Chapter 10

1933 Words
Lily Today turned out to be a reunion. After five years, now I was sitting back in the restaurant with my ex. With my childhood friend. I never expected to see him again. I thought since it was already over between us and no contact with each other, there was no possibility for us to meet again. Fate had its own way to play us. For me, I preferred not to see him again after what I did. It was all my fault. I was the one who put too much hope on Matt and I blamed him for not reaching my expectation. I ended us cruelly. Making me think that I was just the same as Zack. Only lesser evil. Seriously, Lily? I was horrible. It was all one-sided. I tried but I couldn’t. Matt wanted to save me. Matt wanted to heal my broken heart. I couldn’t. I didn’t let him. I didn’t even give him a second chance. All I could think of was that day Matt disappoint me because of my stupidity. “Are you sure you’re okay sitting there while I’m eating?” Matt asked, breaking me from my thought. “Y-Yeah, sure. I’ve eaten with Kylie anyway. And the juice is your treat too.” “Okay then.” Right after our sudden meeting outside, Kylie selfishly abandoned me with Matt. She said I should catch up with him. Traitor. When Matt wanted to order, he told me he would pay for all the food. I already told him I’d eaten and I could buy my own drink. He insisted so I let him. Matt was still stubborn as usual. And he would never change. “So? How are you doing?” I asked. “Great. I don’t know if Kylie has told you but I’ve moved here.” “Yes, she did. She said she met your mother. Congrats.” “Thanks.” “I, uh, I’m so happy now you have everything you’ve wanted.” “That was nothing, Lily. What about you?” “I just finished my first job interview at Connor Manufacture. They said they will contact me again in three days.” “Really? You know, a lot of people have applied there but only a few could get through. At least, to receive a call. You’re a lucky girl.” “Thank you. I hope they will accept me. I don’t want to be unemployed.” Just think of it scared me. “I’m sure they will. If you like, I can help you. I think the Recruitment division in my company needs someone now.” “Really? You don’t mind?” “Of course. I want to help you, Lily. Can I have your number just in case?” he asked while pulling out his phone from his pocket. “Sure.” I pulled out mine as well and we exchanged numbers. Matt didn’t know my new number. Not even Kylie dared to give it to him. Speaking of numbers, I recalled Zack gave me his before I got here. Should I just delete it now? “Lily?” Matt called, returning my eyes to him. To his beautiful dark brown eyes. “Are you…okay now?” What? What kind of a question was that? “Y-Yeah, I am. Why?” “When Kylie and my mom met, she told her about you went to the university same as Zack.” Jesus Christ, Kylie! Why did you have to tell them that? “Oh, that. Yeah, we did. But I’m okay. There’s nothing between us anyway. We’re over, remember?” Why I felt bad saying over in front of him? Right, because I was the one who ended us. What a terrible person I was. Everything happened so suddenly and I didn’t even expect it when Matt touched my hand. I was looking at our hands first before going back to him. Seeing the former Matt I’d always known before. The Matt I thought I could fall in love with. The Matt I abandoned. Dumped. “I’m still here for you, Lily. If there’s anything I can do, just let me know, okay? Even though…you’ve rejected me.” His words hit me really hard. I graciously welcomed the bullet, the knife, anything to stab me hard. I felt awful. Terrible. Disgusted at myself. How could I reject someone as gentle as him? He was a thousand better than Zack. I was really stupid. “Thanks, Matt.” “You have my number in case you need something. I will call you too about the job.” “Cool.” Matt acted like I never hurt him. Like nothing happened between us. I didn’t need to remember my psychology material back in university, I could see he was hurting because of me. He just didn’t want to show it to me. When Matt was done with his lunch, we walked out of the restaurant. “Hey, I’m sorry I couldn’t take you home. I have to go back to the office ASAP.” “That’s okay. I can go home by myself.” “Okay. Well, see you later then.” “See you.” I waved my hand and then turned my back. Kylie must be at home now. Maybe I should order Uber. Before I could pull out my mobile, a strong arm gripped my elbow, pulling me back until my back landed on a sturdy front. Who the f**k? “I just want to let you know,” Matt? “Even though you’ve dumped me, I’ve never forgotten about you, Lily. I still like you…no, I still love you. I still want you, Lily. Remember that,” he confessed. My eyes widened. He still did? Even after what I did to him? He still wanted a cruel woman like me? Matt slowly let me go and he added, “I’m still waiting for you, Lily.” And with his words, he finally left in the opposite direction. I kept looking at him until he was gone from my sight. I’m still waiting for you. He was the same as me. Kylie was right. He never saw anyone after me. Although we both got hurt by someone so precious to us, we couldn’t forget. We were still hoping. Zack hurt me but I couldn’t get rid of him from my head. From my heart. I hurt Matt and he was still thinking about me. Hoping he would get his second chance from me. “Gosh,” I sighed. I needed to go home to clear my head. Too many happened today and I was exhausted. I ordered Uber and went home. *** Zack Right after Lily rejected my offer to have lunch with me, I went together with my new colleagues. I didn’t really want to have lunch with them. I didn’t really care about the stupid first impression. I showed everyone what and who I really was. But then again, not when my Sugar Baby practically begged me to be with them. Said I had to get along because today was my first day. She was worried about me. She didn’t want to be blamed because I chose her over them. Same as five years ago. I smirked. See? She said she hated me, but she worried about my well-being. Seriously, the adult Lily was never honest with herself. Her brain and mouth had never been in sync. It was just a matter of time until she slipped out the truth. My Sugar Baby could never lie anyway. Sugar Baby. If I remembered again, when was the first time I started to call her that? I think around the time we became closer back in high school. Ever since the first time I laid my eyes on her, I couldn’t look away. There was something special about this plain girl everyone considered her to be. Everyone from our school thought of her as the most boring student. The one thing she had special and well known for was because she was the daughter of the Campbell, the most successful businessman in town. The rich girl. That was not what I saw within her. I never cared about her daddy’s money. All I saw was herself. She was incomparable. All of my friends adored her sister, Kylie. However, she was out of my interest. Yes, she was beautiful but that was just it. Simply pretty. Her older sister, however, was a different story. She got all my attention. No one could replace her. And she was f*****g mine. “Are you listening to me, Zack?” The voice broke me from my thought of Lily. Glancing to the front, seeing Garcia was staring at me. “Sorry. I was just thinking of…something.” Someone though. Garcia sighed and continued with her lunch. Right after I was done with my colleagues, I bumped into Garcia and she said she wanted to talk with me. It’d been a long time since the last time I met her. I hoped she was okay now. “How’s Lily's interview earlier?” I asked. “She was good. She’s qualified according to my director. He likes her. I think she might have the chance,” she explained. Of course, Lily was. She was such an intelligent girl all companies should be lucky to have her as their staff. Just a staff. Nothing more. “I’ve told you, right?” I sipped my water. She smirked. “Well, the rest were good too. We still have to discuss it to decide the winner.” “I’m sure Lily will pass,” I said, positive. The word let her in almost slipped out of my mouth. Maybe I should tell her that but I would be counted as bribing HR to let my girl in. I believed in Lily’s ability and I was sure she would be accepted. “How’ve you been, Zack?” Garcia asked. “Fine. You?” “Fine as well.” We both were looking into each other eyes. It’d been almost five years since the last time we saw each other. When we were about to begin our university year, we never spoke to each other. All because of me. “Do you still love her, Zack?” she asked. I didn’t answer. She already knew. Garcia only wanted to make sure about my feeling. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she added and looked down to her plate, playing with her meatball with her fork. Looking at the current her now, I felt…guilty. I should not have done that to her. Garcia deserved better. I was indeed an asshole. “You better stop burying that feeling of yours, Zack. You don’t want what happened between you two before to happen again. Learn from your mistake. That stupid mistake of yours cost her before.” “And I won’t repeat the same mistake,” I said. “Prove it by telling her how you truly feel about her. And this time, don’t you dare let her go. If you did, I will hunt you down.” I snorted at her threat. Garcia would always be on my side. But only about Lily she indirectly took her side. Traitor. But still, “Why, Garcia?” “Why what?” she threw the question back, staring at me with her deep blue eyes. Again, she knew the reason. “Why do you encourage your ex-boyfriend to confess his feelings to the woman he truly loves since our first encounter?”
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