him several shirts, pants, and gloves for work. I got him a black heavy duty back pack and several nice outfits as well. I took the nice clothes to my house and hung them in the very back of my closet. I also got him some new underwear and socks and a pair of sneakers and dress shoes. I was proud that I still had fifty dollars left from the money he gave me when I was finished. I had found time to put a meatloaf in the oven and potatoes on to boil. It was almost finished before I left to go get them, so I turned everything off and went to pick them up. I had already pre filled the backpack with the work clothes. When I got to the dock, there was dad with another large catch of fish. I waited patiently for the haul to be tallied and then went to greet them. "Hey Dad, I cooked dinner. I made your favorite. I thought maybe Derek might want to join us for dinner tonight." "That's a great idea! Derek, will you join us?" "Yes, sir, I sure will." "Great, let's get going. I'm starving," said my dad. When we arrived at the house, I told them both to go wash up. I told Derek he could use my bathroom and that there were some clothes for him on my bed in a bag if he wanted them. He thanked me, and then they both went off to their showers while I finished up making the mashed potatoes and salad. We enjoyed our dinner together. My dad had already told Derek earlier in the day that he could stay on the boat. I offered to drive him back to the dock after dinner. My dad kissed me on the cheek and told me he was going to bed. Derek and I drove around for a little bit, giving my dad time to fall asleep. I came in and went to my room and opened the window for Derek to climb through. "I could have stayed on the boat," he said. "Besides, I can't stay here tonight anyway." "Why not?" I pouted. "I need to go find out if anyone has heard anything or has any leads as to what the Unseelie is up to." I nodded. I hated the idea of him out there working alone, but I reminded myself that he had been well trained for dangerous situations, and I remembered his fast reflexes in the tunnel. "Before you go, I have a present for you," I said. I pulled the phone from the bag beside my bed and handed it to him. I explained how to use it and that my number was already programmed in if he needed to call me. "This is amazing," he said. "May I ask you what exactly are the consequences of being physical with me?" "I would be exiled. My powers stripped. My name erased from the history of our people." "Why couldn't you just come earthside and live among us?" "Some have. It's tricky. It's mostly knowing that deep down, you've shamed your family and your court. Most that were exiled to the earth side were known for hating humans, so its more of a punishment for them. You can get exiled in more ways than just knocking boots with a human." I laughed at his gesture. He was off once again, and he kissed me with that sweet kiss as he stowed away into the night off on a mission from his mother, The Queen. I didn't want him to go, but I knew it was something that had to be done. Those poor females needed to be found. I tidied up my room a bit. I threw his dirty clothes in the wash and decided to curl up with a book until I was tired. I got down my folklore books and looked up more on the fae to jog my memory. I refreshed what I knew and took mental notes on the things I didn't. I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't, but I would ask Derek later when he got back. I hoped it would be before my dad got up. He was an early riser even on his day off. I finally got so tired I couldn't hold my head up any longer, so I turned off my light and went to sleep.
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