
1080 Words
Next morning. “Layla, will you come with us and drive Caroline’s car back? Pleaaassseeeeee! Liam was going to do it but now he has to go take care of that border issue.” I roll my eyes playfully at Dylan’s childish pleading. “Fine, fine. But I’m adding it to your running tab.” I give him a smirk and he laughs. “Alright baby sister. Total it up at the end of the month and I’ll pay up.” He shoots back before walking off to call Caroline on her phone. “We’ll leave at two. Only a thirty minute drive and I have a meeting at noon…” his voice fades off as I hear him“Good morning angel”. I shake my head and tune my wolf hearing out not wanting to hear anything that will give me nightmares. Persephone snickers, 'he’ll just tell you later on. Not like the boy keeps anything from you.' 'Yeah well now he has a mate Perse, hopefully he’ll keep their goings on to himself or he can tell Liam. I am not interested in my brother’s s*x life.' 'Who are we gonna live vicariously through? I need some romance in my life.' She whines. 'Ugh pick a romance movie with a hot actor and I’ll watch it for you. But not my brother. Or Liam.' I add him too. He’s my brother too and that’s just not something I want to hear either. I decide to practice the new song on the piano until it’s time to go. It doesn’t sound right and I start looking to see what could be wrong. Probably need to have it tuned. It’s been a long time. Dylan wanders in. “You ready? New song sound good?” “I’m ready. No, I think it needs to be tuned.” I follow him out. “You should get a new piano, Layla. That one is old.” He points out. “Yeah, like a Steinway Grand Piano.” I joke. “You should buy it. You’re good enough.” Dylan says. I goggle at him. “Are you crazy? That thing costs like forty thousand dollars.” “Ok then order the Yamaha Clavinova.” He stares at me briefly as he drives out of the pack. “Almost twenty grand. I’ll just have old faithful tuned up.” I tell him. Caroline stands outside the packhouse with a tall guy who looks a lot like her. Must be her brother, Owen. His arms are crossed and he looks serious. “Looks like big brother is waiting to give you the talk.” I laugh out. “Yeah, I see that. And I’ll take it. It’s a brotherly rite of passage. We all get to…all feel we should do it. Sorry sis.” He squeezes my hand and I give him a small smile. “You’re a sweet older brother even when I want to beat the crap out of you. Come on, you can go get threatened while I talk to your mate.” Dylan jumps out and comes to open my door helping me out. “Layla and Dylan, this is my brother Owen.” Caroline is beaming at us and I smile before shaking Owen’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Alpha Owen.” His gray eyes are friendly. “Just Owen, please. We are family now. Caroline has talked about you nonstop. She’s thrilled to have a sister. Growing up with me and my cousin she got stuck with nothing but boy toys and games.” “I understand that. Just me with him and our Beta best friend, Liam. Spent lots of time playing with tanks and planes.” I look over and see Dylan kiss Caroline’s cheek as he greets her. “My brother will treat her well. Believe me on that.” “I’ve heard. There’s always the brother code when the mates don’t treat our sisters well.” He grins. “And that is?” I look at him perplexed. “We get to tear them to shreds. Broken bones, that kind of thing. Ask your brother.” He says with a laugh. “Dylan.” “Owen.” They shake hands. “Caroline, why don’t you take..” Caroline cuts him off, “Yeah, yeah, take Layla off somewhere so you can threaten my mate. I know already.” Owen sighs and Dylan laughs. “It’s only fair, angel. The brother code is important.” “Seriously, it’s a known thing?” I ask and Dylan just shrugs. “Yeah, It is. You’re a girl you wouldn’t get it.” I roll my eyes, “where are we going, Caroline?” “I want to show you our gardens and maybe you can help me load the small stuff into your truck. I don’t have much besides clothes and my pottery stuff.” We wander off and then make it to her room. It’s a dark blue color and I realize she’s beyond made for my brother. “Dylan’s suite is the same color as your room. You two really are custom made for each other.” She grins. “I can’t wait to have a girl's day with you. Would you like that?” “Sure. As long as you don’t try to take me to a party or buy six inch stilettos we’ll have a good day.” I laugh at the grimace she makes. “No, just pedicures, facials and lunch. I like to shop just not much.” “Then you and I will have a great day.” We get her small bags all loaded and Dylan reappears with Owen. They are laughing like old friends, and I see the relief on Caroline’s face. “Umm, why are you two packing stuff? That’s my job.” Dylan says taking the box out of Caroline’s arms. “Put that down, Layla, I’ll get it.” “No. I have it. I am not going to collapse or something.” Loading takes another hour and we stay for dinner before letting Caroline tell her family goodbye. We were driving away when I realize I left my phone in her room. I turn around and link my brother. 'Left my phone inside. Let me grab it. Don’t wait for me just go.' 'Alright. Race you home.' 'Twerp.' I explain to Owen who helps me find it and I leave again.
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