***TATIA'S P.O.V***
I want blood Christmas is come and every hearth
Makes room to give him welcome now
E’en want will dry its tears in mirth
And crown him wi’ a holly bough
Tho tramping ‘neath a winters sky
O’er snow track paths and rhymey stiles
The huswife sets her spining bye
And bids him welcome wi’ her smiles
Each house is swept the day before
And windows stuck wi’ evergreens
The snow is beesom’d from the door
And comfort crowns the cottage scenes
Gilt holly wi’ its thorny pricks
And yew and box wi’ berrys small
These deck the unus’d candlesticks
I am clear about what I want the only thing that matters to me right now is there blood and I want it so badly that I can't even tell you this is what I want and I want it very badly
The way he came in my life being or sorry I will say correctly the one who always just planned to took away things from me he was f*****g selfish he knew it well what they are doing they just want this silly stuff
He and his sister his dear brother in law will pay
w to make everyone love and nose how to make everyone feel she was the best thing that could have even to everyone he is happy that I am getting married to and you better the same time he is not happy that I am doing this out of Avenger because this is not correct for events I should not be doing something like this then I held Asind told him that I don't have any in the option because I would have any other option then I would have choose and it but I actually don't have any drop and that is that I don't have any option how I supposed to have any option when they are the one who did it all
look that me and then cases my checks and then told me that he will start I am not the old Arya but he was that the old are they came back because the old are you has love and she knows how to make everyone love and nose how to make everyone feel she was the best thing that could have even to everyone he is happy that I am getting married to and you better the same time he is not happy that I am doing this out of Avenger because this is not correct for events I should not be doing something like this then I held Asind told him that I don't have any in the option because I would have any other option then I would have choose and it but I actually don't have any drop and that is that I don't have any option how I supposed to have any option when they are the one who did it all
w to make everyone love and nose how to make everyone feel she was the best thing that could have even to everyone he is happy that I am getting married to and you better the same time he is not happy that I am doing this out of Avenger because this is not correct for events I should not be doing something like this then I held Asind told him that I don't have any in the option because I would have any other option then I would have choose and it but I actually don't have any drop and that is that I don't have any option how I supposed to have any option when they are the one who did it all
look that me and then cases my checks and then told me that he will start I am not the old Arya but he was that the old are they came back because the old are you has love and she knows how to make everyone love and nose how to make everyone feel she was the best thing that could have even to everyone he is happy that I am getting married to and you better the same time he is not happy that I am doing this out of Avenger because this is not correct for events I should not be doing something like this then I held Asind told him that I don't have any in the option because I would have any other option then I would have choose and it but I actually don't have any drop and that is that I don't have any option how I supposed to have any option when they are the one who did it all
why everyone thinks that the only thing that I want is debate that is it yesterdays do I want to win to but not like this as they things that I want blur I want just no that does not a point This is not we got Revenge from inside it hurts your previous and everything
but using that I know is that I don't care about anything else when I am with you and that is it I don't know why this Revenge of the topic just went away when I went and I had started this I feel just tell her to be true that that I am not realise that I am in love with and blood that it happened because I would have been married to someone whom I would not even love I know for my whole life
and that is the plus point of a relations of anything will happen if both have no each other for a whole life how that could you help that is the study of the top stuff us the height of the screen I don't know how to say that how to process at all something like that but I know it is not easy to have that life I have that words