Chapter 3 She Has Quadruplets

1090 Words
Lynnsey didn't have time to mourn her stillborn babies. She lay on the ground, feeble, and then she felt her abdominal cramped again. Such pain was not strange to her because she had experienced the same feeling just before giving birth. She touched her belly and felt something strange. Was it not done? Lynnsey's eyes widened in shock. She hurriedly exerted all her strength to push out, and the blood gushed out between her legs again. She felt torn apart again. If it weren't for thinking of her babies, Lynnsey would have already passed out. But she knew she couldn't black out right now. Otherwise, her baby would be suffocated in her womb. Lynnsey had to bite the tip of her tongue to keep herself sober. Soon, she heard a faint cry and her eyes lit up a little bit. She managed to sit up to take a look. She gave birth to a pair of twins again. She actually had quadruplets! No wonder her belly was surprisingly huge and she went into labor early. It turned out that she had four babies. However, she lost the first two boys. If Amber could send her two babies to the hospital in time, they would surely survive. For the first time, Lynnsey hated her little sister whom she had loved for years. She was locked up here for eight months and considered herself a disgrace to the family. She felt guilty and thought it was her fault. But now she knew that she was set up. She never thought that Amber would be so cruel just for the seat as the heir of the Bridge Group. She wouldn't let them off. Lynnsey had to use all her strength and pick up her two babies. It was a boy and a girl. Both of them were covered in liquid, but their eyes were surprisingly beautiful. Lynnsey carefully carried them in her arms and was determined to protect them with her life. Suddenly, she felt the temperature in the warehouse increase strangely fast. When she looked up, she saw the door of the warehouse was on fire. The flames slipped into the warehouse through the cracks. Even the furniture near the door also started burning. "Help! Somebody! Help!" Lynnsey crawled to the door and shouted like crazy. No response from outside. Suddenly, she understood. It was Amber again. Amber killed her two babies, and now, she was trying to burn her to death. Lynnsey owned most of the shares of Bridge Group and she would be the largest shareholder as long as she was alive. In that case, Amber couldn't sit steadily in the position of the new heir as she wished. Therefore, she had to get rid of Lynnsey. With the massive hemorrhage and the "accidental" fire, Lynnsey's death would become reasonable. Lynnsey was forced back into the corner by the fire. The two babies were leisurely sucking their fingers in her arms, unaware of the danger approaching at all. "I won't let anything happen to you," she murmured and turned to look at the two-meter-high window. There was a pile of inflammable materials piled up in the warehouse. The night wind blew the flames rapidly burned down everything in the blink of an eye. Although people in the villa called 911 quickly, the fire still swallowed the entire villa and burned all the goods worth hundreds of millions. The fire was not extinguished until dawn. The servant came over and reported, "Mr. Bridge, the fire is put down and the firefighters believed that someone set the warehouse on fire in the middle of the night." The man in charge of the Bridge family, Cain Bridge, slammed the table and yelled, "Who did it? I want to know his name right now!" Amber standing aside quickly stood out and said softly, "We don't have time for this now, Dad. We should figure out the casualties as soon as possible. There are dozens of people living in the villa. What if someone was killed by the fire last night?" The servant shook his head and answered, "The fire started from the warehouse. Fortunately, no one was killed last night." What? No one was killed? Amber was astonished. She locked Lynnsey in the warehouse, and she was sure the fire could catch Lynnsey. How come she survives? If so, she had to adjust her plan again. Amber took a deep breath and said with some hesitation, "Dad, Lynn was locked up in the warehouse. She was going to go into labor last night, and she begged me to take her to the hospital. But I didn't agree. Do you think she set a fire on purpose because I turned her down?" "What? How dare she! Find her and bring her to me! I want to see her right away!" shouted Cain, and his face twisted in anger. All the goods that were worth hundreds of millions were burned, and he would have to pay billions in liquidated damages. If it weren't for the strong financial background of the Bridge family, they would definitely go bankrupt. Suddenly, another servant rushed in to report, "Mr. Bridge, a female corpse was found in a lake one kilometer away from here. It looks like Ms. Lynnsey!" "What? Lynn killed herself? It was all my fault!" Amber cried out and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart at the same time. "But she just gave birth to two babies last night! Now they have no mother anymore. Poor kids! What should we do now?" Cain didn't grieve his daughter's death at all. He was still mad at Lynnsey for burning down the villa last night, and when he spoke again, he was kind of impatient. "Why should we keep those two bastards? Just find them an orphanage. I've got enough trouble here." "But Dad, they look a lot like Ray Morgado." Amber said slowly, "The man who was with Lynn eight months ago is probably him, the man in charge of the Morgado family." Cain couldn't believe what he heard. "Ray Morgado?" The Morgado family was at the top of East Plergant. They were unreachable to the Bridge family at all. "There are so many people who want to cooperate with the Morgado Group but get no chance. Now that we have Ray's sons, I think we can do something about it." Cain narrowed his eyes and asked, "What are you going to do, Amber?" "I'm going to pay the Morgado family a visit with these two babies."
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