Chapter 02

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Chapter 02 Mafia Mia Pov: I woke up from my sleep with the heavy head and was shocked at how long I have been sleeping. It's already 1 Pm and no one did the honors of waking me up. Well, I take it Positively. Perks of being an Ignored Wife. You will get to wake up whenever you want. It bothers no one. I rushed into the Bath and after I was done with cleaning myself, I strode down stairs as I am way too hungry and need something to Eat. Lucifer and I sleep in two different rooms and we both never bother each other. I must be a laughing stock between the Maids and servants. No one seems to be bothered or scared of me. They are just too chill around me and only serve me when I ask them too. Getting Humiliated by everyone is written in my Fate. My Father and my Husband are dangerous Men but no one seems to Respect me. It is as if I don't even exist for them. They just take me too easily. One Day I will teach everyone who is laughing at me a lesson. I rushed near two maids who were completely lost in their gossip. This is not new to me. They are always Gossiping. I am actually Jealous of them. I envy them. They have Friends to Gossip and Friends to Party. Even though I have Friends, they are there with me just for my Money and Reputation. You know they are the perfect Bitches. They never Gossip with me, instead they gossip about me about my Perfectly Married Life with Lucifer. Lucifer.. Good.. His Parents were right for naming him that. He is a Demon. He is Satan. He has no feelings and he only cares about himself and his Reputation. How I Wish to beat his ass for making me miserable. I was served with steamed Veggies, Pork Belly and Lemon Chicken. I Love Chicken and I Hate Pork but I don't have any choice. I Am treated like this. I am not even supposed to choose my Food. They choose it and I Eat it. I have always wanted to try Mexican and Indian Foods but I was never allowed to Eat it. I am intrigued by their culture and the Food. But I am not allowed to even Eat what I like. Wish I had that Freedom. I finish the tasteless bland food served by them and leave from there. I wanted to have a serious talk with My so called Husband Lucifer. I know where he would be. He would be in his Study going through the files. I walk towards the Study but then the hushing female voice shocked me. Hoping against Hope that I won't be facing the worst scenario of My Husband cheating on me. I opened the door and my face drained whatever colors it had. There he is lying on the sofa with a woman over him. She had her face shoved in his neck while he was holding her hair. As I broke the vase on the table, he turned and was shocked at the sight of me standing there. He pushed the woman that was lying over him harshly that she fell to the ground. He stood up from the sofa and walked towards me. However I was soo consumed by my anger that I started running as fast as I could and locked the door on his face. He kept banging on the door but after few minutes, he was informed about something by his men to him and he left from there. While I broke into heart wrenching loud sobs giving into my pain. This is the least I had expected from him. I was expecting everything but not this. "Mia, My Baby please open the Door. Please" I heard my brother banging the door while pleading me. He is the only man who cared for me and loved me. But then, he failed to keep up his Promise of Protecting me and being the re for me always. He is useless in getting rid of my Pain. He is of no use to me and I don't want to give him that Peace. Even though my Heart pleaded me to open the door, I denied to do so. I know what he must be feeling. I know the Pain he is going through at my state but then he doesn't deserve to get that Peace. He was there when my Peace got snatched from me but did nothing. Even though it was my choice, still he would have talked me out of it. No matter how stubborn I was. However he gave into my stubborn pleads and now I am suffering. "I Hate you Brother. I Hate you Isaac. I Wish you suffer the same way I am doing now. You don't deserve to Live a Peaceful Life when I am suffering from the worst pace. I Hate you. I Wish you suffer Eternal Pain and Die for giving into my Stubborn pleads. I Pray to Lord that you never get the Love of your Life. I Pray you get Cheated the same way. I Wish you Die. Blood bastard. Don't stay here" As I took out my anger and Pain on him, he left there. I heard his soft steps and I could feel the Pain he is suffering in his Heart till here. I know I behaved like nothing but a b***h. I know I was wrong for doing this to him. It was solely my decision to get into this Relationship and he tried to talk me out of this even though he trusted his Best Friend back then. However I was stubborn and threatened to Kill myself when he tried to stop my Engagement and talk me out of this Relationship. But now, I have no one to blame but him. Blaming him, made me feel like I am not the sole reason for my pathetic state. I wanted to run behind him and stop him but then I didn't. I didn't want to console him, when my own heart is breaking into pieces. After the few minutes, the words and curses I hurled upon my Brother dawned upon me. I don't my brother to Die. I wanted him to know that he needs to be Loved and be Happy in his Life. He is a victim in my father's hands just like me. I can't ignore his pain just because I was a stubborn ungrateful b***h. I rushed down the stairs but my brother has already left. I left soo disgusted about myself while Liza looked at me with anger. She loves my brother and it is obvious for her to be angry with me, if she heard what I said to my brother. Tears spilled down my eyes as I thought of the betrayal I was given. Pain spilled through my eyes, as I thought of the hurt I inflicted on my brother. All of whom? The man who doesn't care for me. The man who roams with Sofia even after having a Wife like me, who craves for him. I waited on the sofa for my brother to come. I was about to leave when heard the foot steps and turned around earnestly to meet My brother. But what I saw, made me break down into tears and hurt my already pained Heart.
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