Layla's Magic Touch

1194 Words
Caroline looks very upset as she rises from her chair. “It was really nice meeting you, Layla. I should tell my father we need to go home. Let Dylan know he can come reject me when he’s done taking care of his girlfriend.” I put my hand over hers. “Caroline, please sit and let me explain something first. From one female to another.” I tell her softly. She nods and sits back down. “Missy is the daughter of a warrior. Her father died protecting Dylan from a rogue attack. We were fourteen at the time. Our mother was killed only a year prior. Her mother broke down completely and died from the heartache of losing her mate only weeks after. If left Missy with no one except her aunt. Dylan has always felt like he owed Missy for losing both of her parents. He feels responsible. She’s not his girlfriend. He takes her to events or to things when she pouts and whines enough. Or she threatens things. She’s manipulative and harsh. Cares only about herself. Dylan knows all that. The last time she did something he felt was unforgivable he cut ties with her completely. Blocked her number, banned her from the packhouse and avoided even setting eyes on her. She threatened to harm herself multiple times. Ended up in the hospital and they had to call him.” Caroline’s eyes me in shock. I continue on “This time will be the same s**t different day type of scenario. Saying she will take a lot of pills with alcohol. He’s going to take her to the hospital so she can get help. Again. We discovered later on that she lied the last admission to get him to forgive her. She never intended to take anything. It made perfect sense because the girl is too selfish to cause herself any type of harm. She wants to be Luna and have power. I have no idea her true intentions this time, but you cannot ignore that kind of threat. My brother does not love her. Never has. He never even glanced at her beyond someone he needed to save. Dylan seems to really care about you already though. I’ve never seen him have trouble deciding what to wear. He was so worried about your opinion today. Please give him a chance to come back and show you.” Caroline looks sad. “That’s terrible. But she can’t use her dead parent's memory and act of selflessness to manipulate him. That’s despicable. I will stay and give him a chance. You’re a good sister Layla.” “Make sure you tell him that. A lot. Like on repeat would be nice.” I grin at her. Liam links me. 'You had better collect something big for this one.' 'Oh, I plan to hold this over his head for a really long time.' An hour later, Dylan links me. 'not sure I can leave her. She’s really sad. Claims I led her on.' 'Where are you?' 'At the hospital.' 'I’m on my way.' “I will be back shortly. Liam, can you entertain Caroline?” He nods. “He has better embarrassing stories about your mate.” I wink at her. I drive quickly to the hospital which is only ten minutes from the packhouse. I march in and find my brother in the waiting room. “Did they admit her for psychiatric watch?” “Yeah, they are going to. I kind of insisted.” He looks upset. “But what if I leave and she hurts herself?” “Dylan, she plays this game. She’s being admitted and hopefully they can fix this obsession she has. You cannot be her personal savior. You know part of this is manipulating you.” He nods sadly. “You willing to let this keep going on and you have to mark her, mate her, marry her, and make her the Luna?” He looks disgusted as he shakes his head. “Hell no. I want my mate. I can barely stand Missy.” “Now listen. I had to convince your mate to stay. She was going to leave. Said you could have your girlfriend.” His head shoots up in fear. I hold my hand up. “I talked her down. Now in return for that, you will pull your head out of your ass and go back to her. You will leave Missy’s problems to people who can help her. If you don’t go back, then I wash my hands of it, and you can lose your mate and be f*****g miserable. Life is too short for this type of bullshit. I will handle Missy when it’s time. You need to cut ties. Otherwise, her obsession will drag you under along with the pack. I will let the doctor know you are not to hear from her in any way.” He shakes his head. “Damn, Layla, you sure I was born first and got all the Alpha command and confidence?!” I just grin. “Yeah, you did. I just have no tolerance for stupidity or beating around the bush at this point. Also, I need someone to take care of you. And I would like some nephews and nieces to spoil.” He laughs. “Let’s go home.” He walks and tells the nurse he’s gone. I leave word for the doctor with her that the Alpha is not to be contacted regarding Missy’s treatment. All calls should come to me. I give her my number and she nods approvingly. The entire pack knows what Missy does. Dylan practically races into the packhouse looking for Caroline. Liam brings her into the living room, and Dylan walks over quickly taking her hands in his. “I’m so sorry, Caroline. She doesn’t mean anything to me. I just feel I owe her father for saving my life. I’ve never touched her or led her on, I swear it. I wanted my mate.” Caroline smiles at him and I see her lean in to kiss Dylan on the cheek. “Layla explained, but I’d like you to give me everything from your side. I can understand why you feel responsible for her.” Liam and I were tiptoeing out when I saw Dad and Alpha Ben walk in. They turn right back around and leave. Dylan and Caroline spend the rest of the day and night talking. They rejoin us after dinner and I see them holding hands. Alpha Ben says, “Caroline?” “Daddy, I’m ready to go. But I’ll want to move here tomorrow to prepare to join the pack.” She smiles and Dylan kisses her hand. “I am both happy and sad to hear that. Good thing it’s only a thirty minute drive to visit you. Let’s go home so you can get packed up.” Dylan says, “We’ll come pick you and your things up after lunch.” Caroline agrees. “That would be wonderful. I’ll see you then.” We tell them goodbye and head up to our rooms.
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