
1514 Words
I had spent several hours in the city, asking Seelie to be on the lookout for anything and report it to the court if they did. So far, everything seemed to be a dead end. I flew back to Skeeter's little cottage around three in the morning and realized she had left her window open. I was going to close it, but I could hear her breathing, and I wanted just one look at her face. Fae had excellent vision even in the dark, so I had no need to turn on a light. I walked right up to where she was sleeping. She looked so peaceful. I decided I would go to the tree in her front yard and sleep for a bit. I smiled at her as I went back out her window. I closed it behind me and went to the tree. I slept high up on a limb for a couple of hours when I heard her Dad's truck crank up. Perhaps there was a way to be close to her since she didn't remember who I was. I decided I would go down to the docks and ask around if anyone needed help. After introducing myself to her father, he put me on as his deckhand. I had only a brief knowledge of fishing. I had cousins in Ireland who were excellent fishermen, and I had spent a couple of weeks with them once. I did know the basics, so that was something. As we trolled along, I realized there weren't many fish in the area we were in. We had been at it for hours with no luck. I recited an encantation under my breath, and suddenly, the nets started to fill. It was fun watching Skeeter's dad being so excited for the catch. When we brought in the catch, he sent me to the deck masters office, and as I was walking back down the dock, I saw Skeeter. I couldn't help myself but smile. Then, she fainted, and I instinctively picked her up and took her inside the office. When she came to, she had revealed to me my charm hadn't worked. She knew who I was and told me her real name. Regan. There was no wonder the charm hadn't worked. I hadn't had her real name. After all of the fish were weighed and sorted, Skeeter's dad invited me to come eat dinner with them at the cafe. I presumed that it was a regular occurrence for them. I rode with him, and Skeeter followed us on her scooter. I now had her name, but I still liked calling her Skeeter. It suited her. After we finished our meal, I excused myself and nodded to her. "I guess I will see you tomorrow," she said to me. I nodded to her and left. I got out of sight and made my way to her house and found my spot in the tree. It wasn't long after that they arrived home. I waited on her to go to her room, and I watched her gather her things for her shower. When she came out of her bathroom, she had on a baggy shirt and a pair of pajama shorts. I jumped down. I tapped on her window, and she raised it for me after locking her bedroom door. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "In your room or Earthside?" I asked as I sat down on the bed next to her. "Both." "The Queen has sent me on a recon mission to find out information. She believes that the trap was deliberately set for humans. As far as being in your room, well... it's cozier than the tree in your front yard. "You've been sleeping in my tree?" she asked. "Just a couple of hours, but yes. I did last night." "You came into my room last night, didn't you?" she asked. "Guilty as charged," I said with a smirk. "Why?" Now, that was a loaded question. Why had I come into her room? Why could I not stay away from her? "I wanted to make sure you were safe," I answered. She smiled at that. "How did it go with your ex?" I asked. I placed my bets that she had ended it. She rolled her eyes. "I'm avoiding him like a plague." I smirked at the thought. "I thought you might give him another chance," I quipped. She stared at me so hard I thought she might actually burn a hole through me. I giggled. Suddenly, that rosiness I had grown so fond of spread on her cheeks, and those stars twinkled in her eyes. I got silent. "I am having some difficulty remembering something," she said to me. "Is that so? What is that?" I asked. "Why did you kiss me like that before you left me?" she asked with a slight sadness on her face. I immediately felt guilty. I looked down at my feet. I couldn't even look her in the face. "Because I wanted to," I finally blurted out as I never took my eyes off of my boots. I felt her move beside me, and as I looked up, she was coming over to me. She straddled me with her body and put her hands on my face. She stared into my eyes, and I instinctively wrapped my arms around her. "I wanted you too as well," she said, and then she leaned into me, and I allowed myself to be fully entangled in her. I could not keep my hands off of her. The kiss deepened, and I felt myself growing hard. This was a desire like I had never felt before. I fell backward on her bed and rolled her over to be on top of her. The taste of her mouth was mesmerizing. Her scent alone almost put me over the edge. She was breathing heavily, and so was I. I needed to stop it, or I wouldn't be able to control myself much longer. Before I could pull away, she wrapped her legs around me and reached straight down into my pants. I felt myself moan against her mouth. As she gripped me, I felt like I was in a dream. It was completely ecstasy having her grip and stroke me as I kissed her. I didn't want to stop, but I knew we must. "Skeeter, we have to stop," I breathed as I pulled away from her. "Why?" she asked while still stroking me. I sat up slowly and gently took her hands off of me. "Because it's forbidden," I told her. She sat up then. She was still breathing hard, and her face was completely flushed. I noticed her n*****s were hard through her shirt. She was very aroused, as was I, but we couldn't do what I very much wanted to do. "I guess I understand the principal," she started. "I mean, I'm sure the Seelie Court would be afraid of a bunch of little half human faes walking around. What rules would gover them? They would have the best of both worlds. Before you know it, it would be complete world domination," she said with a chuckle. I chuckled, too. "Are we good then?" I asked. She nodded to me. "Will you stay with me tonight? I promise I will be a good girl." I highly doubt that, I thought. I nodded to her anyway. I took off my boots and lay down next to her. She lay her head on my chest, and before I knew it, I was asleep. I awoke sometime in the night with a hardness like nothing I had ever felt. It was throbbing. I knew there would be no relief any time soon. I looked over at Skeeter sleeping peacefully and eased myself out from under her. I made my way into her bathroom and closed the door, and locked it. I undid my pants and began to stroke aggressively over the toilet. It would only be a minute and I would be finished. I imagined Skeeter's mouth wrapped around it as I stroked. Sure enough, that one thought put me over the edge. As I came undone, I almost cried out her name. I gritted my teeth as it washed through me. It was like I could really feel her mouth on me. When I was finished, I was breathing heavy. I washed my hands. I decided to look in her drawers and see if that asshole of an ex had left a shirt or something. I needed a shower myself. I knew I probably still smelled of the dock. I found a t-shirt hanging in her closet that looked like it might fit me and an old pair of shorts that had a drawstring. I went and took a shower and then came to lay back beside her. Her scent really was an amazing thing. She smelled of coconuts and oranges. I guess I did, too, after using her soaps. I went back to sleep within minutes of lying down.
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