Chapter 10 Nicole Acts Strangely

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Lynnsey agreed. She and Tanya hadn't seen each other for years. She should indeed stay here with Tanya for a few days. She would move out with her kids immediately after the banquet was over. Lynnsey didn't want to give Erica any chance to approach her kids again. So when she went to Watkins Group the next day, she also took the kids with her. Lynnsey was going to Watkins Group to combine the chip she developed into Watkins Group's product. The driver was driving in front, and she sat in the back seat with her two kids. "Liam, I need you to take Nicole to the lounge when we get into the company. I will take you two back once my job gets done, okay?" Liam nodded and said, "I will protect Nikii. Don't worry." "Good boy." Lynnsey stroked his hair and planted a kiss on Nicole's face. Nicole's face was as soft as a marshmallow, and she couldn't help pinching it a few times. "Don't do that, mommy!" Liam tried to stop her. Lynnsey withdrew her hand and cleared her throat. "Nikii is so cute. I just couldn't help it." Before she could finish speaking, the car stopped abruptly and the three of them pounced forward at the same time. Then, they heard a bang. "I'm sorry, Ms. Bridge. It seems that we have a rear-ending. I'll get out and deal with it right away." The driver apologized and got out of the car. Lynnsey instantly checked the two kids and made sure that they were fine. However, Nicole suddenly reached the door handle and pushed the door open. "Nikki, we are on the high road now. It's dangerous to open the car door." Lynnsey closed the car door again. But Nicole pushed the door open again and sneaked out of the car. At the same time, a tall man in a black suit got out of the car they rear-ended. The driver didn't know this man, but he knew that he was someone he couldn't afford to offend. Because this man looked more powerful than Doug. The driver said carefully, "We will take full responsibility, sir." Ray's face darkened with a cold look in his eyes. His driver was sick today, so he had to drive by himself. Unexpectedly, he was rear-ended just after he went out. He had no patience to deal with this kind of thing, but he had to handle himself. Just when he was about to speak, a little girl rushed towards him and plunged into his arms. Ray froze because he was a total neat freak and hated being touched the most. Therefore, the moment he saw Nicole, he stepped back and tried to dodge. But Nicole was quite persistent. She chased his legs and hugged his thigh instantly. Ray's face darkened as he growled, "Let go." The tone of his voice was cold enough to scare people away. The driver was frightened and he hurried over, "Nicole, let go of this gentleman!" He tried to pick up Nicole, but Nicole looked back and bit the back of the driver's hand to bleed. Ray was pissed up. This strange girl popped out of nowhere and she was actually so aggressive to others. He then lifted Nicole up by her collar. Both of them looked each other in the eyes. Nicole's eyes were wide open. Her big eyes were extraordinarily bright, shining like stars in the dark night. Her hair was a mess, which made her look like a fluffy kitten. For no reason, Ray's face softened a little bit. He asked in a low voice, "Who are you?" Perhaps it was because of his cold and stiff tone, that Nicole shrank her neck in fear. Ray blamed himself for a second. But before he could say anything else, someone ran over and snatched Nicole from his hand. At that moment, he faintly felt empty both in his hand and also in his heart. "I'm so sorry, sir. This is my daughter. I apologize if she offended you. She is too young to know what she was doing." Lynnsey held Nicole in her arms and apologized. Lynnsey was quite surprised. Nicole never allowed strangers to get close to her, but she took the initiative to touch a man just now. She couldn't help but wonder why. But this man looked like the kind of person who wasn't easy to mess with. Besides, she felt that this man looked familiar as if she had met him somewhere in the past. Wait! Something occurred to Lynnsey, and she blurted out in surprise, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Morgado?" Ray turned to look at her and sneered. There were always women who tried to get close to him by all sorts of means. This time was new to him. This woman actually used a kid to approach him. At the thought of it, he said coldly, "No, I'm not." After that, he directly got into the car and drove away. Lynnsey narrowed her eyes. She had left East Plergant for four years, but she would never mistake this man for someone else. When she was called the most beautiful woman in East Plergant, Ray was called the most powerful man in this city. Many people even photoshopped their photos and put them together, calling them a perfect match. Although the two had never met each other, she had seen his photos so many times that she could always recognize him.
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