Rose's Seduction

1176 Words

Rose’s POV: 1 week later. Captain Jackson’s recovery was remarkable, even the doctor couldn’t believe the transformation.  I was bringing the Captain and Emma breakfast, as she refused to leave his side, when I walked in the doctor was already there. “Well Captain, a week ago I had you pegged for dead.  It is remarkable how quickly you healed, a miracle even” Captain Jacskon smiled at Emma “Must be my devoted and exquisite nurse” he stroked Emma’s cheek as he said this.  I felt a pang of jealousy, staring at the both of them, he adored her, I would even say loved her, why could that not be me and Thorn? The doctor cleared his throat and gave the Captain a small smile “Must be, well captain I’m off, some of the men still need me after the attack” I walked out with the cabin with the d

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