Chapter 7 Mommy Is a Genius

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Lynnsey opened the backpack and took out a pile of files. She put the files on the table and continued, "I studied computer programming when I was in college and successfully developed a smart chip, which is not on the market yet. I'm looking for partners at home, and I hope the Watkins Group can consider our cooperation." "Who the hell do you think you are? Why does the Watkins Group have to cooperate with you? Do you think you are making some sort of birthday wish? The Watkins Group is one of the top ten groups in East Plergant. Do you know how many companies want to cooperate with us? Who do you think you are?" Erica sneered disdainfully. Just when Tanya was about to speak, Doug Watkins interrupted. He took a step forward and said, "Mom, Lynn is my niece, and I want to support her as well. But this is about business. Now Watkins Group is expanding its market of Internet smart products. I don't think we can take a risk making exceptions for Lynn." "The Watkins Group just spent a large sum of money to acquire a smart chip from overseas, and it will be put into production soon. Do you ask us to change our partner for you?" "I think she just wants to get money from grandma by this so-called cooperation. Isn't it obvious?" "Why does she have to come back now? She is already dead." "Grandma loves her so much. She must have put Lynnsey's name in the will." "But she is a Bridge! She has no right to inherit Grandma's property. Think about her scandals back then." People started to discuss, and it was rare for them to stand on the same side for the first time. Tanya was furious. She had been looking forward to having Lynnsey back for four years, but these people didn't welcome Lynnsey at all. They were family, and they were supposed to support each other. Before Tanya could say something, a childish voice sounded. Liam had been a reserved kid. But he couldn't stand seeing Lynnsey being questioned. He stepped forward and looked up at Doug, "May I ask if the smart chip you mentioned just now is the MCP12 produced by Aprico Corp?" Doug was surprised, "How did you know?" Liam said lightly, "I also know that this kind of chip runs smoothly, but its functions are inadequate. There are many commands it can't receive. But if you combine it with two processor chips, AMP1 and RIWE-34, its performance will be greatly improved. If Watkins Group wants to get a piece of the smart product market, I'd suggest you not choose this chip. He was only four years old and was inconspicuous standing in the crowd. But his speech made everyone present change their faces. People who didn't work in Watkins Group may not understand what he was talking about, but Doug knew it well. His assistant had said the same things much earlier. Doug had thought about improving the chip, but the Watkins Group was new in this market. Not to mention that even if a large multinational company would still not be able to make the perfect smart chip. Watkins Group had no choice but to make do with it. Doug finally got serious and asked, "How did you know so much?" He knew nothing at Liam's age, let alone the smart chip. Liam smiled and said, "My mommy taught me that. She was called a chip genius by her professor when she was in college. It would be the wisest decision you've made if you choose to cooperate with her." Lynnsey stroked Liam's hair and chuckled at his words. It should be Liam who could be called a genius in this room. The kid was fascinated by computers and he had already become a master hacker at four. Thanks to Liam's help, her chip could be developed successfully. Lynnsey pushed the contract over and said lightly, "You can read through the contract first, Doug." Doug frowned with complicated feelings and opened the files, and then he was shocked. The problem that troubled Watkins Group and its hundred computer programmers for three months was solved by Lynnsey. If the smart chip she developed was really as good as she said, Watkins Group would definitely gain a firm foothold in the smart product market. "Will you cooperate with another company for this chip, Lynn?" Doug asked, trying to suppress the ecstasy in his heart. Lynnsey said, "Not yet." "I'll sign the contract right away." Doug instantly picked up a pen and signed his signature on the file. Erica couldn't believe what she heard and exclaimed loudly, "Are you insane, Dad? Can't you see that Lynnsey and this little bastard are playing and fooling you?"
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