Chapter 1 Please Help Me!

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In the middle of the night, a shrill scream came pierced through the air in the warehouse of the Bridge's villa. Lynnsey Bridge was sweaty and pale as blood gushed out from her lower body. She was only eight months pregnant. How come she was going to give birth already? Was she going to go into labor early? It would be dangerous for both her children and herself. Lynnsey didn't dare to delay and crawled to the door with her hands and feet. She tried her best to knock on the door and shouted, "Paul! I'm going to have a baby! Please take me to the hospital, please!" A middle-aged man in his forties or fifties sitting outside the door with a cigarette between his lips. Hearing this, he said coldly, "Ms. Lynnsey, you are going to give birth to a bastard, father unknown. Do you think Mr. and Mrs. Bridge will send you to the hospital to embarrass themselves? Listen, stay quiet, and don't make a scene here." Lynnsey burst out into tears. Eight months ago, some reporters pictured her half-n***d with a man in a hotel room and made her the biggest laughing stock in East Plergant City. Afterwards, she found herself pregnant, and her father, Cain Bridge, considered her a disgrace and forced her to have an abortion. But Lynnsey managed to escape out of the hospital and ran away. She would rather die than abandon her children. So, Cain locked her up in this small room after he caught her back. Lynnsey was kept here for eight months and couldn't step out of here. "Paul, please, please! My children! Paul, help me!" Lynnsey felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, and her pleading voice became weaker and weaker. But Paul Brown, who was guarding the door, acted as if he heard nothing. He took out another cigarette and lit it up. Blood gushed out from Lynnsey's lower body and soaked her dress. In desperation, she grabbed the doorknob and tried to hit the door with her body. She wouldn't let her children die! "You're crazy! What are you doing?" Paul was getting annoyed and opened the door. He ignored the blood and grabbed Lynnsey's hair hard. Just when he was about to throw her aside, someone came over and stopped him. "What a mess. What's going on?" Hearing the cold voice, Paul paused and turned around, saying respectfully, "Ms. Amber." Lynnsey looked up and saw a woman walking into the warehouse. It was none other than her little sister, Amber Bridge. They grew up together and Lynnsey believed that they were pretty close. She seemed to have seen the last hope and cried out, "Amber, help me! Help my children!" However, Amber put on a faint smile as she said softly, "Paul, she is also a Bridge. How can you treat her like she is a damn dog?" Paul lowered his head and said more respectfully, "Ms. Amber, I didn't want to do that either. But Ms. Lynnsey didn't know what she was doing and was always trying to escape. If people outside knew that Ms. Lynnsey was pregnant with a bastard, the Bridge family name would be disgraced. I do this for the sake of the Bridge family." "Well, then, I should ask my Dad to give you a raise," Amber approved and turned to look at Lynnsey. When she fixed her eyes on Lynnsey's abdomen, she said, "Your child is lucky, Lynn. Dad wants to abort it, but it still survives. He has said that if you give birth to your baby safe and sound, this child will have nothing to do with the Bridge family. But if it dies, we won't bury it either." "My child will not die." Sensing Amber's unfriendly gaze, Lynnsey moved back quickly and clutched her stomach. She was literally covered in blood, even her face and hair were stained with blood and sweat. Her lips were dry and cracked, her eyes were wet with tears in pain. She looked s**t right now. Seeing that the most beautiful woman in East Plergant was in such a mess, Amber suddenly chuckled. "Have you ever wondered why you found yourself with a strange man in a hotel room eight months ago, Lynn?" She bent down, and the tone of her voice was full of sarcasm, "It was me who arranged it, actually." "What did you say?" Lynnsey froze. At the same time, she felt her abdomen cramped again, and more blood gushed out between her legs. Amber smiled in satisfaction, "You have always been the center of attention since we were young. A little princess of the Bridge family who owns half of the shares of Bridge Group and also becomes the heir of the Bridge Group when she turns eighteen. I'm so jealous of you, sister. You are always pure and flawless. So I think, maybe I can turn you into a famous w***e in this city." "What are you..." Lynnsey was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. She had thought about countless possibilities, but she never thought that the one who ruined her life was actually the little sister she cared about the most. "Now, I've become the new heir to the Bridge family during your time here. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you've become the worst reputed woman in East Plergant, Lynn. Your life has been ruined, by me, by the way." Amber's laughter stimulated Lynnsey a lot, and she started to feel her stomach throbbing somewhere between her legs as if tearing apart. She was in so much pain that she almost fainted. Lynnsey couldn't help but let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground. Her face was as pale as a sheet. She opened her legs instinctively, and more blood gushed out. She felt a force squeezed her lower body, and she seemed to be torn apart. She didn't know how long she could hold on until she heard a baby's cry.
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